Continuing development of the body's reaction to exercise

 development reactions to exercise

Considering the consistent development of the body's response to exercise, should take into account the role of mental representations (psychogenic mechanism) before exercising.

These ideas, setting up the patient to transition to the active state, mobilized cortical regulation functions, preparing and gradually involving the patient's body in the process of the upcoming exercise.

Implementation of active exercise, puts the patient in terms of the active and conscious participation in the treatment process. Intelligence in physical exercises increases the intensity of movements.

Studies ME Marshak proved that improving efficiency at any work has been observed in the 2 - 4 day of training, while at the involuntary (irritation of electric shock) a marked increase in performance comes only after 4 - 6 weeks of daily training.

Comprehension intelligent patients arguments in favor of one or other exercises intimately connected with the increase of his strong-willed focus and increased regulatory influence of the cerebral cortex in the operating system.

The basis of this process are conditionally - reflex connections. Effect of exercise on the neuro-psychic sphere is expressed in the reduction of the patient, and sometimes removal of psychogenic brakes.

In diseases and injuries there is some inhibition of the psyche, as if the patient is in a state of lethargy. By AN Krestovnikovs bark in these cases it is partially deprived of the influence of the natural flow of stimuli coming from the receptors of the motor apparatus, which is reflected in its functional state.

Appointment of physiotherapy with the active participation of the patient in the process of physical exercise reduces or eliminates psychogenic brake, enhances the effect of the cerebral cortex in the regulation of physiological processes.

Performing patients of different active exercise is meaningful and conscious act, they include in its orbit of influence the person of the patient, determine its active conduct in the course of procedures for the treatment course, represents a kind of therapeutic and educational process.

Physiological Responses

 Basic physiological reactions

In consideration of basic physiological reactions when exposed to exercise in the patient should proceed from the position of the great Russian scientists IM Sechenov, Pavlov, Michurin and others.

the unity of the environment and organizma.I. Sechenov considered the possible existence of an organism in a changing environment because the body adapts to these changes.

The physiological response of the body to the action of environmental factors not only appropriate to the nature, quality and quantity characteristics of the past, but is defined by them. In this light the issue as a whole body acts as an indissoluble unity with the environment. Life organism Pavlov regards as "a continuous balancing of the internal environment of the organism to the conditions of the environment."

The leading mechanism in this case is the nervous system. Currently, there is no doubt that all the effects of external and internal environment, causing the part of the body's different responses occur with the indispensable and obligatory participation of the nervous system.

Therefore, not only innate, but mainly arise due time determine the most balanced relationship between organism and environment. Essence observed in physiology and pathology process is adaptive, this is the main and most common biological regularity.

Adaptive processes have reached the highest human development as a naturally developing adaptive acts he attached the adult training, which, in particular, is the leitmotif of physiotherapy.

The role of the external environment

The role of the external environment in the development of disease and in the treatment of their most clearly reflected in the writings of one of the leading representatives of Russian therapeutic school AA Ostroumova. He pointed out:

"We perform first reading - to change the environment that is not consistent with the functional power of the body. Most of us have enough to restore the balance of items, remove the disorder. "

The use of different types of physical exercise (gymnastics, walking, health path, excursions, games, swimming and diving, walking skiing, skating, etc.), Translating the patient's body in a more pronounced active state, substantially change its relationship with the environment .

The impact on the patient's external environmental factors in the application of physical therapy is particularly vivid expression in the spa treatment.

In carrying patients of different active exercise of its internal environment as it approaches the influence it by external factors, and this balancing act is carried out of the central nervous sistemoy.Izvestno that during the patient's stay at the resort or in the resort it is influenced by various environmental factors.

All these social, as well as mechanical, weather, climate and other factors, and are subject to various fluctuations in turn form a complex set of interactions, a particular environment.

Considering the relationship between man and the environment should take into account not only its ability to actively change the natural environment, but deliberately, intentionally and change its nature, its body, its reactivity to stimuli of the environment.

This process is reflected in the training exercise and hardening natural factors of nature, which is particularly evident during the spa treatment and that contributes to a better therapeutic success.

Exercise for a sick person

 Exercise for a sick person

Fundamentals of physiological and therapeutic action

For a proper understanding of the therapeutic value of the method of physical therapy is essential for the study of the action of exercise on the body healthy and the sick person.

In this regard, it must be considered as already studied basic physiological patterns and the data obtained by subsequent observations of Soviet fiziologov.Osobenno important for understanding the physiological and therapeutic effect of exercise on the patient's body has a physiological doctrine of Pavlov.

It is valuable because it based on a thorough experiment shows the unity of the material and mental, organic and functional, objective and subjective.

His doctrine of higher nervous activity revealed the material basis of mental processes and dealt a severe blow to this idealistic, reactionary views on the essence of human mental activity.

It formed the basis for justification of the method of physical therapy, creating conditions for further development of scientific research in the field of physical therapy.

For a correct interpretation of the question of physiotherapy Pavlov's theory is valuable in that it develops the ideas Botkin clinic. Note Botkin, the clinic - it is, first, a method, and secondly, the system and, thirdly, deep individualizirovanie patient is directly related to understanding the therapeutic role of physiotherapy.

Looking at the body as a whole, Pavlov explained scientifically, what is due to the functional unity of the body. The basis of the theory he put nervism, whose founders were Sechenov and SP Botkin. According to this theory, all life processes of the body are regulated by the central nervous system.

Physiological measure against disease

The human body has various mechanisms contributing to recovery. Hippocrates pointed out that there is healing power of the body, which, when diseases can lead to self-healing. Mechnikov considered phagocytosis as a physiological mechanism of self-healing and self-defense.

Sechenov pointed to the presence in the body expedient "defensive" refleksov.V concept of "physiological measure against the disease," Pavlov puts idea of ​​protective devices available to man.

Currently, medicine is developing a new section, studying the mechanisms of the body's release of a pathological condition - recovery mechanism (the study of sanogenesis).

Therapeutic exercises using the basic process of exercise and workout, strengthens the body's defense measures, increasing its resistance to adverse environmental factors.

At the same time stimulating and exercising influence of the physical therapy contributes to a temporary or permanent compensation, more perfect and improve the functioning of the health and disability of patients, facilitating their recovery.

Physiological substantiation of physical therapy, which is based on a comprehensive study of the effects of physical exercise, would greatly open and therapeutic nature of the influence of physical exercise on the body of the patient.

In this regard, the problem of studying the mechanism of action is the leitmotif of the whole theory of physical therapy, the cardinal and the most difficult problem in the study of this issue.

The achievements of Soviet physiology, biochemistry and other disciplines were given the opportunity to properly assess the physical exercise as a complex non-specific irritant, affecting almost all human functions.
