Rhythm exercise

 Rhythm exercise

Assimilation of rhythm exercise patients achieved gradually in connection with the used rote exercise. This process is carried out with the direct regulatory effect on the central nervous system.

The sequence and the difference between the rate of exercise are often the next character.

a) The first stage of the exercise - the stage unresolved inconsistencies lability, nonconformity labile central unit and an effector.

Research K. Smirnov and co-workers have shown that the first stage of the exercise vagueness and difficulty of performing the specified movements are determined by the flow of imperfect at the time of the nervous processes. Wide irradiation of the excitatory process is supplemented by inhibition interfere with exercise.

b) The next phase, when the body comes out of this state, and set a steady performance, - a stage and I assimilation rate.

c) In the future, the implementation of a systematic and long-term training to establish a sustainable level of performance will be without substantial delay in its development - this is the third stage of the exercise, the stage of steady movement patterns.

Compared with the development of motor skills in sports movements restoration of patients, especially in patients with lesions of various parts of the central nervous system, the rhythm exercise is complicated.

In healthy individuals during physical exercise carried out the improvement of physiological mechanisms, it creates a certain consistency in the activities of the central nervous system (dynamic stereotype), which allows to perform movements more sparingly, just, free and automated to a certain extent.

The development of a dynamic stereotype contributes to the process of braking, which play an important role in coordinating relations.

In addition, the process of improving motor skill in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain appear separate, relatively independent of each other foci of excitation and inhibition (Mosaic Law bark), which is also creating a certain system, provides a well-defined structure of the movement.

Motor activity, increased motor activity in patients

 Physical activity

In physical therapy physical activity in patients with permanent stereotyped sequence of causes in the cerebral cortex with the same stereotyped sequence of occurrence in different parts of the pockets of her excitement.

Under the influence of training over the course of the treatment of the sequence flow of nerve processes and is fixed as it is gradually improving.

It should be noted that the conversion of the old, established stereotypes (especially due to pathological) and its replacement by the new is a long process related to overcoming the significant difficulties with the active participation of the patient and strong-willed in the complex process of exercise.

In this regard, certain difficulties are overcome by a doctor and Methodist physical therapy in the development and education of the correct motor activity in patients.

These difficulties are often compounded by the presence of patients with disorders caused by an organic process. In this pathological background of systematic exercise of all parts of the nervous system is not only intended to Practice and the development of normal motor activity of the patient, but also their retraining.

In these cases it is necessary to rebuild the entire motor function, to wean the patient from improper execution of movements (anti-dyskinesia), and at the same time to bring up the right movements.

The success of the recovery and improvement of the motor activity of the patient taking into account the characteristics of destruction is determined as a conscious attitude of the patient to the doctor's instructions and Methodists, and therefore differentiated neural processes in the cerebral cortex as well as the entire process of recovery takes place under the direct control of consciousness and different analyzers, and and proprioceptive links.

Functional changes of the nervous system contributes to the high plasticity of the cerebral cortex, which facilitates the emergence of new motor patterns generated in the process of training the motor activity.

The motor cortex

 The motor cortex

Pavlov experimentally substantiated this concept to the cerebral cortex, creating a reflex theory. The principle of temporary connections, which is the basis reflex theory,

Pavlov allowed to express the following idea:

"The motor cortex is same analyzer skeletal motive power of the body, like other areas of its analyzers are different types of external energy acting on the body. If this view of the matter hemisphere are grand analyzer as the outer world and the inner world of the body. "

In another study, Pavlov wrote on this subject as follows: "There is no doubt that the body is not only important analysis of the outside world - it is also necessary for the signaling up and what happens within it.

These thoughts of Pavlov formed the basis for understanding the complex process of recovery of movement in patients as a result of regular use of physiotherapy.

The basis of the therapeutic success is the ability to exercise influence on processes of excitation in the cerebral cortex with the altered motility nerve processes in the direction of strengthening them, downward.

Therefore, in patients with exercise training activates the effect of the cortex of the brain hemispheres on the operating system.

At the same time there is a growing influence on the central nervous system of afferent (extero-, proprio- and interoreceptors) stimuli.

Excitatory and inhibitory processes, emerged in the hemisphere can then concentrate. Regular average voltage of excitation he concentrates, concentrating in certain limited point.

The use of active exercise

 The use of active exercise

Pavlov in his answer of physiology and psychology described the nervous system: "Our system is self-regulating in the highest degree, correct, and even perfection.

The main thing is strong and constantly had the impression from the study of nervous activity by our method - is an extraordinary plasticity of its activity, its enormous possibilities: nothing remains fixed, unyielding, and can always be reached, change for the better, as long as the relevant conditions have been carried out.

Great flexibility and dynamic processes in the cerebral cortex, the thin relations established by it in the preparation of irritation to the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, on the one hand, and of the environment - on the other hand, put the phylogenetically youngest of the nervous system in the spotlight at Assessment of the physiological effect of exercise.

In the application of active exercise the cerebral cortex because of its impact on the plasticity of functional changes, improving the response of functioning systems and coordinating their activities.

Cora keeps the cerebral hemispheres in its conduct of those physiological processes that occur in the human body in the implementation exercise.

It is appropriate to recall the instructions Sechenov that mental activity, as well as the usual involuntary reflex activity, eventually finds its expression in the form of muscle movements.

Almost 100 years ago, Sechenov suggested: "Muscle movements are of great importance for the development of the brain, and hence the state of development of the human body as a whole ...

No movement can neither knowledge of nature, let alone remake it at work or improvement of the person in the process of education. "

Sechenov suggested reflexes of the brain:

"All movements, bearing the name of the arbitrary in physiology, are strictly reflex."
