Continuing development of the body's reaction to exercise

 development reactions to exercise

Considering the consistent development of the body's response to exercise, should take into account the role of mental representations (psychogenic mechanism) before exercising.

These ideas, setting up the patient to transition to the active state, mobilized cortical regulation functions, preparing and gradually involving the patient's body in the process of the upcoming exercise.

Implementation of active exercise, puts the patient in terms of the active and conscious participation in the treatment process. Intelligence in physical exercises increases the intensity of movements.

Studies ME Marshak proved that improving efficiency at any work has been observed in the 2 - 4 day of training, while at the involuntary (irritation of electric shock) a marked increase in performance comes only after 4 - 6 weeks of daily training.

Comprehension intelligent patients arguments in favor of one or other exercises intimately connected with the increase of his strong-willed focus and increased regulatory influence of the cerebral cortex in the operating system.

The basis of this process are conditionally - reflex connections. Effect of exercise on the neuro-psychic sphere is expressed in the reduction of the patient, and sometimes removal of psychogenic brakes.

In diseases and injuries there is some inhibition of the psyche, as if the patient is in a state of lethargy. By AN Krestovnikovs bark in these cases it is partially deprived of the influence of the natural flow of stimuli coming from the receptors of the motor apparatus, which is reflected in its functional state.

Appointment of physiotherapy with the active participation of the patient in the process of physical exercise reduces or eliminates psychogenic brake, enhances the effect of the cerebral cortex in the regulation of physiological processes.

Performing patients of different active exercise is meaningful and conscious act, they include in its orbit of influence the person of the patient, determine its active conduct in the course of procedures for the treatment course, represents a kind of therapeutic and educational process.

The desire of the patient to recovery

 The desire of the patient to recovery

The desire of the patient to recovery is inextricably linked with a strong stress, factors contributing to the mobilization of the reserve of the body, eliminating psychogenic braking and other physiological abnormalities.

Works Ukhtomskii AN Krestovnikov, V. Efimov et al. And our own observations of patients indicate that one representation of the physical exercise causes a shift on the part of the circulatory, respiratory and other systems.

In other words, the perception of the upcoming psychogenic nagruzkivyzyvaet physical response in the patient setting, due to the trigger.

Thus, AN Krestovnikovs and his staff clearly demonstrated that the orientation of the active muscle activity causes a decrease in imaginary situations magnitude rheobase, t. E. Characterized by an increase in electrical sensitivity visual centers; at the same time there are increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, respiratory rate, increased pulmonary ventilation, oxygen uptake and a number of other changes.

In the hall of physiotherapy, we observed changes in the health of patients, the frequency of heart rate, blood pressure altitude only when the contemplative perception of exercise.

By KM Bykov, based on a psychogenic effect of exercise is the formation of a conditioned reflex, generated by a combination of muscular work with an agent, signaling the need for its implementation.

The observed changes, both in healthy and in patients in connection with the upcoming exercise are the result of the combined operation of the first and second signal systems.

Thus, the situation of physiotherapy office or come to the House Methodist for the procedure of medical gymnastics, the adoption of the initial position and the doctor's instructions as factors of the first and second signaling systems contribute to the development of certain ideas.

The activities of the first and second signaling systems

Interdependence of the activities of the first and second signaling systems from different patients before the procedure, therapeutic exercises, and determines the nature of the reaction of the patient for the coming physical exercise.

The brightness of the manifestations of this reaction depends on how familiar or unusual situation for the patient physical therapy office, the mobility of the nervous processes, and consequently, the type of nervous activity.

This, of course, should be considered a feature of the disease and the state of fitness.

In the evaluation of the physiological effect of exercise becomes important change in the emotional state of the patient.

As you know, the emotional "state of a person due to the overall activity of the cortex and subcortical structures. Although important for the character of the emotions it is the autonomic nervous system, but the leading role belongs to the cerebral cortex.

Emotions are characterized by mental strain, anxiety, often accompanied by a variety of expressive movements. This indicates that emotion and movement (e.g., Aport) conjugate characterize reactivity sports exercise.

It is known that the reaction of the cardiovascular and other systems of the participants won and lost the competition the team is different. An interesting exercise for the athlete is characterized by increased blood sugar levels, and uninteresting - down.

Emotional reaction in both healthy and patients are carried out at certain neural pathways.

Arising from the consciousness of a certain situation, ie. E. From the bark, through the hypothalamic region and sympathetic innervation, emotional excitement alters the activity of internal organs.

Changes in the function of internal organs

 Changes in the function of internal organs

Changes in the function of internal organs, in turn, is reflected in the consciousness through interoretseptornye way. At the same time it attaches great importance to and afferent impulses from the skeletal muscle,

interoretseptivnye at which impulses reach the cerebral cortex, where there is a complete emotional experience.

In all the way internal reactions are possible pathological processes that can cause disorders of emotional reactions and, therefore, emotional feelings that need to be taken into account in the practice of physical therapy.

When the emotions that arise in the course of physical therapy procedures must take into account the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system and strengthen the adrenal glands release adrenaline, which causes a similar effect, as well as the excitement of the sympathetic nervous system, t. E. Increases contractility of the muscles.

Adrenaline released into the blood during exercise, especially accompanied by positive emotions, even against the background of low blood pressure (with hypotonic states) significantly increases the efficiency of the musculoskeletal system in patients.

The development of positive emotions (courage, joy, satisfaction, and others.) Under the influence of exercise on the patient is carried out against the background of the unconditional and conditional extero- and interotseptivyayh ties.

KM Bykov considering emotions as complex reaction of the body that affect the entire nervous system as a whole.

They occur in patients during physical exercise contribute to the sensitization of various departments of the central nervous system, create more favorable conditions and facilitate the conduction of nerve impulses, and also contribute to a variety of internal connections between system functions, especially the cortico-.vistseralnymi and motor-visceral.
