Hypotension low blood pressure causes, symptoms

 Hypotension low blood pressure
Low pressure

Hypotension low blood pressure due to the low vascular tone.


This usually occurs after mental stress, infectious diseases or malnutrition.

Causes of low blood pressure are the same - a chronic illness, mental or physical exhaustion, abuse of drugs, dehydration, alcohol, smoking.


Low blood pressure can cause a lot of discomfort. The symptoms - dizziness, headache, fatigue, insomnia, edema (sign of dehydration). Most often there are weakness, drowsiness, fatigue.

People with low blood pressure is not enough air, so they are constantly yawn. There is irritability, nervousness, if you exercise quickens the pulse. There is a sensitivity to heat and cold, and sometimes fainting occur.

How to increase low blood pressure

To eliminate fatigue, headaches and other symptoms of low blood pressure, it is enough to increase the pressure. You can do this simple way.

Council drink coffee - bad advice. Coffee works as a diuretic further dehydrating (short-term relief).

But extracts of hawthorn, wild rose, valerian, chamomile soothe and give full sleep. Drink juice.

Raise the low blood pressure may be foods that are high in salt. It herring, pickles and tomatoes, red caviar and other savory dishes.

Low blood pressure increases with nervous excitement and the physical load.

It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and moderate sports. This will help to stabilize and improve health.

Health to you and your family!

Do you have a proven method or means to increase low blood pressure? Please share with our readers add their own way in the commentary.

Hypertension causes and treatment of folk remedies


Arterial hypertension, high blood pressure - a state of vascular tone, which can vary depending on the load on the human organism.


Hypertension is of two types.

Primary hypertension (90%), high blood pressure develops due to:

Nervous and physical overload, overeating, fat and meat food, overweight, sedentary life, alcohol, coffee, dehydration (produced histamine, lends vessels), the change in the weather when the temperature rises enhanced depth and respiration rate - reduced rate 1% carbon dioxide at the rate of 6-6, 5%.

Secondary hypertension - is a consequence of kidney disease, narrowing of the aorta (especially in children), adrenal disease, hormonal glands, diabetes medication.

The first digit of pressure - a condition of the heart vessels, the second - the state of the vessels of the body (peripheral).

Everyone should know their "working" pressure at which feels good. If the state has changed and increased blood pressure, take action.

Treatment folk remedies

With increased pressure provide fresh air and the outflow of blood from the head: dress socks soaked with vinegar; Make a foot bath with mustard, attach to the calves and soles of the hot heating pads; substitute his hands under hot water or rub hands well; the head put something cold (wet towels, ice, etc.), lie down.

Take 40-50 drops of valerian, motherwort, peony, hawthorn, validol.

Take short breaths and long breaths, hold your breath up to 30 seconds. Short breath and exhale a long or a little breath, hold your breath for 15 seconds, further possible increase the time to 30 seconds, and exhale.

Drink 1-2 glasses of salted water, 2 g of salt in 2 liters of pure water.

The cure is permissible slight decrease in pressure (1/2 or 1/4 of the pill), drink a glass of salt water.

After 20 minutes, the crisis will pass.

In no case can not be put mustard plasters on his head, can lead to disastrous results, there will be a sharp outflow of blood from the brain.

Hypertension is required vitamin C, P, it will provide you with the elasticity of blood vessels and the removal of plaque in blood vessels. If the body reacts allergic to useful, but imported fruit, replace them with the same local.

Learn how to breathe properly, frequently laugh, talk, read, sing, do not dehydration, let feasible load on the muscles - and you forget what hypertension and high blood pressure.

I wish you health.

Cosmetics and traditional medicine


The word "cosmetics" comes from the Greek "Cosme", which means beauty. Doing makeup - it means adorn or decorate someone.

Cosmetics is the most ancient art. Antimony Pharaohs painted eyebrows and eyelashes, red or gold paint was covered with nails, recipes, preparation of which the Egyptian priests kept in great secrecy.

A Greek woman eyelashes blackened with soot, and then secured it with a mixture of egg white and light-colored resin.

From ancient times to the end of the century XVLILI every woman has a beautician itself: follow the advice of grandmothers or invent new recipes. Finally, in France, there was the first factory cosmetic - perfumery products. Since cosmetology gradually became one of the sections of the science of skin diseases - dermatology.

Along with the cosmetology industry drugs there are many popular recipes tested by our ancestors and time.

Here are some of them.

Against acne:

-Vlit Tablespoon calendula tincture in a glass of warm water, add oatmeal or wheat flour and stir well. Apply on the face with a thick layer mask. Hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. Do this procedure every week 2-3. The course of treatment -15-20 masks. If necessary, you can repeat, take a break 1, 5-2 months.

-Vzyat Teaspoon of burdock root, calendula flowers and grass St. John's wort, pour a mixture of 400 g of boiling water for 15 minutes. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, wipe the skin with alcohol, and an hour later you need to rinse your face with cold water.

To get rid of freckles, you can cook at home masks, lotions and juices:

-For Dry skin - on a fine grater grate the cucumber, mix with a tablespoon of any cream, moisten the mixture obtained in gauze and put on the face. If skin is oily, mix cucumber juice with the same amount of vodka before treatment and insist 4:00. The course of treatment - 30 masks.

-Take 4 handfuls of fresh parsley, finely chop, pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Then you need to infuse 1 hour, drain and wipe the face lotion obtained twice a day. Good help in the fight with freckles rub their morning and evening juice onions.

Very useful for the skin daily washing yogurt, sour milk, whey.

To discolor freckles and dark spots on the face, make a mask of 1 tablespoon oatmeal and a quarter cup of sour milk. It is necessary to stir the ingredients to form a paste, put it between two layers of gauze and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Cosmetics and traditional medicine


The word "cosmetics" comes from the Greek "Cosme", which means beauty. Doing makeup - it means adorn or decorate someone.

Cosmetics is the most ancient art. Antimony Pharaohs painted eyebrows and eyelashes, red or gold paint was covered with nails, recipes, preparation of which the Egyptian priests kept in great secrecy.

A Greek woman eyelashes blackened with soot, and then secured it with a mixture of egg white and light-colored resin.

From ancient times to the end of the century XVLILI every woman has a beautician itself: follow the advice of grandmothers or invent new recipes. Finally, in France, there was the first factory cosmetic - perfumery products. Since cosmetology gradually became one of the sections of the science of skin diseases - dermatology.

Along with the cosmetology industry drugs there are many popular recipes tested by our ancestors and time.

Here are some of them.

Against acne:

-Vlit Tablespoon calendula tincture in a glass of warm water, add oatmeal or wheat flour and stir well. Apply on the face with a thick layer mask. Hold for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. Do this procedure every week 2-3. The course of treatment -15-20 masks. If necessary, you can repeat, take a break 1, 5-2 months.

-Vzyat Teaspoon of burdock root, calendula flowers and grass St. John's wort, pour a mixture of 400 g of boiling water for 15 minutes. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, wipe the skin with alcohol, and an hour later you need to rinse your face with cold water.

To get rid of freckles, you can cook at home masks, lotions and juices:

-For Dry skin - on a fine grater grate the cucumber, mix with a tablespoon of any cream, moisten the mixture obtained in gauze and put on the face. If skin is oily, mix cucumber juice with the same amount of vodka before treatment and insist 4:00. The course of treatment - 30 masks.

-Take 4 handfuls of fresh parsley, finely chop, pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Then you need to infuse 1 hour, drain and wipe the face lotion obtained twice a day. Good help in the fight with freckles rub their morning and evening juice onions.

Very useful for the skin daily washing yogurt, sour milk, whey.

To discolor freckles and dark spots on the face, make a mask of 1 tablespoon oatmeal and a quarter cup of sour milk. It is necessary to stir the ingredients to form a paste, put it between two layers of gauze and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. This mask is suitable for all skin types.
