Secrets of a safe and healthy fitness
Everyone can be engaged
fitness. But if you are not perfect
health, contact your doctor,
before starting fitness and to get a gym membership.
One of the constraints active fitness classes, a trauma, but in this case, you need only wait until the injury is completely healed. Harder with chronic diseases.
So, if you suffer from heart disease, lung or metabolic engaged in fitness should be under the supervision of a doctor or even a qualified coach, who, if necessary, be able to provide you with medical care.
Begin studies at a slow pace.
Listen to your body, and the doctor's recommendations. It should not be a first class exhaust itself by intense exercise, it is enough to start with walking, gradually accelerating its pace each time.
As weight training is recommended to lift the weight you lift every day, several times more frequently than you normally would.
Before an active gym, you should consult a doctor or trainer, and perform screening tests to draw up a suitable training program.
The greatest risk associated with fitness - the risk did not start. When choosing an aerobic exercise should take into account several factors.
Effect: Some exercises include jumping, which are difficult to perform, or the implementation of which may result in injury.
Swimming, skiing on flat terrain, skating, cycling and boating are more suitable for people suffering from diseases of the joints.
Convenience: to perform some aerobic exercise need expensive equipment, fitness equipment and other sporting goods, some of the exercises can be performed only at certain times of the year or in a particular area.
The level of training: exercise, requiring athletic training, may continue to discourage fitness.
Try not to engage in exercises that do not correspond to your level of training, and the beginning, do not stop work until until you have mastered the skills necessary to enjoy the lessons.
Social factors: group lessons can be fun and rewarding. Sometimes the company of others are the only reason forcing us to continue classes. Incidentally, for reasons of safety, some aerobic exercise is to perform better in the group.
During the exercises you should always be able to catch your breath and maintain the conversation with the other members of the group.
Moderate discomfort is quite natural, but the pain - this is an alarming symptom. Do not forget to start with warm-up exercises to gradually warm up and enter into the right rhythm.
Try to use the services of an experienced and qualified trainers with the skills of health care.
Exercises to develop endurance, what should be taken into account
1. Time and nature of the exercise. What do you prefer: walking, biking or rowing? Or take turns? All these sport activities are very helpful!
Swimming and climbing the steps of the well trained endurance, but on the condition that you have a comfortable outfit (ie, stable quality sports shoes or bathing suit).
2. Intensity. Keep up the intensity and duration of exercise. Begin to perform each exercise slowly and do not forget the warm-up (at least).
When adjusting the intensity of the activities rely on their own feelings. Never bring themselves to exhaustion when you are short of breath or can not say.
To monitor heart rate using a scale of voltage (this will help the coach).
If you are taking medications that can affect the heart rate and pulse intensity of the exercise, discuss with your doctor. Always start slowly, gradually speeding up the pace of lessons.
3. Duration. The average duration of employment - at least five minutes a day, but gradually increase the duration of the sessions should be at least 20 minutes of continuous exercise, the ideal duration of daily activities - 30 - 45 minutes.
4. Frequency. Doctors recommend to perform exercises to develop endurance of three - five times a week (other days perform strength exercises).
If you routinely perform endurance exercise, alternate exercises of different types, for example, is now the walking, and tomorrow - cycling or swimming.
5. Safety. Be careful when doing fitness on their own and not under the supervision of a trainer. Try to engage with a friend or girlfriend, or in a specialized area.
Before embarking on a program of exercise on the development of endurance, you should consult your doctor.