Assimilation of rhythm exercise patients achieved gradually in connection with the used rote exercise. This process is carried out with the direct regulatory effect on the central nervous system.
The sequence and the difference between the rate of exercise are often the next character.
a) The first stage of the exercise - the stage unresolved inconsistencies lability, nonconformity labile central unit and an effector.
Research K. Smirnov and co-workers have shown that the first stage of the exercise vagueness and difficulty of performing the specified movements are determined by the flow of imperfect at the time of the nervous processes. Wide irradiation of the excitatory process is supplemented by inhibition interfere with exercise.
b) The next phase, when the body comes out of this state, and set a steady performance, - a stage and I assimilation rate.
c) In the future, the implementation of a systematic and long-term training to establish a sustainable level of performance will be without substantial delay in its development - this is the third stage of the exercise, the stage of steady movement patterns.
Compared with the development of motor skills in sports movements restoration of patients, especially in patients with lesions of various parts of the central nervous system, the rhythm exercise is complicated.
In healthy individuals during physical exercise carried out the improvement of physiological mechanisms, it creates a certain consistency in the activities of the central nervous system (dynamic stereotype), which allows to perform movements more sparingly, just, free and automated to a certain extent.
The development of a dynamic stereotype contributes to the process of braking, which play an important role in coordinating relations.
In addition, the process of improving motor skill in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain appear separate, relatively independent of each other foci of excitation and inhibition (Mosaic Law bark), which is also creating a certain system, provides a well-defined structure of the movement.