Our Nina's birthday
And we wish her happiness,
To live without worries and without emotion,
We have bright, warm days!
We wish you health
And unscrupulous beauty
Do not know the problems, do not know the rest,
In life you boldly go!
Let the sun as the spring
For you shine days
We will be next to you;
You just, Nina, call!
Ninule from your friends
Good girl Nina
Today was born,
For Nina - gifts, smiles,
Mountains of sweets and delicious.
For Nina colors dance
And the best words in the world.
For Nina, a good friend,
Raise their glasses friends!
Ninka, we congratulate you,
And glad to wish you,
The same fine
hundred years remain,
And with us, friends,
not to leave,
With grief and pain can ever meet,
With luck and happiness in life to walk.
From parents
Our daughter, native krovinochka,
All, as ever, call you Nina,
You grew up so fast - and have not noticed ...
And here we have gathered on your birthday.
The heart beats calmly parents -
Grown man worthy of you,
Such was beautiful, clever become ...
Daughter, we heartily congratulate you,
In the life and heart wish to share
Good and health, wealth and happiness,
Love and success of fate without bad weather!
From favorite
My favorite Nina, no wonder your name
Rhyme exactly with the word "goddess"!
You're the best girl - everyone knows it!
And on your birthday, I declare:
You deserve happiness, I love you,
The whole world is at your feet, I'll put
I wish you, that you did not know sorrow,
That never broke up with love,
To meet a smile every morning,
That sadness, sorrow in life you did not know.
Faith and Light, harmony with the world
I wish you, beloved Nina.
I'm blinded by your krasoyu,
Your soul forever enthralled
And it's your birthday
I wish I was your only inspiration,
What makes you beautiful again,
I wish, gentle and passionate!
I wish you much happiness I have,
Is warm in the winter storm!
Live and be happy moments
Nina, my dear, happy birthday!
You stay, most importantly, you!
I swear that I'll always be with you!