How to cook chicken soup with different recipes

 soup with chicken

Do you want to surprise your loved ones an unusually delicious soup, but do not know which one to choose? Then try to cook the soup with chicken - it is a gentle, easy, and in addition very useful, because the chicken is dietary, and easily digestible product, and the broth is obtained based on its transparent and so fragrant. Here are some simple and interesting recipes for chicken soup.

1. Recipe Soup with chicken and homemade noodles

To prepare you will need:

- chicken fillet
- Sweet yellow pepper
- Carrot
- bow
- Green for decoration
- Salt and pepper to taste

For the noodles:

- 2 cups flour
- Egg

How to cook:

Put the fillets in the pan, fill it with two liters of water and boil for half an hour after boiling. At this time, prepare the noodles: in the sifted flour with salt, add egg, knead the dough, roll it out and cut into thin strips, and then let them dry out a bit.

Purified bell pepper chop with onions and carrots to do the same by adding together the broth. Then, after 20 minutes, pour the noodles and when it pops up, the pan can be removed from the heat.

In a bowl, place a piece of chicken, pour hot soup and garnish with greens. Fragrant soup with homemade noodles ready.

2. Recipe Soup with chicken and egg pancakes

To prepare you will need:
- Chicken
- 5 eggs
- carrot
- bow
- Spices to taste
- Green for decoration

How to cook:

Chicken fillet, finely diced, put into a small saucepan, cover it with two liters of water and leave to boil for twenty minutes.

Whisk the eggs (egg each - separately). Pour the egg in a heated frying pan and fry in vegetable oil, egg flip the pancake to the other side. You should have 5 pancakes, cool them and cut into strips.

Grate the carrots on a grater, and the onions finely crumble, lightly fry the whole thing and put it in the pan. Following add the chopped pancakes. Less than five minutes - and you can remove the pan from the heat.

Unusual and light soup is ready. Do not forget, handing him over to the table, decorate a pre-greens.

3. Recipe Flavored cheese soup with croutons and chicken


- Chicken
- Cream Cheese
- Potatoes
- carrot
- crackers
- Hard cheese
- Spices to taste
- Green for decoration

How to cook:

Put the fillets in the pan, fill it with two liters of water about half an hour when the fillet is cooked and ready, remove it from the pan.

Onions and potatoes cut into cubes and carrots grate. Add the potatoes to the broth and cook for six minutes after boiling. At this time, add the soup grated carrots and onions, lightly fried in butter, and allow to boil for about 8 minutes.

Then add the chicken and five minutes, stirring, add the cheese, mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat.

Soup before serving garnish with fresh herbs, grated hard cheese and crackers. Easy to prepare, but very delicate soup is ready.

These are simple, but at the same time, interesting soups can be prepared from chicken available. They are obtained fragrant, light and incredibly tasty. Treat them to your family, friends and guests.

How to cook chicken soup with different recipes

 soup with chicken

Do you want to surprise your loved ones an unusually delicious soup, but do not know which one to choose? Then try to cook the soup with chicken - it is a gentle, easy, and in addition very useful, because the chicken is dietary, and easily digestible product, and the broth is obtained based on its transparent and so fragrant. Here are some simple and interesting recipes for chicken soup.

1. Recipe Soup with chicken and homemade noodles

To prepare you will need:

- chicken fillet
- Sweet yellow pepper
- Carrot
- bow
- Green for decoration
- Salt and pepper to taste

For the noodles:

- 2 cups flour
- Egg

How to cook:

Put the fillets in the pan, fill it with two liters of water and boil for half an hour after boiling. At this time, prepare the noodles: in the sifted flour with salt, add egg, knead the dough, roll it out and cut into thin strips, and then let them dry out a bit.

Purified bell pepper chop with onions and carrots to do the same by adding together the broth. Then, after 20 minutes, pour the noodles and when it pops up, the pan can be removed from the heat.

In a bowl, place a piece of chicken, pour hot soup and garnish with greens. Fragrant soup with homemade noodles ready.

2. Recipe Soup with chicken and egg pancakes

To prepare you will need:
- Chicken
- 5 eggs
- carrot
- bow
- Spices to taste
- Green for decoration

How to cook:

Chicken fillet, finely diced, put into a small saucepan, cover it with two liters of water and leave to boil for twenty minutes.

Whisk the eggs (egg each - separately). Pour the egg in a heated frying pan and fry in vegetable oil, egg flip the pancake to the other side. You should have 5 pancakes, cool them and cut into strips.

Grate the carrots on a grater, and the onions finely crumble, lightly fry the whole thing and put it in the pan. Following add the chopped pancakes. Less than five minutes - and you can remove the pan from the heat.

Unusual and light soup is ready. Do not forget, handing him over to the table, decorate a pre-greens.

3. Recipe Flavored cheese soup with croutons and chicken


- Chicken
- Cream Cheese
- Potatoes
- carrot
- crackers
- Hard cheese
- Spices to taste
- Green for decoration

How to cook:

Put the fillets in the pan, fill it with two liters of water about half an hour when the fillet is cooked and ready, remove it from the pan.

Onions and potatoes cut into cubes and carrots grate. Add the potatoes to the broth and cook for six minutes after boiling. At this time, add the soup grated carrots and onions, lightly fried in butter, and allow to boil for about 8 minutes.

Then add the chicken and five minutes, stirring, add the cheese, mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat.

Soup before serving garnish with fresh herbs, grated hard cheese and crackers. Easy to prepare, but very delicate soup is ready.

These are simple, but at the same time, interesting soups can be prepared from chicken available. They are obtained fragrant, light and incredibly tasty. Treat them to your family, friends and guests.

How to cook the soup with meatballs for kids recipes

 soup with meatballs for kids

Cooking for kids is a special process. Little fussy often reluctant to eat healthy food, and parents have to cheat to feed their child. I offer you the recipes tasty and healthy soup with meatballs, which are sure to enjoy a small gourmet.

Recipe 1. Rice soup with meatballs for kids


- 2 liters of water
- 400 gr. minced lean meat
- 3 tbsp boiled rice
- 300 g of potatoes
- 75 - 100 grams. onion
-75 - 100 gr. carrots
-100 C. ripe tomatoes
- Salt
- Herbs, bay leaf


In boiling water, add coarsely chopped potatoes. From stuffing Form small meatballs and one in a pan, add to the potatoes. Season with salt after boiling and cook over medium heat until cooked potatoes.

Carrot on a fine grater grate, chop the onion, tomatoes, peel and chop. Simmer the vegetables until tender, adding a little water and vegetable oil.

The cooked potato mash with a fork. Pour in the broth vegetables, rice and potatoes. Add the bay leaf and simmer the soup for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs, and serve.

2. Recipe Soup with meatballs and dumplings mannymi children


- 1.5 liters of water
- 200 gr. minced
- 4 medium potatoes
- 2 small carrots
- 2 eggs
- 5 tbsp semolina
-hydrochloric, fresh dill


Onions and carrots cut into small cubes. Put the vegetables in a pot with water and cook over medium heat.

Wet hands shape of the minced meatballs and add to vegetables. Season with salt and cook for about 20 minutes.

To prepare the dumplings need yolks, beaten egg whites and semolina. Lightly beat the egg yolks and add small portions of them whites, semolina and a pinch of salt. Constantly stir the mass, consistency should resemble cream.

Add the dumplings to the soup in small portions, as they increase in size during cooking. It is more convenient to do it with a spoon of coffee. Simmer soup with dumplings 10 minutes.
Recommended to serve with fresh chopped dill.

Recipe 3. Vegetable soup with noodles and meatballs for kids


- 1.5 liters of water
- 250 gr. ground beef
- 200 gr. Potato
- 100g. onion
- 100 gr. carrots
- 100g. tomato
- 100 gr. sweet pepper
- A handful of fine vermicelli
- Salt, herbs


To begin with minced meat with salt, thoroughly kneaded and shape of a meatball.

Finely chop the onion, carrot chop on a grater, bell pepper cut into cubes. Tomatoes peel and chop.
Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil, preferably olive. For young children, it is better not to fry vegetables and stew with the addition of water and oil until tender.

In a saucepan, boil the water and add the meatballs. You can use your favorite fragrant spices: bay leaf, allspice and black pepper. When the meatballs float to the surface, add the sliced ​​potatoes.

Bring to a boil, add salt to taste and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add to the soup prepared vegetable mix and vermicelli. Simmer until cooked noodles. Ready soup season with fresh herbs.
