Hypertension causes and treatment of folk remedies


Arterial hypertension, high blood pressure - a state of vascular tone, which can vary depending on the load on the human organism.


Hypertension is of two types.

Primary hypertension (90%), high blood pressure develops due to:

Nervous and physical overload, overeating, fat and meat food, overweight, sedentary life, alcohol, coffee, dehydration (produced histamine, lends vessels), the change in the weather when the temperature rises enhanced depth and respiration rate - reduced rate 1% carbon dioxide at the rate of 6-6, 5%.

Secondary hypertension - is a consequence of kidney disease, narrowing of the aorta (especially in children), adrenal disease, hormonal glands, diabetes medication.

The first digit of pressure - a condition of the heart vessels, the second - the state of the vessels of the body (peripheral).

Everyone should know their "working" pressure at which feels good. If the state has changed and increased blood pressure, take action.

Treatment folk remedies

With increased pressure provide fresh air and the outflow of blood from the head: dress socks soaked with vinegar; Make a foot bath with mustard, attach to the calves and soles of the hot heating pads; substitute his hands under hot water or rub hands well; the head put something cold (wet towels, ice, etc.), lie down.

Take 40-50 drops of valerian, motherwort, peony, hawthorn, validol.

Take short breaths and long breaths, hold your breath up to 30 seconds. Short breath and exhale a long or a little breath, hold your breath for 15 seconds, further possible increase the time to 30 seconds, and exhale.

Drink 1-2 glasses of salted water, 2 g of salt in 2 liters of pure water.

The cure is permissible slight decrease in pressure (1/2 or 1/4 of the pill), drink a glass of salt water.

After 20 minutes, the crisis will pass.

In no case can not be put mustard plasters on his head, can lead to disastrous results, there will be a sharp outflow of blood from the brain.

Hypertension is required vitamin C, P, it will provide you with the elasticity of blood vessels and the removal of plaque in blood vessels. If the body reacts allergic to useful, but imported fruit, replace them with the same local.

Learn how to breathe properly, frequently laugh, talk, read, sing, do not dehydration, let feasible load on the muscles - and you forget what hypertension and high blood pressure.

I wish you health.

High blood pressure treatment of folk remedies


Folk remedies under pressure. Hypertensive heart disease, high blood pressure   - widespread vascular disease, one of the causes of heart disease.

The most dangerous thing that it can lead to infection of other major organs such as the pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen.

Prolonged elevated pressure causes a disease of the heart, left ventricle, aorta expands - as a result of developing heart failure, ischemia.

Blood pressure - a pressure of the artery walls caused by the heart and is transmitted through the blood. Normal blood pressure can be roughly calculated as follows: take a number of years the patient and add to this the number one hundred.

Blood pressure is the best indicator of how the heart, and which to the blood vessels in the expansion or contraction as: the expansion of the blood pressure drops, such as heart disease.

High blood pressure, what to do?

By narrowing the contrary pressure rises (when sclerosis) and can reach up to 250 and above. Such a high pressure indicates a very heavy heart and his condition is dangerous.

Recommendations at elevated pressure

The patient, who was found high blood pressure should not consume mostly dark meat, beans and peas. Then, as far as possible to eat less fat, sweet and fresh bread, replacing it with breadcrumbs. Also, drink less water, as it also increases the pressure.

Instead of bread is better to consume rice. But as much as possible to eat dairy products, especially yogurt and whey drink.

At a high, elevated pressure in a patient appears tinnitus, ringing, shortness of breath and heart beat in a special way, special sound echoes in the ears.

High blood pressure treatment of folk remedies

Navar berries hawthorn (Crataegus). The berries are cleaned from the seeds, pour cold water in the evening, about two cups of water a quarter of a pound of fruits and berries in the morning, the same water is boiled for a short time, and drain, drink broth. This is a remedy for amoebic dysentery. Hawthorn drink a month.

Red bilberry. In folk medicine, used the juice from the berries with milder forms of hypertension.

Infusion of valerian. 10 g of roots and rhizomes pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 30 minutes for 2 hours. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily after meals.

A decoction of valerian. 10 g of crushed roots and rhizomes (the length of the particles should be less than 3 mm), pour 300 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, filter. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times daily after meals.

Folk remedies under increased pressure

Powders valerian. Pound in a mortar roots. Take 2 grams three times a day. Treatment valerian long since effect develops slowly.

Calendula officinalis. Used alcoholate. For this purpose, 100 ml of alcohol was added 40 g of calendula flowers. Insist one week. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for a long time.

Bulb onions. Eat 1-2 bulbs per day.

Lonicera caerulea is a very effective tool: use fresh berries.

Potatoes. Hypertension eating a baked potato "in uniform" with the skin, as it contains a lot of potassium, but it lowers the diastolic pressure.

Folk remedy under pressure: Garlic helps to reduce the pressure, then the fat of potato peels (1-2 glasses a day).

Red clover - with the purpose of treatment using whole inflorescence. A tablespoon of flowers to make a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Beet red (Buryak). With the purpose of treatment using beet roots containing proteins, fats, and organic folic acid, iron and other substances. Beet juice with honey (tie) is recommended for hypertension on a tablespoon 4-5 times a day, 2 to 3 weeks for a course of treatment.

Blackcurrant. A decoction of dried fruit: 2 tablespoons of dried fruits, pour a glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, infuse 1 hour, drain. Drink 1/4 cup of broth to 4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Raspberries (assembled) - 2 parts grass Oregano - 2 parts lime flowers heart-- 2 parts list mother and stepmother - 2 parts plantain leaves - 2 parts, birch leaf white - 1 piece, shoots bottlebrush field - 3 parts, grass and seeds of dill - 3 pieces, rose hips (pound) - 5 pieces. Boil 2, 5 cups of boiling water, simmer 30 minutes, drain. Take pressurized with 150 ml of infusion 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating. Taste is highly pleasant, aromatic odor.

1 table. tablespoon honey, 1 cup of beet juice, 1 cup of carrot juice, 1 cup of juice horseradish (grated horseradish previously insisted the water for 36 hours), the juice of 1 lemon, all mixed, take 1 cup 2 times a day 1 hour before meal. The course of treatment - 1, 5 months.

Diseases of the eye, traditional methods for pain, glaucoma, conjunctivitis


Eye Disease

When the pain - a lotion made from fresh cucumbers (peeled 1/2 cup, 1/2 cup of boiling water, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.


Lotions infusion of herbs collected in May: to 1 cup water 1/2 cup of nettle petals lily of the valley - 1 tsp, all mix, insist 8-9 days in a dark place, then add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

The resulting mass to make lotions to the sore spot.

Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye)

Smear sore spots for the night for 10-15 minutes before bedtime infusion of raw eggs: 2 protein, 1/2 cup of cold boiled water, let stand for 30-40 minutes in the heat.

Damage to the eye

The bruises under his eyes are best treated by immediate immersion in cold water and overlay wet cold bandages.

Foreign objects from the eye is removed by wrapping the upper eyelid.

When inflammation of the eyes is best to help cold baths for the eyes and cold compresses.


The Holy Martyr Longinus, the centurion (the healing of the eye)

Pilate commanded thee, sv.muchenik Longin with your warriors stand on guard at the cross of the Lord Jesus, you, who had sore eyes and heal from a drop of blood, kapnuvshey you in the eye when the Lord probodeny were spear ribs at the same time, the spiritual has gained insight and saw the miracles, the crucifixion of the Lord and the earthquake occurred, and a solar eclipse, and the dead from the grave Sunday, apparently confessed Jesus Christ - the Son of God.

Then, trembling, having seen pieces of silver given by the council for the concealment of the Resurrection, you have rejected them, and Christ preached, at the top has been truncated.

A few years later, the widow of a kind, not seen, appearing in a dream, sv.muchenik you to visit the place where your venerable head remained in obscurity.

It is found, the woman was looking for faith in her blindness, her eyes a medicine, and kissed, she had an epiphany.

Therefore, we pray thee, sv.muchenik Christ, Longinus: aching eyes and your ambulance heal them to get rid of his illness, they did not want to see anything inflame lust, but rushed to the contemplation of beauty, glorifying God.

