Exercises for abdominal muscles

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Exercises for abdominal muscles
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30 exercises to strengthen the press can reduce the waist, strengthen the abdominal muscles.

What muscle groups on your body you feel "weak point"?

The majority of those responding to a question are the abdominal muscles! These include:

- The rectus abdominis muscle (long bath muscle extends from the cartilage of 5-7 ribs and the xiphoid process to the pubic bone. The beams of the muscle fibers are interrupted by transverse tendinous intersections 3-4), whose main function: straining the spine and tilts the torso, bringing together breastbone to the pelvic area .

- The external obliques (located on both sides of the body and attached to the lower eight ribs and the front side of the chest), whose main function: voltage and rotation of the spine.

- Intercostal muscles (two thin layers of muscle and tendon fibers, occupying the spaces between the ribs) whose primary function: raising the ribs and the convergence of the motion of the body.

Here are the options exercise of which may consist of your exercise program:

1. The rise of the body on an incline bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of superior rectus muscles.

Lie on your back on an incline bench so that the head was lower than his feet. The knees bend to take the weight off the waist. Feet hooked on the strap. Hands should be behind your head or hips. Lift the body and try to reach the chin to the knees. Lower body back, but do not touch the back of the bench. This exercise is the most difficult to perform when the hands are behind his head. However, you can make it easier if you move the hands on the hips or straighten them before him. When do you get tired much it will help perform the approach to the end.

2. Raise the body with the rotation.

The purpose of the exercise: elaboration VBRHNIH DIRECT and intercostals muscles.

This option is usually lift the torso, in which it also rotates. Because of this work involves not only direct but also the intercostal muscles, which makes your torso truly complete, high-quality appearance. Take the same position on an incline bench, as well as for the previous exercise. Interlock hands behind his head. Going up, turn the body so that to get right elbow left knee. And the next repetition turn the other way and pull the left elbow right knee. Each time that you need to feel "squeezes" the reduction of the intercostal muscles.

3. Raise the trunk from a prone position on the floor.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of superior rectus muscles.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, leaning across the surface of the foot on the floor and press the palm of your hand to the side of the thighs. Lift the torso and head, try to touch the knees. Slowly lower the body on the floor. After a bit of repetition can help himself with his hands, pulling them forward. Thanks to this "hype" you will be able to do a few more reps. This exercise must be performed very slowly, holding his chin to his chest.

4. Raising the trunk up to the raised and knees bent legs.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.

Lie back on the floor, hands behind your head connect. Lift the bent knees, ankles crossed. Lift the trunk, without moving the knees. Try to get your knees head. Before you continue to move, now feel "clenching" in reducing abdominal muscles. Slowly lower the body on the floor. In order to facilitate the exercise, when you are too tired, run it, arms stretched forward, rather than combining them behind your head.

5. The rise of the body with turning to a raised and knees bent legs.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus and intercostal muscles.

The rotational movement of the body helps to work out a much larger portion of the stomach, including oblique and intercostal muscles. Rise to the torso raised up and bent at the knees the legs combined with a turn of the body. To do this, we must rise to get elbows opposite knee.

6. Raising the body to "the Roman chair."

The purpose of the exercise: Study of superior rectus muscles.

Take the "Roman chair", fix the feet under the palm and hands folded in front of him. Plunging stomach torso tilt back about 70 degrees, but no more, since the rejection of the torso 90 degrees to take a position parallel to the floor. Climb back up and post body forward as far as possible, consciously straining and "squeezing" in doing so, to strengthen their contraction, the muscles of the abdomen.

I love to put "the Roman chair" on the front of any stand, because it is tilted at an exercise becomes much more intense. In fact, you can vary the load, if you start ups with a large slope "Roman chair" and then, after about ten minutes of intense effort, lower it. Thus, you can continue to exercise, despite the fatigue.

Upgrades are three ways to "Roman chair"

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the top line, intercostals and oblique muscles.

Start with a series of upgrades to the "Roman chair" in which you lean back, and then cut the abdominal muscles and the climb ahead. Do this for five minutes, after which the motion to change - turn the housing in one direction at a deviation back, and then slowly climb ahead. Feel at the same time as the oblique and intercostal muscles clench with each other. Follow the repetition in such a way for 3-5 minutes. After that change your position, turning the other way, and for a further 3-5 minutes out other half of the torso.

7. The rise of direct legs on an incline bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Lie on your back on an incline bench, so that his head was above the legs. Hands raised over his head, grasp the top edge of a bench or other support. Straining your feet, lift straight legs as high as possible, then slowly lower them and stay in the moment of contact of the bench (do not let the heels strike the bench). In this exercise, breathing plays an important role. When lifting the legs and compression of the abdomen breathe out, when lowering the legs - a deep breath. With all the options you need to lift the legs to press chin to your chest to stretch the upper part of the abdomen.

8. The rise of the bent leg on an incline bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Lie on your back on an incline bench, so that his head was above the legs. Hands behind your head and pull the grip the upper edge of a bench or other support. Lift the bent knees as high as possible, then slowly lower them and stop when it touches the bench. Do exhale while lifting and inhale when lowering the legs. When bent legs exercise is somewhat easier than with straight legs; and increased range of motion.

9. The rise of direct legs on the horizontal bar.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Sit on the edge of the horizontal bar, and then lie on your back. The legs extend forward, and hands to support sheet under the buttocks. Lift straight legs as high as possible, then slowly lower them so that they are below the level of the bench.

10. The rise of the bent leg on the horizontal bar.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Start is the same as in the previous exercise. Bending your knees, raise them as high as possible to the chest, then slowly lower to starting position.

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