Soup with chicken meatballs recipes

 Soup with chicken meatballs

Soup with chicken meatballs always turns out not only delicious, but also satisfying. Another advantage of this dish - it's the ease of preparation. By selecting one of the recipes described below, you will be able to please their home this wonderful dish, and maybe it's even become a favorite in your family.

Recipe 1. Classic soup recipe with chicken meatballs


- 200 g minced chicken
- 2 onions
- 3 potatoes
- 1 egg
- Pepper, salt, herbs,

Cooking method:

Start cooking the soup with minced need for meatballs. Add the minced chopped onion, 1 egg, pepper and salt. All this must be thoroughly mixed.

Then, clean and chop vegetables for filling. Potatoes cut into cubes, carrots grate. The capacity of the water to prepare the soup on the stove and put the water to boil, peel the onion and put it entirely in boiling water.

At the same time, add the potatoes and simmer 5 minutes. Form meatballs from minced small size and dip into the soup.

When the broth boils, remove the foam and leave it to cook for 10 minutes, then add the carrot soup, salt, pepper, parsley and bay leaves. Boil for another 5 minutes.

After this time, remove the pan from the heat and keep in mind that the soup must be insisted a bit before you serve it on the table.

2. Recipe Soup with chicken meatballs with addition pasta


- 3 liters. water
- 250 g chicken breast or
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 2 potatoes
- 1 egg
- a piece of bread
- 1, 5, Art. l. small pasta (vermicelli)
- 100 ml of milk
- 1 bay leaf
- sunflower oil
- salt pepper

Cooking method:

Prepare a container for soup and pour it 3 liters. water. Carrots and half the bulbs need to cut and fry with the addition of vegetable oil in a frying pan or placing them at the bottom of the pan.

The Corn pulp is soaked in milk. At this time, add the onions and carrots in water. When the water comes to a boil with the vegetables, add the salt and continue to cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
Then add the diced potatoes. To make the soup turned out fragrant, do not forget to add the bay leaf and a few peas pepper.

Next, prepare the stuffing to form meatballs.

For this you need the chopper. Bread, meat and remaining onion promolot need a meat grinder. In the resulting mince, add 1 egg, salt and pepper, then mix the mince until smooth.

From the finished mince forming beads and immersed in the soup. Boil the soup with meatballs for 15 minutes on low heat. After that, add the noodles.

When the pasta is ready, add the soup finely chopped herbs and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

3. Recipe Soup with chicken meatballs with rice


- 2 liters. water
- 500 gr. minced chicken
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 3 potatoes
- 2 tbsp. l. rice
- 1 egg
- Salt, herbs, pepper

Cooking method:

Fig Soak in hot water. The container for soup need to type 2 liters. of water, add the salt and put on fire. Then cut carrots, separate the chicken meat from the bones and mince.

If you have a ready-made stuffing, this process is omitted. In the beef add to taste with salt and pepper. Then, in a container of meat add the rice, 1 egg and chopped onion into small pieces.

Now thoroughly mixed the resulting mass. Next you need to clean the potatoes and add to soup. From stuffing Form small balls and place them in the soup, then it should cook for at least 15 minutes.

When the meatballs are cooked, they float to the surface and this means that your soup is ready. Before submitting to the table, add to the soup with chicken meatballs greens.

How to cook soup with chicken liver recipes

 soup with chicken liver

Chicken liver - very tasty and healthy product. It is sweeter than beef and pork, and its preparation does not require much time. Also, dishes from chicken liver are considered to be dietary. Cooking can be a variety of ways: fried with vegetables, make the most delicate pie or soufflé.

I want to offer you some recipes for soups chicken liver, which perfectly diversify your daily menu.

Recipe 1. Creamy soup with chicken liver

To prepare the soup, you must:

- 1, 5 liters of water
- 75g. onions
- 150 gr. carrots
- 1 tbsp parsley root
- 300 gr. chicken liver
- 100 ml of 10-20% cream
- 50 grams. flour
- Sunflower oil, salt

How to cook:

First we need to prepare the soup. To do this in a pot of water add coarsely chopped vegetables and parsley. For a more aromatic broth you can use celery and parsnips. Cook until vegetables are tender.

Meanwhile, the washed chicken livers need to fry in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes. Prepared vegetables and liver through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, whip up a pulp.

Dissolve the flour in a little water and add to the boiling broth with vegetables and liver, salt. Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour in the cream and bring soup to a boil chicken liver. Add fresh herbs and serve.

2. Recipe Soup with sauerkraut and chicken liver


- 2 liters of water or any broth
- 500 gr. liver
- 1 large potato
- 1 medium sized carrot
- 1 small onion
- 2 cups of cabbage
- 50 grams. flour
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- Salt,

How to cook:

In a saucepan, which will cook the soup, pour vegetable oil and fry the liver for 5 minutes, then remove and set aside.

Mince the onion, carrot chop on a grater, shred the cabbage. In the same pan fry the onion, add it to the carrots and cabbage and stir. Flour and tomato paste dissolve in water and pour in the vegetables, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Pour water into the pan and place a peeled potatoes, salt to taste. Boiled potatoes need to get out of the soup and grind into a puree, then return to the pan and add the chicken livers.

If you wish to use a bay leaf. Boil the soup with chicken liver 5 minutes after boiling.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat soup with chicken liver

- 2 liters of water
- 400 gr. chicken liver
- 100 gr. buckwheat
- 4 potatoes
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- Sunflower oil, salt

How to cook:

Prepared buckwheat pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the groats. Peeled potatoes cut into small cubes, cover with water and put the stew. Buckwheat, add to the potatoes and bring to a boil.

Washed and brushed liver, cut into cubes and fry. You can pre-roll it in flour. Carrots need to grind to a coarse grater, chop the onion. Add the vegetables to the liver, fry all together for a few minutes.

Then Put the mixture into the pan with potatoes and buckwheat, salt and simmer until tender. When serving the soup with chicken livers, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

How to cook chicken soup with dumplings recipes

 chicken soup with dumplings

Soup with dumplings - it's a good version of the first dishes. Especially, if to make things right for the selected recipe, your soup will be very tasty and unusual. Dumpling soup should not give excessive weight, they should be soft and airy, representing his original addition.

You can choose the soup recipe with dumplings at its discretion and prepare this beautiful, original dish in the kitchen.

Recipe 1. Tasty chicken soup with dumplings

For preparing broth necessary:

- 0, 5 kg of chicken
- 1, 5 liters of water
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 2 potatoes
- Sunflower oil for frying
- Bell pepper, bay leaf, parsley, salt to taste

To prepare the dumplings:

- 1 egg
- 6 - 7 tablespoons flour
- 1 tbsp. l. butter
- 130 ml. water or milk
- Salt

How to cook:

First you need to cook the chicken broth. Pre-wash the chicken, put it in a saucepan with water. When the water boils, remove with a slotted spoon and leave the foam simmer.

Then, the broth should be salt and gradually add the purified whole onion, carrots and spices.

Leave the soup to cook on low heat for about 35 - 40 minutes. When the broth is ready, remove it from the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Also, remove from broth onion and carrots and discard them.

Cut potatoes into cubes or strips and add to broth, simmer for 10 minutes. Cut the onion and carrot strips and fry them in a pan, then add them to the soup.

When added to the soup roasted carrots with onions, it's time to drop the dumplings into it. To tender gnocchi easily immersed in the soup, take 2 teaspoons.

In one of them, type 1/3 of the dough and the other help to throw it into the soup. Since the dumpling during cooking increase in volume, should not take too much dough one spoonful.

After adding the dumplings, soup cook 5 more minutes.
When the dumplings rise to the surface, which means that they are ready. Now you need only to remove the pan from the heat, add the soup with salt and pepper, and chicken and greens.

How to cook the dumplings:

To start separate the yolk from the protein. At the time we put the protein in the refrigerator. Butter need to soften, then add the egg yolk. Mix well. Then add to the batch in milk or water and gradually sypem flour.
You need to carefully add the flour to make the dough is not too hard. The dough should have an elastic texture but without leaking. Adding salt to the dough and knead thoroughly.

Protein from the refrigerator and stir it until foaming. Then add the beaten egg white into the batter and mix.

2. Recipe soup with dumplings and meatballs

When pressed for time, and once the cooking broth, while the chicken, you can simply replace the meatballs and still get at least a delicious and hearty soup with dumplings.


- 3-4 potatoes
- 4 liters. water
- 400 gr. minced
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- Breadcrumbs
- 100 gr. flour
- 2 eggs
- sunflower oil
- Salt, pepper, herbs to taste

How to cook:

First you need to clean out the carrots and the onion and cut into cubes. Put them in a saucepan with water, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes.

While carrots cooked with onions, you can prepare the stuffing for the meatballs. To do this, add minced 1 egg, a handful of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, all mixed thoroughly.

Now you can start to form meatballs. To prepare the dumplings, mix 1 egg, flour and salt. The dough should get soft. Add the meatballs to the soup.

Then clean 1 onion, chop and fry in a pan, then add to the soup. With teaspoons (as described in the first recipe), add to the soup dumplings. Add salt and herbs to taste.
