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Exercises for abdominal muscles
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21. "clenching" with the touch of his hands sock feet.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.
For this embodiment, "clenching" required as the power press, and greater flexibility. This exercise is characterized by the fact that simultaneously with the muscle tension upper abdomen you are constantly tighten and the muscles of his bottom. Lie on your back on the floor, lift your legs straight up and straighten them.
Hold the straight legs in an upright position, raise the body with arms above his head with his hands. Try to reach your hands to toes. Release the tension and return to starting position. If you can not perform this exercise, try to work out, lying on the floor near the wall. For support you can lean against a wall buttocks and legs straightened up.
22. "clenching" simulator "Nautilus".
The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.
Adjust the height of the installation seat according to their growth (the axis of rotation of the upper part of the simulator should be about shoulder level) and select the weight of the cargo, which will be able to do 8-12 reps. When using additional weights, you will not be able prodelyvat as many reps as performed at elevations torso only. As this exercise "squeezes" (ie, range of motion is limited in it), it is the only abdominal exercises that can be done with additional weights.
Movement with the full amplitude lead to an excessive increase in the abdominal muscles. Sit on the simulator hooked over the crossbar feet, hands, grasp the handles on the shoulders. The upper part of the body is tilted down, straining the abdominal muscles and simultaneously lift your knees up. "Stisni" upper and lower parts of the body, trying to connect the elbows with the knees. For a moment Hold this position, then slowly straighten, controlled load lowering to the starting position.
23. The turn of the trunk in a sitting position.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of the oblique muscles.
This exercise is working the obliques on the sides of the lower part of the torso. Sit on the edge of the bench, the entire surface of the foot rest on the floor and placed as you wish. Take a stick or a light neck and put it on the shoulders of the head. Without turning his head, and without moving the pelvis on the bench, turn the shoulders in one direction as far as possible.
Feel the full cut oblique muscles on this side of the torso. Return to starting position, and then turn as far as possible in the other direction. As you increase the rate of warming, vigorously turning first to one and then the other side. Exercises with the rotation of the body, in addition to exploring oblique and intercostal muscles, promote the formation of a narrow waist.
24. Turns torso tilted.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of the oblique muscles.
When cornering, the tilt of the body you are completely cut oblique muscles, which helps to create a strong, narrow waist. Stand up straight, straighten your legs and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the stick on the shoulders of the head. Lean forward as far as you feel comfortable.
Not allowing any movement hips, turn to one side so that the end of the stick appeared directed perpendicular to the floor. Then turn to the other side, giving the floor to the other end of the stick. Keep this "mill" movement, vigorously turning first to one and then the other side. As warming up the pace.
25. The slopes of the sides.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of the oblique muscles.
Oblique muscles are not only helping to turn the body, and perform most of the work when it is tilted to the side. There are different versions of side bends with dumbbells or other weights. But I believe that strengthening the area of the body around the waist and giving him a definition rather than build more mass, due to which the waist thickens.
I therefore recommend to perform side bends without encumbrances. Stand with your feet wider than shoulders, toes expand in hand, join hands behind his head. Bend your knees and sinking down a little, take the crouch position. Then bend to the right and touch the right elbow of the right knee. Strain the oblique muscles on this side of the hull. Return to starting position and lean the other way. Then repeat the movement in the same order.
26. Raising the legs from a prone position on his side.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of SKEW and intercostals muscles.
This drill is working the entire body side as the oblique and intercostal muscles, and helps to make the narrow waist, especially when viewed from the front. Lie on your side, propped up on one elbow. Lower the leg to bend at the knee stability.
Direct slowly lift the top leg as high as possible, then lower it by holding in the air in front of the touch. Complete the repetition of this leg, then turn to the other side and repeat. During the exercise the pelvis must remain perfectly still.
27. The rise of the bent leg from a prone position on his side.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of SKEW and intercostals muscles.
Lie on your side, propped up on one elbow. Lower the leg to bend at the knee stability. Upper leg bend at the knee and slowly lift up as high as possible to the chest, then lower it, stopping just before the touch. Follow the repetition of one foot, then roll over and do them another.
28. "Kick" forward from the position lying on its side.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of SKEW and intercostals muscles.
It is performed in the same way as lifting the legs from a prone position on his side, but not the leg moves up and forward. The greatest effect of these two exercises provide, if they perform one after the other without stopping.
29. Raising the legs back while standing on all fours.
The purpose of the exercise: Study of loin muscle.
Put one knee on the edge of the bench. Lean forward and holding bench, lean straight on her hand. Lift the other leg back as high as possible, then lower it, but do not put completely to the floor. During the exercise, focus on reducing stress and buttocks. Follow the repetition first for one and then for the other leg. This exercise can be more difficult, doing it from a position on all fours on the floor.
30. Retraction of the belly "Vacuum"
The ability to create and maintain the vacuum in the abdominal cavity really will reduce the waist, draw the belly and fix it in this state while posing.
However, in order to master this ability it requires constant voltage practice. Get on your hands and knees, exhale all the air from itself as much as possible and gather in the stomach. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then relax for a few moments and try to do the exercise two or three times.
The next phase - the retraction of the abdomen, on her knees. Get on your knees, keeping the body straight, put his hands on his knees. Try to keep the stomach in as long as possible. In the sitting position even more difficult to draw the belly, because your efforts to counteract the force of gravity. But when you learn how to fix the belly drawn in this position, you will then be able to practice it in a standing position and perform a variety of poses.