Insomnia is familiar to almost every one of us, even though there are people who never it does not suffer. Typically, these lucky people live simple human pleasures, far from the intrigues, the fight for a place under the sun, do not take to heart the problems of the world, that is, as they say, does not clog the head itself.
You can try to learn from them to fall asleep faster and sleep tight. In this article you will learn what are the effective ways and methods to combat insomnia.
The worst sleep those who do not give rest to resentment, envy, jealousy, a premonition of disaster and other similar feelings. So people need to try to find the fate of a compromise, and soon it will be easier to fall asleep.
But those who do not relate to such problems can visit this rather unpleasant condition, when twisted, turning, think of sheep, and the dream is not. What to do? The easiest way to drink a sleeping pill.
Of course, it will help, but we must not forget that the sleeping pills as the drug causes irreversible changes in the brain cells. Gradually, this leads to the fact that sleep without the drug is not obtained, and the body begins to demand higher doses.
But even without sleeping pills there are many ways and effective ways how to beat insomnia. All of them are so simple and easy to implement.
1. Mode. Try to sleep as much as possible at one time. As you know, people are divided into "owls" and "larks" If a person belongs to the first group, to make him go to sleep early, not only pointless but also harmful, because so get off his internal biological rhythms. And the "owls" and "larks" have to determine the most optimal bedtime and try to stick with it.
2. environment. As you know, falling asleep and sleep fortress depend on the situation prevailing in the bedroom. Of course, every person is a state in which he falls asleep under any circumstances. But more often loud, and especially harsh sounds, stale air, odor, high temperature in the room, uncomfortable bed and uncomfortable clothes hamper sleep and make sleep rather weak.
This is because the above stimuli cause the brain to focus our attention on them, cause irritation, and as a result, raise the cells responsible for sleep. So, before going to bed it is necessary to ventilate the room, the temperature in the bedroom lead up to 20-22 degrees Celsius, night clothes to choose comfortable and convenient, and all the loud noises and strong odors excluded.
Some advise to sleep include the fan, but there are people who are monotonous buzz not only lulls, but infuriating. Other tips include bedroom quiet soft music. It really is a good addition, but if you rely on it to fall asleep quickly is unlikely.
3. Power. The third way, or rather, a rule of good sleep - do not overeat before going to bed. There after 8 pm is not recommended, but once wanted to better confine anything easy. The fact that the stomach is actively digesting food, the brain also may not come to rest.
4. Walking bedtime. If possible before going to bed a pleasant pedestrian walk, it is much easier to fall asleep.
5. Reading. It has long been observed that reading uninteresting, boring material contributes to falling asleep at any time and not just at night. It is possible for this purpose to take any guide, tutorial or a boring novel. The same effect has not interesting television program.
6. Crafts. This way of dealing with insomnia is more suitable female. It is best to contribute to falling asleep simple crochet viscous, without pattern. This type of needlework is able to effectively soothe the nerves, that's why it is called spitseterapiya.
7. Bath. A hot bath, especially with the addition of aromatic oils, perfectly promotes rapid sleep. Take a bath is best not more than 20 minutes. After it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk with honey or herbal tea and just go.
8. Massage. Types of massage there are a great many. Helps to sleep, not all but only a preventive, relaxing body massage and stone massage. The disadvantage of this method - a massage itself is impossible.
9. decoction. It is best suited for sleep decoctions of valerian, lemon balm, hops and lavender. Even more effectively, they do not act individually, and assembly. Some advised to take a decoction of green poppy heads.
10. Behavior. To avoid insomnia happened, very not recommended before bedtime take part in the revelry, to engage in intense mental work, and perform strenuous exercise.
Some people think that severe fatigue necessarily lead to instant sleep. Sometimes it's just so, and sometimes on the contrary, was very tired and dreaming about holiday man lies in bed and can not close my eyes. It comes from the surge.
11. The most important advice. If so happens that, in spite of the use of all known ways to combat insomnia, sleep would not come, do not be upset. It is best not to exhaust yourself counting sheep or stars in the sky, and do something interesting. Because the nervous system is calmer, and time does not pass in vain.
12. Another useful tip. All of the effective ways to deal with insomnia definitely help, but we must first calm down, stop worrying and worry about everything, leave alone the past and not in bed thinking about the future. Very often they thought hinder sleep. It is recommended to "switch off" your inner monologue, and replace it with a self-reinforcing meditation that everything is fine and wonderful.
A dream will surely come, it will not get anywhere. Sweet Dreams.