Treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system


Heart disease is very common in our age. People more and more are suffering from heart disease, which doctors try to fight, but the number of patients with impaired function of the cardiovascular system in general and in particular, the heart continues to increase.

When people without medical supervision using the so-called antipyretics, they thereby harm the heart. No less important cause of heart disease is an unhealthy diet.

Blood constantly runs through the heart. If it is always full of garbage functioning of the body, while a certain number of them will start to settle in and around the heart.

That is why a modern diet containing an excessive amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, inevitably predispose to disorders of the heart.

The more consumed meat, white bread, white sugar, etc., the greater the flow of blood will be clogged and the more garbage will suffer heart, especially in middle age.

Regular use of strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages are also adversely effect on the heart, as in these beverages contain harmful chemical substances that enter the bloodstream. For the same reason the harmful effects on the heart and exerts smoking (cigarettes contain over 70 percent of harmful chemicals).

The goal of the healer to remove the cause of disease. I do not want too reassuring those patients with heart disease has gone too deep and its structure is damaged.

But if the heart itself is damaged or if relatively few functional disease, it is possible by using natural methods of complete healing. But even in severe cases, when full recovery is not possible, natural treatments help greatly improve the patient's condition.

The task of the healer is to purify the blood, constantly flowing through the heart.


And the blood is cleaned, especially when a person begins to eat.

To this is added correctly selected exercises, sun and air baths and a strong bioenergy. Very effective manipulation of the back (if there is a specialist).

We must pay more attention to the massage, relax in the pine forest, psychotherapy.

Considering that fasting and a strict diet in some cases, can have harmful effects on the heart, the treatment of heart disease should always be under the supervision of an experienced physician and healer.

Then we can achieve great results in the treatment. Relief and healing, of course, come at once. It takes a lot of perseverance and patience.

Traditional methods (restorative):

Valeriana officinalis (root) - 30-35g, motherwort ordinary (grass) - 30 g, Yarrow (fruits) - 25 g. Take the form of warm tea in 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 40 minutes before eating.

Lily of the valley (grass) - 10 g, fennel (seeds) - 15g, peppermint (leaf) - 15g, valerian (root) - 20g. Pour a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes. Drink a tablespoon 4 times a day for 1 hour before meals for one month.

Healer-bioenergetics to remember that the heart loves appeal gentle and tender (as opposed to the liver). Work up to 10 minutes. Sometimes a simple strokes of the heart, plus remove the negative energy, pain and leave the patient permanently.

Treatment of heart disease:

In all cases, heart disease plays a huge role cleansing diet because it is purer than the blood passing through the heart, the less its structure will settle toxins and the easier it is to do its job.

Therefore, the patient must first go directly to the natural cleansing diet and to minimize (or eliminate) the consumption of meat, bread, sugar, cakes, pastries, fried foods, junk food, and any other food, a large amount of toxins that have a devastating effect on the whole body and heart in particular.

Therefore, regardless of the type of heart disease, a balanced diet will anyway.

Tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages should not drink at all. Abandon seasonings, sauces, etc., ie, from all that acts directly on the heart, increasing the amounts of toxins in the body. Stop smoking, drink alcohol.

After a while (depending on each case) the patient begins to feel better. Then he will be able to enter into a new mode of 1 day of fasting (or total fruit diet), about once every two weeks. One day, this post will not difficult even for people with severe heart disease.

Those who have the disease are not too severe, may one day fast, and the next day - go to the full fruit diet or fasting once a week, and another week one day sit on a diet full of fruit.

All this will greatly help cleanse the body and the heart. It is important in this case does not go its own border during these short-term positions.

Persons with serious heart disease, can fast and 3, and 4 days, but it is important not to weaken the body during this time.

Each patient with heart disease have to understand that the more posts and diet will be put into his regime, the sooner healing.

Nothing helps in the treatment of heart disease, like the above mode.

Avoid indigestion and related diseases, such as diseases have a negative effect on the heart. It is best to have a very moderately. Eat at least three hours before bedtime. Even the small amount of meat, which is indicated on the menu for the week, it is best to replace the eggs, cheese or nuts.

In the first days of treatment - warm enema. Dry grinding in the morning, breathing and exercise (even if the patient is able to do them), but without any surge was.

With the improvement of the state of the load during exercise gently increases. Walking - the best exercise. Those withstand hot water should take a bath with a solution of Epsom salts once a week. But too hot water should not be.

Duration of treatment - depending on each case. The patient should rest as much as possible. Avoid overstimulation, prolonged physical or emotional stress.

If the patient is taking medication for a long time, it is necessary to wean them gradually, instead of throwing their consumption immediately.

Pulmonary tuberculosis, consumption, causes and treatment

 Pulmonary tuberculosis, consumption, treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

It is significant that in the treatment of this severe disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, or consumption, the official medicine has achieved the greatest success, because in this case the main focus is on the fresh air and sunshine, and not on medication.

Even conventional medicine recognizes that pulmonary tuberculosis, consumption, can develop only in a weakened body.

Causes of pulmonary tuberculosis

I came to the conclusion that the weakening of the body, loss of a significant part of their vitality and resilience and is the main cause of the disease rather than infection. We have not only become infected with tubercle bacilli, these microbes are constantly in our body without causing him any harm.

However, when a large weakening of the body and in the presence of a number of contributing factors tubercle bacillus may begin to exercise their activity with the appropriate consequences.

It is known that the tubercle bacillus is often found in cow's milk. But, as is convincingly proved the famous American nutritionist Alfred Mc Ewen, author of "Food Science", tuberculosis in domestic animals - is the result of feeding artificial feed.

If cows fed grass and hay - natural food - they can not be tuberculosis. The cow does not get enough minerals from the artificial feed. At the same time, and she constantly has to give with his milk these minerals by taking them out of your body.

Therefore, the animal is quickly exhausted and prone to attack pathogens, in this case - the tubercle bacillus.

The same thing happens in the body and nursing mothers, eating lifeless modern food. It creates the most fertile ground for the development of tuberculosis, especially after the second - third delivery.

Thus, the main cause of pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis - mineral starving tissues of the body due to the consumption of food that contains an insufficient number of minerals, especially calcium.

Largely tuberculosis - a disease of calcium deficiency. This has been proven by many studies abroad. Therefore, a sufficient amount of organic calcium (as well as other mineral salts), not only prevents the development of tuberculosis, and is the primary means for its treatment.

There are other factors predisposing to tuberculosis. This permanent residence in the stuffy atmosphere of indoor and unhealthy lifestyle.

Important role played by the psychological aspect of the matter. There are clear indications that the development of tuberculosis, in addition to physical causes, significantly affects the negative attitude to life.

Drug treatment of lung disease that reduces the body's resistance and vitality overflows its toxins, is also conducive to the development of tuberculosis.


When the soil is "good" is prepared, as we have just shown, then the tubercle bacillus begins active. So the healer must first of all work on splitting of diseased cells, cleaning the blood and excreted pathogens.

I already wrote that doctors use the fresh air and sunshine in the treatment - and this is very good. Success in the natural treatment can only be achieved in the initial stages of the disease.

It is best to start with 3-4 days of complete fruit diet, then go to the fruit and milk diet for two weeks. Number of home drunk the milk should be gradually increased to about 3 liters per day, depending on the individual. Milk contains a lot of calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to such a large amount thereof.

But, of course, raw milk, not boiled (meaning homemade milk). Never be afraid of germs in raw milk. Strengthen your body with these methods and you will not be afraid of germs. The fresh milk is best.

Instead of fruit and milk diet can give you a complete dairy diet. In some, it has even more beneficial effects.

Prior to the full milk diet is necessary to hold a three-day fast on the water and orange juice. Full milk diet should last 5-10 days.

In the first days of treatment to put a warm enema in the evening. In the morning - dry grinding. Do breathing and exercise. Breathing exercises to do at first with great caution.

Very useful hot tub with a solution of sea salt 1-2 times a week.

As long as possible to be outdoors: to practice, but in any case not to overwork. In the room where the patient is asleep, it must always be fresh air.

In the summer, if possible to sleep in the open air.

Power pulmonary tuberculosis, phthisis:

Most of the food should consist of fresh (or steamed or baked), fruit and vegetables, raw milk, whole bread, eggs, butter, nuts and cheese.

The meat has a very small, to exclude from the diet of white bread, refined cereals, canned foods, etc. Do not drink coffee or strong tea, no medicines.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.

Important role played by the mental factor.

The patient should have a good understanding of the causes of their disease and know the road to recovery. He must be sure that he is on the right path to healing and that it is bound to come.

Hemoptysis in terms of naturopathy is often a sign of progress in healing (if other factors are positive), and should not cause alarm.

Traditional methods of treatment

Grandmother in which case the dog's fat. It should be 1 cup fat dog in the form of heat to drink for 10 days, 3-5 days off and again (can Barsukov fat) and so 3 months.

Althaea officinalis (root) - 40 g, licorice (root) - 25 g, mother and stepmother (Leaves) - 25 g, fennel (Fruit) - '10 as a warm tea drink 1/3 cup 40 minutes before Food 5 times per day.

Primrose spring (flowers) - 50 g, mother and stepmother (Leaves) - 10 g, horsetail (grass) - 25 g, plantain (leaves) - '20 Take 4 times a day for 1/4 cup 30 minutes before a meal.

1/2 cup kamelevyh leaves pour 1/2 cup of boiling water, brew and 3 times a day to drink.

Honey - 100-150 grams per day with warm milk.

Aloe leaves wash, chop and squeeze the juice. 150 g of aloe juice mixed with 250 g of honey, 350 g of wine (Cahors). Insist in a dark place at a temperature of 4-8 degrees for 4-5 days. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for 30 minutes. Good general tonic.
