His brew and warm rinse sore spot, trying to keep it as long as possible on the sick area of the gums.
Do this often have: 3 to 5 times during the quarter - half an hour, after which the pain subsides.
Another way of getting rid of a toothache:
The ear is put back plantain and keep to the disappearance of a toothache, after half an hour, an hour the pain goes away.
In Siberia, toothache treated well.
Wrist rub the inside of the garlic. Then chop finely garlic, tied it to a pulse (to put a cloth on the wrist), tightly bandaged hand.
When a toothache is felt on the right side, then garlic is applied to the pulse of the left hand, and vice versa.
Acute dental pain is best relieved by cold water, which is held in the mouth until it warms up. Then spit it out and type a new one. At the same time apply a cold compress cheek.
Sometimes it makes it easy to head and neck massage.
If toothache neuralgic character, when there is no heat or swelling, while in some cases, helps more hot compresses than cold.
If the above measures do not help, then it is best to fill with hot water muslin bag and attach it to the cheek by a bandage or a small piece of bacon on the aching tooth.
Prayer. Holy Hieromartyr Antipas ... Bishop of Pergamon (helps toothache)
About safely you own congregation, St. Antipas, a strong concern and excessive love of verbal sheep of his showing, for whom, and laid down his life. Being thrown into a red-hot copper bull, thou art the death of his praying for the world, and most of all for those who will call you, praying for the healing of various diseases.
Dar neuteshimuyu heal toothache sufferers to ask you from the Lord, and forgiveness of their sins, and the future of the court excuse remember thee, my dear saint, Antipas!
With warm tears from the depths of hearts crying beseech thee, holy martyr, not despise sighs of ours, and grace dannoyu from God for the healing of dental disease, Heal us, obsessed with this unbearable disease, to be free from suffering, happily cultivated, we accomplished the feat of good chanting and glorifying the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
Inflammation of the oral mucosa
Air marsh.
1 teaspoon of Calamus, well milled, to insist on the 1, 5 cups of boiling water, drain. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
2 tablespoons minced roots pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, drain the hot, cool, used to rinse 3-4 times a day.
1 teaspoon crushed root pour 1 cup boiling water, boil 10 minutes, for 4 hours and used for rinsing.
Common oak.
1 tablespoon chopped bark pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Use to rinse.