Ongoing activities during exercise muscle tone of skeletal muscles affects the autonomic changes and primarily on cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Proprioception is important in the mechanism of waking; It is known that a change in muscle tone is also manifested in a change of autonomic functions. Currently, the muscle tone is regarded as reflexogen factor and its changes affect the change in the function of internal organs.
This provision is one of the basic positions of the theory of motor-visceral reflexes, developed by MR Mogendovich with employees.
Please note that all the internal organs, especially musculoarticular unit is not only the executive, but at the same time perceiving receptor device.
The value of interoceptive reflexes is also expressed in maintaining the optimal level of activity of various physiological systems of the body.
When you exercise, carried out in the appropriate dosage, adequate general condition of the patient, afferent impulses of the internal systems have a significant impact on the neuro-psychic sphere of the patient.
Streams of afferent impulses also contribute to the functional and dynamic restructuring of the neuro-humoral regulation of the whole organism, which influenced the course of treatment (exercise) becomes more sophisticated functionally.
In order to achieve an improved activity of the patient play an important role coordinating influence on internal systems by extero- especially proprioceptors working skeletal muscles.
The system of the reticular formation
In evaluating the therapeutic effect of exercise should be borne in mind that the muscular system and its reception and the central nervous system is an important mechanism of regulation of vegetative functions.
The system of the reticular formation is distributed in almost the entire central region of the brain stem.
Depending on the location of irritation in the reticular formation occurs relief or braking on many types of motor processes, including the flexor or extensor reflexes, decerebrate rigidity or reactions that occur during stimulation of the motor cortex.
Ascending reticular influence, spreading up to the cerebral cortex of the brain are involved in the origin and maintenance of the waking state, as well as in the process of focused attention.
Thus, the influence of the reticular formation extends to the majority of the structures and functions of the central nervous system, reducing or increasing the level of their activity or linking and integrating their manifestations. It was also found that its impact on the neural mechanisms is expressed as upstream and downstream.
It also became apparent that the reticular formation is directly related to the implementation of the conditional reflex activity of the person is to be considered in assessing the physiological effect of exercise on patients.
In this regard, to achieve a therapeutic result in the application of physical therapy exercise is an important element of respect for the adequacy between the amount of exercise and reactive response to the internal systems of the body.