Congratulations to the Family Day 2014 poem for the holiday

 Congratulations happy family

Lyrics to the International Family Day holiday in 2014


The family lives on the ancient law,

Like a tree, in spite of all the cold:

Sustainable than the trunk, branching crown,

That timeless tree winds.

Let your family is growing from year to year,

In fruits, sap runs the native blood.

And let you warm in bad weather

Support, respect, love.


Family Day - not just a date,

This is what we live,

On this day we honor all that is holy,

What store and cherish.

Take care of the family house,

Let him pass from evil.

Let burning fireplace lighter

And in the family will be warm!


Without family, we like without heart,

Without a family - both without a soul,

Without the memories of childhood,

Without all that it means to "live."

This holiday note

The families of the world, the whole Earth.

We congratulate you

And long live the family!


Family traditions,

Cosy house, friends,

The place where we were born.

And that's all - family.

All the values ​​of family

And generations of communication -

Family makes us human beings,

It brings us

And the best coach

We do not find in life.

Congratulate you on a holiday!

Family - to live and bloom!


The importance of the festival is easy to understand:

After all, the man is not how expensive mani

Nowhere is so relaxed and comfortable,

As in a warm and home with his family.

Mutual assistance, the community of interests,

Tradition together to solve problems,

Raising children and respect each other,

Love and care for his seed to strengthen -

All this makes the family a place

Where we come for advice as to the temple.

We wish that life everywhere

All done without family dramas,

Well-being and pleasure to serve

Tailwind for large ships,

To love and friendship in your home live,

And that was your family happy.


The Family Day, we all want:

Happiness, joy, love!

To your eyes shining

And a smile lights bore!

That did not exist

Nobody happier you:

To husbands and wives, children -

There were a number of every hour.

That way of life long

Hand in hand, you were -

With his ever loved,

And the joy brought into the world!

Let all the troubles and misfortunes

You pass by!

Let friends, full participation,

Most go to your home!

Forget about the disease,

And from now on forever -

For its semeyu together

Together spit on the year!

Beautiful congratulations family in verse

 Congratulations happy family

Holiday International Day of Families


Among all the treasures in the world,

In life, the main thing - the family!

Life meaning fuller and wider,

When a number of all relatives.

Charm of the failure,

Anchor in the harbor of the soul.

There are family! And it means -

  Happiness breathe every day!

Congratulations on your soul

And we wish to Family Day:

  Being with family on a daily basis,

  Live in harmony, in love!

Congratulations in the verses


  More life our ancestors

Took care of their homes,

  To their wives and kids

  No fear,

There were so warm and well fed,

  That family was peace and harmony.

And their works are not forgotten!

  And a hundred times more valuable

The fact that our generation

  Saved the holy covenant:

  We appreciate every moment,

We protect the house from harm.

Let the family hearth brighter,

  Hotter by the day's burning!

  Let luck,

  Happiness reigns in the house only!


  When behind the work,

  Fatigue filled days

  Forget all the worries, concerns

  It will help support the family.

It is our hope and strength -

The wing, which will protect the heat

  She defended her from adversity,

  Love warmed our house.

The family, like a lighthouse in the ocean,

  Leading to salvation in the night,

Lifebuoy, the beam in the fog,

All the secrets of the universe keys.

Its banks, cherish,

  Warm up your hands warm.

  Only good, eternal sow:

Family - our bulwark, beacon, friend!


  The Family Day we will

  Wish want:

  Everyone will let

  Heartily love

God, eternity

  And people keep,

  And unite family

It is his Spirit.

Faith in the best

  There is a strong,

  Will suddenly manual

Blue Bird,

And it happened all of a sudden


Will the years the river -


Will the children live,

Let him, better than us,

And breaks for them

In life's finest hour,

To come back to the house

  Will each time.

  Let everyone dreams

Will come true at once!

Author Marina Tverdohleb


  In this holiday, each

We share his happiness.

How many years have passed - it does not matter

If you only live in love!

So leave the doubt!

  Truth let warms you:

Life is better moments -

  This day and this hour!

The hour when with his family friendly

All of you gathered together,

  What else would be needed,

Besides love and happiness?

Every day is a holiday let,

In every look - only love!

The burden of care and different disasters

  Not worried loved ones again!

Let forever inseparably

  At the contact of the heart!

  Stay with each of the favorite

  Forever till the end!

Author Tatiana Veselkova
