Asthmatic bronchitis


In the treatment of a sequence:

1. The kettle pour 1 cup of water, add a teaspoon of baking soda. When the water boils, to "tip" to put on the kettle from a paper tube and breathe this steam for 10-15 minutes sputum.

2. Drink slowly sips a glass of hot milk, which dissolved a teaspoon of ghee healthy (internal lard).

Back and chest rub hot mixture: a teaspoon of healthy plus a teaspoon of kerosene. Wear woolen clothes to warm up for a good night.

Continue this treatment is usually 2-3 weeks.

Traditional methods of treatment

As an expectorant and diuretic:

Tea from the flowers of red clover and St. John's wort with honey. Drink warm.

Treatment of rhinitis and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, larynx, trachea.

Take a mixture of honey and aloe juice. Cut off the lower leaves of aloe rinse with water, cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice. Honey diluted aloe juice at the rate of 1: 5, take 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day for 1-2 months.

Honey inhalation (30% honey water solution) are carried out at home. For this, the kettle with a small amount of water.

After boiling add 1 tablespoon of honey, on the spout wear rubber tube and through it gently inhale the vapors of water with honey. As the cooling water in the teapot to warm it periodically. Long term inhalation of 15-20 minutes.

Inhalation - linden flowers + Colour + plantain leaves chamomile and sage, 10 g per 1 cup boiling water.

Drink hot milk with butter: 3/4 cup of milk, 50 g of oil.

When coughing of unknown origin:

Drink the juice of turnips, mixed with honey. Radish juice drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for coughs and hoarseness.

When you cough, whooping cough and bronchitis use the recipe:

0, 5 kg minced onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar, boiled in 1 liter of water for 3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A mixture of 1 teaspoon honey and 2 tablespoons of dill and a pinch of salt, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and strain. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours.

Bioenergy - the key factors for a successful self-

Key factors for successful self bioenergy as an example of pain in the stomach.

For pains in the stomach to perform the following exercises: lying down, relax.

Make calm, breathe free as possible (up to the border of pain in the stomach) with a delay, and after 10-15 seconds - slow exhalation.

During inhalation figuratively create a kind of light in the area of ​​increasing cloud or something else. Perhaps it is difficult to implement for those who have not developed creative thinking, but without representation clot bioenergy self fail. During the delay after entering the image is fixed.

Then, during the release should be mentally send this "cloud" in the stomach, where there the energy balance. If for a moment to lose, "cloud" out of sight, it will be immediately captured by the solar plexus or enters into a common nervous system without the need of increased bioenergy in a given locality.

Distribution of bioenergy generated every breath, must be repeated in the case of stomach pain every 2 hours and 10 minutes. 2-3 session felt improvement. Before going to sleep you must keep this idea of ​​self-suggestion and begun ordering subconscious do all that, you still do your own.

The fact is that if the brain focuses on such thoughts, then, going to sleep, this one holds that required thought and subconscious all forced to work on it. All transactions clot bioenergy and transport it to the right place will take place under the control of the subconscious mind, which is in the nervous system plays an incomparably greater role than consciousness.

The focus on the sense of the previous procedure, the mobilization of fantasy for a speculative way and regular exercise - are the main factors necessary for a successful self-medication.

Psychic healer should keep in mind: the treatment must be carried out bioenergovozdeystviem program on the healing of the mucous membrane.

Traditional medicine: bronchial asthma


Folk medicine recommends for a successful struggle with asthma to become a vegetarian.

There are cases when the condition of patients improved with the use of raw vegan food.

Asthmatics advised to drink raw vegetable juices.

In a sudden (mostly at night) fit to ingest barley drink with pieces of ice, smell ammonia, put mustard plasters to the calves, the body rub brushes.

In the sickroom the air should always be fresh, do not allow smoking in the room, as if full of smoke and you can not open the window, it must be very close to the head of the bed of the patient, put a saucer filled with ammonia.

The recipe collection for the infusion of herbs:

1 cup water, 1/2 cup of burdock May, 1/2 cup of a leaf, 1 teaspoon fresh fir (needles), mix, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, leave for 5-6 days in a dark place, drink 1 tablespoon 1 once a day per week in the morning and at bedtime.

Prevention and Treatment of Influenza


Traditional methods of treatment of influenza.

Effective honey-garlic paste: peeled garlic grate, mix 1: 1 with honey (preferably linden)

and take before bedtime and 1 tablespoon warm water and drink.

Mix carrot juice with milk and honey in half. Take 1 tablespoon six times a day.

The perfect tool - lime tea, cranberry juice and add the juice of a maple tree. Drink at will throughout the day.

Mix two tablespoons of fresh olive oil, two yolk, one teaspoon of flour and 2 teaspoons of honey. Take 2 teaspoons 7-8 times a day.

1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of rose hips, currants 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon raspberry pour boiling water to 1000 ml.

Withstand 15 minutes, drink 3 times a day for 0, 5 cups before eating.

Chronic Bronchitis


Chronic bronchitis develops from acute, as a result of medical treatment of the latter. As already mentioned, the lungs and bronchi has a negative effect conglomerate demineralized (ie refined) starchy foods -

white bread, cakes, all kinds of products made with white flour or refined grains, white sugar, jams, boiled potatoes, and so on. d. Especially if you add to this the excessive amount of meat and fatty foods.

Of course, not necessarily in humans eating food described above will bronchitis. It may be rheumatism and neuritis, and other forms of acidity. Often I hear that a person who lives in this way, it is still ill.

If the chest is weak due to poor nutrition, smoking, stay in the musty atmosphere indoors, disease control drugs, and so on. D. Then it is very likely to cause bronchitis.

This disease also predispose wearing excessive amounts of clothing.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Daily cleaning of the blood, cleaning of the bronchial tree. If a patient goes to a natural treatment, he soon will understand what healing powers concluded in his own body.

In relatively mild cases start with 5-7-10 daily diet full of fruit.

In more severe cases, start with a 3-5 day fasting, then go on a diet of 10-14 days.

After that (in both cases) go on food. In the future, if necessary, such periods of treatment repeated every 2-3 months.

In the first days of treatment, if necessary, put a warm enema.

In the morning, dry rubbing, breathing and other exercises. Do not forget that very often it is important to visit the open air, plenty of walks.

Most of the food should be fresh fruits and vegetables. From the local treatment of the breast is best packs in the evenings. Remove packs evening.

Bioenergy must remember the main form of treatment, it is:

1) treatment of the bronchial tree;

2) purification of the blood;

3) the distribution of energy;

4) pumping energy of the patient;

5) psycho patient's body.

Do not forget, it requires cleaning of the bronchial tree at the same time on both sides (from the back and chest).

Traditional methods of treatment of chronic bronchitis:

Grandmother insists primarily on this form of treatment:

1. To collect violets, snowdrop in the morning, while the sun is still sleeping. Store in a dark place to dry in the shade. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried flowers per cup of boiling water. Make a water bath for 15 minutes. Once cooled, filtered.

Drink 3 times a day for 0, 5 cups. Young children add syrup, sugar. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used for gargling.

2. In a saucepan pour enamelled glass of milk and put 1 tablespoon of sage leaf. Boil the mixture again (no more than 2 minutes). Drink the decoction hot as possible (only not to burn) at night before bed, 0, 5 cups.

3. boiled turnip juice with honey is useful in the treatment of bronchitis. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day (0, 5 cups of juice - 2 tablespoons honey).

4. Grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Well mix the juice with honey and drink before going to sleep to 4 tablespoons in the morning and 3 tablespoons (2 large radishes 3 tablespoons of honey).

5. Boil a glass of fresh milk, put 2 figs (fruit), 2 minutes. 3 times a day after meals for 1 glass in hot form.

Eggnog (egg yolks, beaten with sugar and rum), as well help cough bronchitis, if it has an empty stomach.

Mix the juice of radish or carrot with milk or honey drink (half), and drink 1 tablespoon six times a day.

Mix two tablespoons of unpasteurized butter, fresh eggs, two egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of flour and 2 teaspoons of honey. Ingest one teaspoon several times a day.

In the spring of cough is useful to drink birch sap or maple sap and milk.

To facilitate the sputum is useful to take cranberry juice syrup with sugar or honey. Take necessary often to 1 tablespoon.

During treatment, drink instead of tea decoction of strawberry.

Grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Well mix the juice with honey and drink the liquid to 2 tablespoons before meals and before going to bed in the evening. It is also useful in diseases of the liver and kidneys.
