Precautions for fitness classes

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Precautions for fitness classes
Page 2

The fact that excessive "pumping" press imprisons muscle, whereby they are in constant tone and press on the internal organs, in particular the intestines. As a result of the "pressure" the last is simply not able to fully perform their functions, which is why there may be constipation and other digestive disorders.

Pour oil on the fire and picked up the wrong diet, because many women do not reduce their diet by calories, but due to the amount of food, which has a negative effect on digestion. As a result, you feel tired, broken, deteriorating condition of the hair, nails, skin, acne may even appear.

Yield: moderate exercise for a press combined with stretching and relaxation techniques (stretching, yoga).

Swimming - for everyone!

Today, swimming - the safest sport to the maximum healing effect. What can be said about the aqua. The fact that the water is very hard, especially for beginners, to control your body.

Therefore, before starting their studies in the water, you need to learn how to do the exercises on land. Unfortunate negative lessons in the pool - chlorinated water, which adversely affects the skin.

Yield: find the pool where using more advanced techniques of water purification - ozonation. Otherwise, after a visit to the pool and be sure to take a shower smazh skin body lotion.

Dangerous thirst

Sweating - the main mechanism for maintaining a normal body temperature during exercise. If time does not replenish fluids in the body, can make dehydration, which is fraught with the emergence of extreme fatigue, seizures, and even the development of heat stroke.

But all this can be avoided during and after sports drink is not carbonated mineral water. But do not drink a lot of water immediately - it can hurt the stomach wall. During a workout, drink enough every 15-20 minutes at 100-150 ml.

Water should be pretty cool (primerno15-20 ° C). When prolonged physical exertion needed energy drinks moderately sweetened with sugar, but better - honey (for example, the infusion of rose hips). By the way, you need to drink in the heat and in the cold season. The fact that the dehydration takes place not only through sweating.

In winter, the cold and warm the body is forced to humidify the air you breathe. Therefore, if you are not in time to hydrate - freeze.

Afonina Anna

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We are engaged properly in the gym

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We are engaged properly in the gym
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7. Breeding hand in hand with the little finger turning up 12-15 times. Stand straight, lift and turn at the same time, holding dumbbells, weights are adjusted so that the back is "not play" (start with 2.5 kg).

8. Biceps, thrust at the front, grabbing his hands below 15 times for the beginning of 10 kg.

9. Triceps, thrust at the front, grabbing his hands on, 15 times for the beginning of 10 kg, a triangular handle. Stretches the lateral muscles. Raise your hands above your head through the sides up. Pull your right hand toward the ceiling as much as possible - time. Dip your hands - two. The same - with the left hand - three, four.


10. Twisting 60-100 times. Very important: the loin adheres to the floor, exhale on a long twisting, to enhance the point of maximum load can be "podvydohnut" all that's left; We do not fall back and go down. Options: skrestnye hands on his chest (the easiest), hands behind head, you can take a dumbbell (as if pushing them from the chest to the knees by twisting), you can not go down to the end, thus reducing the relaxation phase.

11. Reverse Crunch with lowering the legs on the toes 40-60 times. It is important to not push off your feet, and to attract them to his chest by abdominal muscles. Aerobic load 10 min. Rate average. The slopes. Stand up, slightly bending your knees and slowly bend forward. Relax your back and shoulders at the moment when you pull your socks. Stay in this position up to 15 accounts.

Exercise for the leg muscles.

Stand in front of the Swedish wall, put your foot as high as possible on the steps, get on it. Hands can stick only to maintain balance. The same with the other leg.

The program is for beginners.

Duration: 20-30 minutes, 1-2 times a week at first attention should be paid to a continuous gradual increase in activity for 20-30 minutes rather than to achieve and maintain a predetermined intensity workout.

When you are able to exercise continuously for 20-30 minutes, gradually increase the exercise time to the recommended level of intensity. This program should be followed during the first 6-8 weeks of training.

For the development of general endurance can recommend the so-called cyclic training.

1. Pulling

2. Squat on one leg

3. flexion-extension of the trunk sitting legs secured

4. push-ups

5. Vyprigivanie of deep squats

6. flexion-extension of the body lying on gymnastic bench face down, legs secured

7. Pulling narrow or wide grip

8. Dips

9. Lifting the legs to the hands on the bar in vise

The pauses between exercises filled with jogging (1 min) It is important to exercise and were liked by the forces, then your training will be effective.

Doctors psychologists have repeatedly noticed that when sports people are physically matured, they have improved mood, sleep, have a desire to continue physical exercise and give up bad habits.

Be sure that the sport - it is a real community of active, positive and self-confident people.

Relaxing, exercising and developing in the gym, in the fitness club, you are setting yourself up for victory over disease, laziness, physical infirmity.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy and beautiful!

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Exercises for abdominal muscles

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Exercises for abdominal muscles
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Page 3

11. The rise of direct legs on the crossbar.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Grabbing hold the top bar and hang on it at arm's length. Trying to keep the legs as straight as possible, raise them in front of as high as possible, then lower down, but they do not touch the floor. Do not swing during this exercise. Since the effort involved visom, is beyond the scope of this exercise, I recommend using the strap to attach the hands to the crossbeam. In this way your fingers and your hands will not get tired before you fully press muscles worked.

12. The rise of the bent leg in the vise on the crossbar.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

This exercise should be done when you're tired in the straight leg lifts in the vise on the crossbar. Bending the knees will allow you to do more reps with greater amplitude. Grabbing hold the top bar and hang on it at arm's length. Bend your knees and lift them as high as possible. Lower them to the starting position. Do not swing during this exercise. For a secure grip on the bar, I recommend using straps.

13. The rise of direct legs on a vertical bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Take a position on a vertical bench, leaning on his hands. Retaining the fixed upper half of the body, lift the straight legs as high as possible, then slowly lower them. Try during the exercise not to take the lower back from the bench.

14. The rise of the bent leg on the vertical bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

This exercise is very useful to perform immediately after the lift straight legs to the vertical bench. Take a position on a vertical bench, leaning on his hands. Retaining the fixed upper half of the body, bend your knees, raise them as high as possible and tighten your abdominal muscles. Do not straighten the legs, lower them to the starting position.

15. Alternating leg lifts on a vertical bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Any modification of exercise causes the muscles to react to it in a new, different way. When lifting the legs on a vertical bench you try to lift them not simultaneously but in succession. So you give your abdominal muscles a completely different load. Take a position on a vertical bench in the same way as before the previous exercise.

Lift one leg straight, lower it, then repeat the same with the other leg. Then, do this exercise with bent legs. As an additional option, you can perform alternate leg raises on an incline bench, a flat bench or on the floor.

16. The simultaneous rise of the torso and bent legs in a sitting position across the bench.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.

Sit across the bench, holding hands for the stability of the edge. Lift the legs and slightly bend their knees. Straighten your legs, rejecting the trunk for balance back. Raise your knees to your chest, while lifting and body. Try to touch the knees and chest while how to tighten your abdominal muscles. During the exercise, you should feel a constant tension in the abdominal muscles. During the exercise, try to never touch the floor underfoot.

17. The simultaneous rise of the torso and bent legs from a prone position on the floor.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.

Lie on your back on the floor with his hands behind his head. Lift your head and shoulders up, as when lifting the torso, and lift up your knees as high as possible. Try to touch your elbows knees, then lower body and legs to the starting position. The greatest effect is achieved if the exercise is carried out very slowly.

18. Alternating leg flexion in the prone position on the floor.

The purpose of the exercise: Study of inferior rectus muscle.

Lie on your back on the floor, lean on your elbows, and put the sustainability of the palm under the buttocks. Lift both legs off the floor. Pull one knee as close to the shoulder. Straightening the leg while oncoming traffic pull the other knee to shoulder. Continue to exercise, making a motion with both feet at the same time, bending and straightening one another.

19. Alternating leg flexion in the prone position on the floor combined with the turn of a trunk.

The purpose of the exercise: study of the inferior rectus, and intercostal oblique muscles.

Lie on your back on the floor. The hands are behind his head, his head raised. The legs lift off the floor about 2 inches. Pull one knee to the head and body at the same time turn, trying to touch the knee of the opposite elbow. Return to starting position and repeat the movement with the other leg. Leg movement should remind cycling.

20. "clenching".

The purpose of the exercise: Study of the upper and inferior rectus muscle.

"Clenching" - this is a very effective way to achieve maximum clarity press. Lie on your back on the floor. Raise legs bent at the knees and the feet rest against the stability of the wall or bench. Hands behind your head connect. Lift your head and shoulders to the knees, as when lifting the body, and at the same time lift the pelvis. Feel the contraction of abdominal muscles at the same time "clenching" the upper and lower half of the body. At the top of the movement tighten the press still more to achieve maximum muscle contraction, then loosen the tension and return to starting position.

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