Verses from friends Zhenya
Happy Birthday,
And we wish you inspiration,
Force let you get lost,
Happiness is in your heart overflows,
Happy birthday from colleagues in verse
Happy Birthday,
The most gentle and affectionate day!
And we want the heat, Eugene,
And wealth is only in your house.
We wish the wonderful,
That was only one positive,
Relax in the lovely we wish
And cozy place in the Maldives.
And, of course, we wish happiness,
Right to crazy dizziness,
And with love, that was boundless.
Happy birthday, a colleague Eugene
Verses from each other
Eugene, with a holiday!
You naughty, my
How to love you
Wind tender
And Coastal
I want you
So he brought
You do a lot of stars
On your way,
Bright Ren.
Happy rozhdenitsa,
Birthday girl,
My tenderness of you,
My ginseng.
Congratulations to Eugene from a friend
Happy birthday, friend, Eugene!
From the heart to wish
You do a lot of forces, inspiration,
In order not to lose their happiness
Do not lose your ship built
With your wisdom, bliss, warmth,
For he was always without holes
And he flitted in love on the seas.
That soul from you all is not chayali
Respected, loved, that, Jen.
To make a long life for you swim
And meet the birth day.
Happy birthday girl Evgeniya
Today, we have a holiday
- Zhenya birthday!
Rather, accept our congratulations to you!
We love you, we respect you,
And in that day perfect heartily wish
Happy to be in work, happy to be in the family,
Always so cavalier with sitting on the bench
The grape arbor, and he would sing to you,
Playing the guitar like that with all my heart
Such Zhenyu meet in life
And then it all together to pass the road,
That the fate of the two of you are meant to,
A satellite will let your luck
And with it - happiness in the couple, and even luck,
The joy and fun to the mood,
Let laugh always helps, even if the song rhyme folded,
To have fun steps to you to not get tired,
Let the dreams come true, wishes come true,
Let the sun glare filled days of life,
Let Tucek will measure and rain occasionally,
And if you have an umbrella - rain and nonsense.
Let rainbow shining star of love shines
Success to you the way let them not forget,
Always flowers and rejoice, love and be loved,
And the angel of his life be stored!