This low-calorie diet refers to suitable women and men.
It has many options because of the large selection of products, but it is worth remembering that you can eat them in limited quantities.
This diet is very effective due to the reduction of foods that contain a starchy substance, as well as carbohydrates. As a result, it begins to improve metabolism, since insulin is dramatically reduced, and therefore the weight is reduced.
The duration of no more than seven days. During this period of time, you can forget about the five extra pounds. Much will depend on the initial weight, and your individual characteristics of your body.
Also, this diet has a number of prerequisites that, as you already understood, is necessary to observe mandatory.
• Once you get up, you have to eat within two hours.
• Liquid together per day should not exceed about three liters.
Be sure to four meals per day:
• The first meal at six in the morning until nine-thirty;
• The second - from morning until eleven o'clock;
• The third - from four to five in the evening;
• fourth - from six to seven in the evening.
This is a special menu that you can make yourself of the foods that are offered to you on the list:
In the morning - one serving from the list 1 (proteins), as well as another portion of Schedule 2 (fruits and vegetables).
Day - any dish from a list of 1, 2, 3 - all in one portion, not more.
In the third meal - products from the list 1, 2, 3 - all in one portion.
Evening - on the first portion and the second list.
List of first - Protein Products
You can select only one portion.
About one hundred grams of fat cottage cheese is not very.
In any kind of eggs - two pieces.
About 135 grams of yogurt or milk.
And another portion of any protein product.
65 g of cheese is not very fatty.
125 grams of ham or any lean meat.
Any nuts - less than '35
Any not very oily fish or seafood - 175 g
List of the second - Fruits, greens, vegetables
Select one of the options - it will be one serving.
Salad vegetables, but exclude potatoes and beans.
No more than 225 g of fruit, you can choose from - cherries, oranges, apricots, mandarin, lemon slices, strawberries, grapefruit, cantaloupe.
Dried fruit - no more than '65
300 g of any vegetables steamed. An exception may be peas, potatoes, corn.
Canned peas or corn of about 155 g
List of third - Carbohydrates
Select only one option - it will be one serving.
A bit of bread.
Bagels - bit.
Few cereals - four spoons - rice, buckwheat, pasta.
You can add the tomato paste.
Partly boiled corn.
Two potatoes, plus two tablespoons of lentils or corn, mashed potatoes, beans, peas.
The most effective low-calorie, fat-burning diet for men and women will lose 5 kg extra in just 7 days.