Usually it suffers mucosa, but sometimes ill and deeper structures.
Cystitis is chronic and acute.
The disease may occur more frequently in diseases and reproductive system.
Infection is here - the main factor.
Treatment of cystitis
Fasting until acute symptoms. Bed mode. Drink only water and orange juice. Warm enema in the evening.
When the acute symptoms disappear, go to the 2-4-day fruit diet, and behind it - the fruit and milk diet. Milk drink initially to 1 liter, and then - no more than 1, 5 liters.
Gradually move to the recommended diet.
In the morning, dry grinding, physical and breathing exercises. Hot baths with Epsom salts, 2 times a week.
Recipes for the treatment of cystitis:
St. John's wort collected in the flowering period. Boil, boil water bath for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Grass parsley second year of life mixed with the seeds of parsley. Boil the mixture of 30 g in 200 g water. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
15 grams of nettle leaves to fill in 1 cup boiling water. Infuse for 20-30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Cleaning the kidney:
Drink tea made from dried flowers of pumpkin with honey (sugar). Drink 3-5 am 7 days.
10 days break, 3 courses.
During acute cystitis cleaning required!
And there is one ancient rural way of treatment of cystitis.
Women in villages are still only so treat cystitis:
Boil in "uniforms" small potatoes in a bucket of water, drain, and themselves, wrapped warm feet and wrapped from the waist with a bucket in a blanket, sit down without underwear on this bucket, and so 30 minutes.
After 3-4 days you are healthy.
Blood in the urine.
The immediate cause of the disease is often damaged or kidney or ureter, or bladder, or urethra, just because of the damage caused by a stone or due to illness of the prostate gland.
We need to find the reason causing the bleeding and treat the underlying disease. This disease can be serious.
If the cause can not be established, then you just proposti a few days, after which the healer must bioenergovozdeystviem go to clean the genitourinary system.
Together with the doctor to observe the patient daily.
Blockage of the renal tubules
This is usually the first sign of kidney disease.
Because of the reasons mentioned earlier, in the kidney for years accumulated poisons that interfere with the normal blood flow in the capillaries of kidneys.
Treatment of renal tubule occlusion.
If it is a simple blockage of blood to the kidneys, you should immediately begin to treat natural methods, then the patient will avoid completely the subsequent stages of acute and chronic kidney disease.
However, the disease usually suppressed by medicines, thereby often begins chronic disease.
While the last attack of the disease, one should fast on the water and orange juice.
In the evening, put a warm enema.
Thereafter, for several days to sit at full fruit diet, and then move to the dietetic food.
During the post to take a hot bath with a solution of Epsom salts sea (this is very useful), every day or every other day.
After a bath with Epsom salts obmytsya need warm water.
Several times a day to the area of the kidneys to impose wet compresses. Last night cast.
Complete rest to recover.
Treatment of renal disease, causes
Causes of kidney disease are:
1) improper diet, especially overeating and alcohol abuse;
2) the overwhelming medical treatment previous illnesses;
3) The wrong way of life in general (including lack of exercise);
4) hypothermia and injuries.
Natural treatment to address the causes of the disease and provides a permanent cure, but it is achieved through hard work of the healer-physician fitoterapevta and faith of the patient.
Kidney ... After them is a significant part of the waste of human life (the body).
Any violation of the kidneys leads to violations throughout the body
Acute kidney disease is often the result of allergies, infections transferred as well as the result of improper medication.
Kidney disease can be caused by the abuse of strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, sauces, condiments, etc.
Tea and coffee are known as a diuretic. Their diuretic effect due to the fact that the kidneys try to get rid of annoying they contain purines and toxins, it also applies to alcohol.
The healer must be remembered that the kidneys are easily exposed to energy. Work must be very gently, gently.
Above all, this removes harmful substances from the kidneys. It is necessary to soften as the kidney, to make obedient.
After that, work on the scheme: the splitting of diseased cells, removes toxins from the body, laying the same program (cleaning) for all channels throughout the genitourinary system, then remove the inflammatory processes, be sure to pay attention to clean up the blood.
And only after this work should closely examine the kidney cells using the method of "challenge-response" ask to see a red and black.
Do not forget daily during treatment, to apply the method of programming. And only after these pump up the energy throughout the body and the kidney itself.
The latter program, which you lay, working on the cerebral cortex, is this: "I take my information on this disease and give information about a healthy body." The form can be arbitrary, but the meaning has to stay that way.
Of course, do not forget about such a strong auxiliaries, such as psychotherapy.
Natural treatment that helps rather than hinders the kidneys normally perform his functions, gives amazing results.
Traditional medicine: Eczema, allergies, hives in children
Traditional medicine recipes: Eczema, allergies, hives in children
Only use baby soap when bathing children.
1. Infusion: nettle leaves, grass Oregano, a succession of tripartite, chamomile flowers, valerian root, licorice root.
Mix plants in equal proportions (1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath, infuse 45 minutes, drain.
Giving children up to a year - on 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for children up to 3 years - 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day for children older than - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Take 30 minutes before meals.
Plants mixed in equal amounts (for example, 10 trays). Take 5 tablespoons of mixture per liter of water in the bath. Pour 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, insist 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath water (the temperature should not exceed 36-38 ° C).
Make a day for 2-3 weeks for 5-10 minutes.
With strong itching and swelling - lotion with a decoction of oak bark, grass Hypericum perforatum, a succession of tripartite, peppermint leaves, take equal 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, insist 10 minutes, filter.
Warm broth moistened cloth is applied to inflamed skin, a lotion can be fixed with a bandage. Hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat 4-5 times per day.
In especially serious disease - a poultice. The same set of grass put in a gauze bag, steamed in boiling water, cool to tolerable temperature and gently squeeze applied to the affected places.
The procedure is repeated until you stop itching. You can do several times a day as needed.
Recipe for eczema and wounds:
1. Fir balsam (oleoresin) - a good remedy for eczema, wounds, ulcers.
2. Take a fresh pine resin 50 g, butter - 50 grams, honey - 50 grams - all mixed well, and then lubricate the areas affected by the wet eczema, wounds, ulcers.
All of this grind, mix, 1 tablespoon mixture pour cold water 250-300 m, 2-3 hours, then boil for 2-3 minutes. Allow to stand until completely cool, drain.