Folk remedies, recipes to cleanse and strengthen the body

Cleansing the blood is carried out by the following method, it requires:

1) Take 2 kg of grapefruit +1 kg orange +1 kg lemon.

Squeeze the juice and divided into 3 days.

Before the procedure, clean the intestines. Cleansing the blood is 1 per year.

2) By embracing birch for 7 days, then hugging birch (lean against a birch) 1 every three months;

Cleansing the liver and intestines:

20 g of corn (or olive oil, unrefined sunflower) oil + 50 grams of lemon juice (cranberry juice or cranberry).

Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 7 days. Do not be afraid that burns in the stomach a few days will the stones from the intestine.

Well while cleansing the liver and intestines breakfast cooked rice, nepodsolenym.

Strengthening the tone of the whole organism and the purification of the heart and surrounding tissues of toxins, which enables the heart to work properly:


1. 100 grams of garlic crushed in a porcelain bowl.

The resulting mass shift to the milk bottle, pour 150 grams of vodka, close the cap, shake well, wrap the bottle of black cloth, put on 13 days in a cool place.

Then strain and take before meals consisting of: 50 g of warm boiled milk (goat's best) and 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day.

It is better to do it in the winter.

Store the bottle at room temperature, wrapped in orange cloth or paper.

2. Celandine (grass - 1 tablespoon of raw materials), pour a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times. Within a month 1 time in 3 days.

Recipe eliminate senile diseases:

Take the juice of the earth - the mummy, tree sap, sugar cane juice stones - Feldspar, mix, make the powder and drink once a day.

Onion - helps the awakening of sexual desire.

It promotes hormonal balance and rejuvenate the body. To get a powerful impetus to the success of an intimate relationship, it is helpful to eat on an empty stomach (you can with bread), a raw onions - 3 days in a row and one fresh boiled protein (protein kills the smell of onions).

Note: the knife does not cut the onions, eat onions without salt.

Sweet strengthens the power of the body, the immune system is restored. It is useful to young and old (well everything except sugar).

Sour - generates heat, stimulates the appetite.

Bitter - cures loss of appetite, infections, quenches thirst, returns the voice (well there are hot peppers), bitter good at swelling of the throat, throat ulcers.

Traditional methods of getting rid of warts


Uprooted stem the cut (oblique) ears of corn. Spearhead straw prick several times a wart and immediately buried in the damp straw in the ground, the roots up.

After a few days, when the straw is rotted, the warts will disappear without a trace.

If there is no such stem from the root, it is recommended the following method.

Take a small potato, cut it in half, one half to throw (the superstitious witch doctors say they have to throw over his head, back away from you), and the second half to rub all the warts (cut side) and this part of the potatoes immediately dig into the ground in a dry place it to dry there and would not begin to grow. A few days later, when the potatoes are dry, warts disappear.

Juice of celandine - lubricated or applying moistened cloth on the warts.

Ash wood willow mixed with vinegar, as an ointment. If the mixture is applied to the warts, they dry and fall off.

Pound castor bean (castor) and apply it to the wart - it reduces the warts and freckles.

Unripe berries figs if their juice to grease or put in the form of drug dressing on warts, birthmarks - they will disappear. You can apply and fig leaves, but they are weaker.

Juice rue herb garden - a good remedy for warts and white patches on the body. They smeared or applied in the form of drug dressing.

Cut the apple into 2 parts. One half is good to rub the wart, and the other half buried in the ground. When the second half of apple rot - warts disappear.

Traditional methods of treatment of corns, ingrown nails


Traditional methods of treatment of corns



Before going to bed to steam foot in hot water and then wipe dryness and bind to the corn cake with a little lemon lemon flesh.

It is best to cut a little "crust" of lemon.

After 4-5 days, the corn should go completely.


Soak in vinegar onion peel within 2 weeks.

Apply to corn husk layer and tie for the night.

Repeat several times, and the corn will disappear.



Calluses on the soles of the feet

Change shoes. Shoes should not compress the toes.

This trouble is particularly susceptible to women wearing high-heeled shoes.

For pain relief to do a hot bath with a solution of Epsom salts for 5-10 minutes in the evening and in the morning, apply aloe leaf.

Traditional methods of treating ingrown nails.

Leather fingertip butter and fill every day before going to bed to put on a toe.

Do this for 2-3 weeks in a row.

The nail and soften the pain stop.

This is followed with a knife gently lift the corner of the nail grows by putting on nail pieces of gauze or blotting paper, then tie a finger.

Sore spot heals and the pain stopped.

To prevent re-growth of the nail should wear shoes larger and more spacious.

The stones in the kidney or bladder, prevention


The stones in the kidney or bladder

It is a painful condition. Stones in the bladder may be formed on their own or get it from the kidneys. The reasons are many stone formation.

This is the water we drink, and the reason is purely dietary nature.

Treatment should be directed solely to the cleansing of the body, and this is achieved above all by fasting, strict diet and high energy healer, as the stones need to break down, to turn in the sand, and then excreted.

The urine of the patient becomes a dark brown color, floating flakes. In no event it is impossible to deduce the whole stone, not splitting it into the sand.

To do this, you must pass a huge stream of mental energy at the fingertips of his right hand.

Go through the kidney, stop on a stone, and mentally as if the hand enter into the kidney, then posalivayuschim movement of the right hand split the stone and remove sand.

Mandatory program for splitting stone and anesthesia procedures.

The stones in the kidney or bladder

Traditional methods of treatment:

Take olive oil (or linseed) for half an hour before a meal, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose to 100 grams. Treatment lasts 12 to 20 days.

Observations traditional healers, resulting in reduced secretion of gastric juice, which in turn prevents the formation of ulcers in the stomach. And so you can get rid of gall bladder stones without surgery.

It is necessary to prepare such a composition:

Pour the boiling water, leave for 30 minutes on a steam bath:

- Greater celandine (grass) - 10 g, dandelion (roots) - 20 g, knotweed (grass) - 15 g, corn silk - 15 g, St. John's wort (herb) - 20 g, Viola tricolor (grass) - 10 g , anise ordinary (fruits) - 10 g, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day in the form of warm tea for 30 minutes before eating.

- Madder dyeing (root) - 20 g, harrow the field (grass) - 15 g, silver birch (leaf) - 10 grams, kidney tea (herb) - 15 g, horsetail (grass) - 10 g, chamomile (flowers ) - 15 grams, dill (seed) - 15 g, take as the 2/3 cup warm tea 3 times a day.

Prevention of urolithiasis

Birch buds - 15 g insist cup of boiling water, taken one hour before a meal.

Knotweed - 20 g to insist in 1 cup boiling water for 2 hours. Take 3 times a day 1 time per week.

Rosehip, raisins, dandelion, tansy, cranberries (or viburnum) 20 grams per 2-liter thermos and drink throughout the day, once a week for 2-3 months.
