Complexes effective exercises for the abs, thighs, and breasts


For those who are not accustomed to regular gymnastics, exercises for the abdominals are the most difficult. First, do not overdo it too. Otherwise, you can lose confidence in their abilities and desire to exercise regularly, and, meanwhile, is the most important.

Drill press

1. lie down on your back, arms stretched back behind his head. Hold down the legs of some small thing: a thin book or a ball, lift your legs perpendicular to the body.

Making the feet following: first small, then more and more until your feet touch the floor. And vice versa - a great start and end with small circles. Does not work? Nothing! Stand up, mash the feet and start again. Tomorrow will be easier.

2. Lying to toe - a support for the cabinet. Arms stretched back behind your head, palms up, on the palms - the goods. Raise your hands to a height of 10 centimeters - a breath, describe a semicircle to the hips. Hands fall - exhale. Repeat the same movement the other way around. And this exercise is not very easy.

3. The half-sitting, leaning on the arm. Legs are stretched. Raise the legs and takes them as far as possible to the right, then to the left. To control you can hold your feet pillow.

4. Again lie. Raise the legs perpendicular to the floor and describe each leg separately anyway. First, by himself, then to himself.

5. And now the easier exercise. We lay down, raise the body and take a sitting position. Tips and tips of the fingers touch the tips of the toes.

It is more difficult to raise the body, if the legs bent at the knees, his hands clasped behind his head. Legs can not be separated from the floor. Better yet, use a footrest.

6. And finally, the most difficult exercise. Lying, body is tense. Raise the legs to a height of 10 to 15 centimeters above the floor and turn to cross them. You can not touch the floor underfoot.

7. Rest. Lying on your back, tighten the abdomen bent knees and chat with them.

Exercises for the thighs

1. Sit down, hands pull ahead. Retraction left thigh and the left leg as far as possible to the side. Then right thigh and right leg. Then moves slightly forward.

Repeat. Thus, you need to get to the end of the carpet! Hands serve only to balance the movements they do not help.

2. Lie down, arms to the side. Bend your legs and pulls his knees to his stomach. Then a strong movement of the pelvis, first turn to the right, then to the left. The head, shoulders and hands pressed to the floor.

3. Lie on the floor, pulling his hands back behind his head. Jerk flips to the right side, then to the left - but only on the side rather than the stomach. The body and arms extended. Do not cool!

4. To purchase a slimming thighs, well "roll like a barrel" on the grassy slope. Try to do it during the holidays.

5. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands are along the body. Raise your pelvis and back as long as we will not touch the floor only to the head, shoulders and elbows. Slowly descend to the floor gradually descends back, starting from the neck to the waist.

Exercises for the chest

1.Sadimsya on hard stools, straightens up, hands bent at the elbows. The elbows are raised to shoulder level and put them on the great books of the same weight. Head up!

Retraction elbows back as far as possible, return to their original position. Books are not dropped? Perfectly!

2.Podobnoe same exercise - again sitting. Spreads his arms to the sides, palms up. In the palm put two equally heavy books. Make a circular motion with his hands, first back (small circles, then more and more), and then forward.

3.Sgibaem elbows, palms up. The hands of the book again. Gradually raise the arms up, elbows look back.

4.Pryamo to hold a two palms thick book. Raises and lowers his hands. Bend the impossible!

5.Kladem palm just above the chest, elbows allot forward - exhale. Slow breath, despite the opposition of the palms that prevent chest rise. The fourth and fifth exercise we were doing standing. Now we sit down again.

6.Ruki raised above his head palm to palm. With all the strength we squeeze his hand. Feel how the chest rises with pressure?

7.Lozhimsya on your stomach, palms of the hands at the chest rests on the floor. We rise to the hands, the body is elongated, straight; We rely only on the hands and toes.

8.Sadimsya in a chair, his hands up against the arms of the chair and pick up the body. The body should be straight, legs outstretched. It's good exercise, not going, unfortunately, for the benefit of the chair. Try to do this exercise on the parallel bars.

9. In conclusion, repeat the breathing exercises that you already know.

It is much better for the breast than miraculous creams and pills.

Author Anastasia Khachatryan

Precautions for fitness classes

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Precautions for fitness classes
Page 2


Did you know that practicing certain sports can be a real trigger for serious illnesses?

Cancelling training is not worth it, but you observe safety obligation!

Consultant - Irina Schumacher, fitness trainer

All around people are talking about the benefits of exercise. But few people remember the importance of precautionary measures in fitness classes.

It is believed that sport, by definition, can not hurt. But not every coach, even in a well-proven health club tells his players about the intricacies of technology to perform complex exercises.

Not to mention the fact that any, even the most uncomplicated exercise if it regularly perform properly not only be useless, but can cause injury and even serious health problems!

Take care of your back!

Few of the fans of fitness pays due attention to strengthening the muscles of the back, resulting in a kind of spine turns into the Achilles heel. And although it is not a reason to abandon the sport, incorrectly configured, for example, the same leg raises from a prone position (to strengthen the lower press), you can easily hurt the lower back!

The fact that most women back muscles are weak and not able to keep your lower back pressed to the floor - as required by the technique of this exercise. As a result of the back undergoes strong load and thus possible injuries and sprains.

Exit: to strengthen the back muscles and doing exactly the number of exercises and with the amplitude at which you are able to hold your lower back pressed to the floor. "Pumps a" press should be using other, less traumatic exercise. Earn back injury can be, doing step aerobics if bend at the waist, especially in the uphill leg.

Intensive classes in belly dance are also fraught with spinal cord injuries. Most of the load when the spine undergoes regular long jogging - it sags like. Therefore it is useful to alternate running, such as bike riding.

Joints: learn to feel

When doing such popular sports like running, tennis, Taipei. cycling, step aerobics, and others. (associated with high-intensity shock load) joints are the first to feel the tension. Therefore, those who have weak joints need special care in choosing the type of physical activity and be sure to observe safety precautions.

For example, if it is running, you should not just get involved in long range - start with the distance that can run without shortness of breath, and then gradually increase the duration of employment. So your joints gradually become accustomed to the stress and not bother you.

Also, if too intense jogging and other forms of aerobics can be problems with the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, it is not necessary in the first few days of training to try to beat all Olympic records. Especially easy to injure your joints and back when doing Taipei. Before you start training, the coach should tell in detail and almost certainly show how to perform a particular exercise.

Listen to your body: feel uncomfortable - stop practicing and seek medical advice. Bear in mind that when some kinds of physical activity (eg, cycling, step aerobics, and so on. D.), You can experience discomfort in the joints, while others - not. Choose something that does not cause discomfort.

Tennis is not for the lazy

If you decided to engage seriously in the sport, consider that you necessarily have to devote time to physical fitness. The fact is that in the game of tennis in the whole burden falls mostly on one side - the lead.

As a result, regular intensive trainings (3-5 times per week) are possible disparities in physical development. To avoid this, you need to do exercises that harmonize the physical development of the body.

Only balls should bounce

Under the slogan advertised sports underwear famous tennis player Anna Kournikova. And she was right! Recently, British scientists conducted a kind of experiment, which was attended by 56 women. It turns out that women "balls" during the run not just dashing "jump", but also describe in the air something like eight: up, down and from side to side.

Scientists have found that during the time when a woman's foot run over a mile, her breasts, a bra is not constrained, "proprygivayutsya" in the coast about 135 meters (at each step, the average chest moves relative to the body about 9 cm).

Considering that the average weight of a "ball" of 200-300 grams, the load on the ligaments and skin of the breast (she also performs a supporting function) is really quite high. And the larger the breasts, the greater the amplitude of its movements. Moreover, some women from the three-dimensional shape such a load can lead to pain, discomfort in the chest after jogging and other exercise.

However, this is not so bad, but not so on Cowper stretching ligaments responsible for the beautiful "raised" the shape of breasts: they are not restored. When study participants wore ordinary bras, breast fluctuations decreased by 38%, and in special sports bra - 78%.

As you know, no comment, so forward to shop for a sports bra! The main thing, pick up his size.

Dreams of a flat stomach

All of the fairer sex dream of a flat stomach and slender waist. For the sake of this great goal many of us are blissfully shake your abs and sit on a strict diet. But often these seemingly true actions do not lead to a long-awaited result.

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