It has long been common knowledge that on clothes meet.
The experts add:
the first impression of a man develops in the first 10 seconds after meeting, and for the most part this impression
It was formed under the influence of appearance - clothes, makeup, hairstyles.
Change the later is the first impression is very difficult. But you can turn this rule in their favor - try to make sure that you perceive as you need it.
A friendly, likable appearance
This image emphasizes the freshness and the unfading young woman. Some physical traits are able to gain people. First of all, this is all that resembles the appearance of the child:
• naive eyes wide open - you can visually enlarge the eyes, for example, with the help of brilliant or pearl shades of champagne color.
• Fresh blush - pink apply blush or pale peach color.
• Plump pink lips - they are easier to create with pink or peach lip gloss.
• Healthy, shiny hair naturally in a simple careless hairstyle.
Independent and confident appearance
This image will approach a woman who knows what she wants out of life in general and of women in particular. He will testify that you are energetic, modern and held in life.
And makeup should be quite striking: a bold and confident woman is not afraid of attention. Eyebrows should be emphasized and clearly designed. It is desirable that lipstick was also bright, saturated colors, and the contour of the lips clearly portrayed.
Hair combed by a person in a simple hairstyle will draw attention to its features. This makes the image look like an adult, respectable, and therefore independence. Most of all he is fit for work, business meetings and receptions.
Classic, elegant appearance
Women wishing to pass for an elegant, should look rigorously collected and calm. Your makeup and hairstyle should indicate your spiritual maturity and financial solvency.
Elegant image provides a well-balanced, perfect makeup and a costume. Nothing should be too catchy. First, you need to align the complexion and hide all the flaws of using tonal framework.
The basic makeup is better to stand in pastel colors. Hair must be well groomed, well painted, hair - well decorated and it seems as if you've just come from the hairdresser, even if it's just straight hair.
Sexy and hasty way
This image should emphasize impulsiveness and passion of a woman not afraid of their desires and passions. Makeup should be provocative - at the same time beckoning, but a little scary for men.
This contrasts, for example, are luxurious, wavy hair, which wants to touch his hand, and languid, clearly emphasize the dominant form around the eyes. It should be applied on the eyelids dark, pearl or gold shadows and let them eyeliner or pencil.
Eyelash make up a black or dark brown ink in several layers. To avoid the impression of excess makeup, blush should be used at a minimum, and to cause a dim lip lipstick or lip color only lip gloss - a colorless or light-colored.
Hair should be "flying" without a hard varnish, a little careless. This image is most suitable for evening dresses, if you want to be the queen of the party and seduce Man, without saying a single word. It is for women who have their own individual style and living by their own rules.