Rheumatism and arthritis popular treatments


Rheumatism and arthritis affecting the bone part of the body. A large number of acidic waste that accumulate in the body must be deposited somewhere (when the body can not throw them out yourself).

And they have a lot of chemical affinity with the bones, because organic lime, from which mainly consists bone, attracts acid for mutual neutralization. The result of this is seen in rheumatic disease - an inflammation that affect all the joints, making them less mobile, will not begin until arthritis.

Treatment: cleanse the body of salt, fasting, folk remedies, energy strong influence.

The recipe of Tibetan medicine.

Contraindicated in gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

Clear 350 grams of garlic, pound in a pottery wooden stick. It is necessary to remove the top layer so that the vessel remains pounded mass with juice Pour 200 g of 90-degree alcohol.

The vessel is closed tightly with a lid and store in a dark place for 10 days, filter through a thick cloth and wring out the residue. After 2-3 days of starting treatment. Drink with drops of cold milk (50 grams of milk at one time).

Drink strictly according to the scheme:

1 day: in the morning - 1 drop, dinner - 2 drops, dinner - 3 drops

Day 2: In the morning - 4 drops, dinner - 5 drops, dinner - 6 drops, etc. up to five days, 15 drops in the evening

Day 6: in the morning - 15 drops, dinner - 14 drops, dinner - 13 drops, etc. up to 10 days - 1 drop in the evening

11th day: in the morning - 15 drops, then 25 drops until complete consumption.

Repeat no less than 5 years.

The medicine treats the fat and water deposits, improves metabolism, resulting in all vessels become elastic.

Traditional methods of treatment:

Cut the root of the fruit of radish cavity, fill it with honey, after 4 hours juice is ready. Rub the diseased organ.

Take half a pound of salt and a quarter pound of dry mustard, add them as highly refined kerosene to obtain a mixture like cream. Rub the night, dryness (considered a weak tool). It also means better than any glycerin softens skin creams.

Means, used for chronic rheumatism with swelling of the joints.

Sew bags, shaped legs and lower torso to the waist. Then pick the birch leaves and fill their bags. In the evening before going to bed to put your feet in the patient's bags so that a fairly thick layer of leaves clung to his feet on all sides.

Legs are much sweat as they have sweated in the steam bath. Sometimes, at midnight, the leaves should be changed if they become too wet. Several such sessions ... and there comes a full recovery. For some patients, this method is particularly pleasant.

Tincture of birch buds in vodka or alcohol.

It is used for rubbing into the skin of the legs or arms. Sometimes birch buds brewed with boiling water and insist for a while in the kettle, then the patient drink it as a tea to induce sweating.

Ointment: Take 800g completely fresh not pasteurized or salted butter, put it in a clay pot with the same layer of the kidney while the pot is almost complete. Close lid to cover the opening around the cap and put the pot test for 24 hours in a well protoplennuyu Russian stove.

Then squeeze the oil from the kidneys and put in it a quarter cup of camphor, comminuted into a powder. Keep ointment in a cool place tightly closed. Rub all patients with rheumatism place at least once a day, you can at bedtime. Ointment from birch buds is considered to be a powerful tool in the treatment of rheumatism.

Healers from time immemorial treated their patients bee stings.

This method is used in the treatment of severe cases of rheumatism. Treatment technique is very simple. Catch (in flower) bee. Take her wings, and applied to the affected area. Bites produce in a day at a small distance from the first bite.

The first day of a bee sting doing, next day - two, three - three and so on until five. Then give the patient one or two days of rest and then bites produce in reverse order.

If the pain does not pass through the week to repeat the course of treatment, and then give the patient two weeks of rest before the third course of treatment, if necessary, that happens very rarely.

Traditional methods:

Fresh earthworms dug up and put them in a glass jar, pour a jar of vodka (vodka should cover the top layer). Close jar of thick paper. Keep the jar in the sun for several days. Rub the affected infusion place rheumatism, once a day at bedtime.



If you suffer from inflammation of the pancreas or want to cleanse the liver from toxins, use the following tips:

In the morning on an empty stomach drink half a glass of hot milk with a bit of sugar dessert spoon of honey.

At the same time, it is imperative: do not drink and do not eat after taking the "medicine" of 4 hours.

After 3-4 days the pain will disappear, you will feel an internal comfort and ease.

On the face appears a natural glow.

A person acquires a beautiful color.

Apply the honey and milk can for a month with a small break.



The gallbladder serves as a reservoir for bile, not used by the body. With the general catarrhal condition of the body when the liver is subjected to excessive load, and becomes sluggish, bile often becomes thick.

If this will form toxins from broken cells, gall stones may begin to appear.

The cause of the disease - many years of poor nutrition and poor lifestyle choices, plus the overwhelming medical treatment of illnesses.

The most predisposing factor for the disease - constipation.

Stones are accumulated over the years. Small stones are free to go along with the urine and feces, can cause large as the pain is very sensitive, or even block the bile passages, causing jaundice develops.

Treatment: If the disease is started and a very large stones, nothing remains except the operation. However, the causes of the disease course does not preclude the operation.

When treating natural stones are dissolved and removed from the body.

Home treatment of this disease to apply only in the event that there is no way to seek help from a healer.

Start with 4-7 days fasting. Then go on a restricted diet of 10-14 days, and then go on diet food. Every six to eight weeks post repeat periods.

The patient must decide for itself, he needs it or not. In the evenings, warm enema during fasting. Dry grinding in the morning, sit-cold bath or sponge, physical or breathing exercises.

Hot tub with a solution of Epsom salts 2 times a week, if possible. If in the gall bladder pain is felt, it is possible to this place several times a day, apply hot compresses or a hot water bottle.

You must try to relax as much as possible during treatment. Do not take any medicines. It will help to sun and air baths.

Proper nutrition - the most important treatment.

Henceforth, salads, fruits should be a major part of the daily diet. The meat has a very small, small consume fats and animal fats such as lard, excluded from power at all.

Traditional methods of treatment

The stones in the gallbladder.

Take olive (or flax oil) for 30 minutes before a meal, starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose (up to a maximum of a tea cup). The treatment lasts from two to three weeks.

Monitoring healers, resulting in reduced secretion of gastric juice, which in turn prevents the formation of ulcers in the stomach. With this tool you can get rid of gall bladder stones without surgery.

Prepare a mixture of the following recipe:

Juniper (fruits) - 60 g, dill (seed) - 30 grams of hemp (seed) - 30 g, St. John's wort (herb) - 20 g, yarrow (flowers) - 20 grams of pine (pagontsy) - 20 g, strawberry timber (grass) - 30 g, corn silk - 20g, buckthorn (bark) - 20 g of calendula (color) - 20 g, water pepper (grass) - 20 g, Petrova whip (root) - 20 g, hips - 40 g .

2 tablespoons of mixture to fill 500 g of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain, wring out.

Well add the juice of half a lemon and 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

The broth is divided into 6 parts, and drink this:

Part 1 - 20 minutes before the morning meal, Part 2 - an hour after breakfast, part 3 - 20 minutes before dinner, 4 part - an hour after lunch, Part 5 - 20 minutes before dinner, 6 part - an hour after dinner.

Drink up to 3 months, 1 month to make a break, and if there are still stones again.
