Conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby - a natural process
which contributes to nature itself. But not always the appearance of a new
man given easily to his parents. Let's see, what to do
to get pregnant and how to help your body cope with one of the
the main tasks of a woman - to give birth to a child.
Follow the cycle. How to determine the day of ovulation?
Conception can occur only during ovulation, when the egg is released
from the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. If at this moment it occurs
with the sperm, fertilization occurs and a brand new life.
How to determine the day of ovulation? Typically, ovulation is in the middle
cycle. Thus, with a cycle lasting 28 days most
likely to conceive is 8-14 days after the onset of menstruation.
But hasty conclusions should not do.
Firstly, perfectly regular 4-week cycle can boast
Not every woman.
Second, even in women with regular cycle can be offset
ovulation. The reason - illness, stress, hormonal disruptions, reception
certain medications.
The body of every woman is unique, therefore accurately calculate the day of ovulation
only on the basis of the calendar method does not always work.
Bol precise determination of the date of ovulation is possible with the help of special test
strips, which can be purchased in almost any drugstore. Strip
covered by this test reagents. They change color when certain
urinary concentration of luteinizing hormone which starts
produced two days before ovulation.
Not too comfortable, but relatively accurate way to calculate
the day of ovulation - tracking basal body temperature. A day before
Ovulation basal temperature decreases, and after 6-12 hours - rises
about half a degree. However, this method requires thoroughness and
responsibility. To measure basal temperature should be every day at
at the same time (preferably in the morning to do it without getting up from the bed) at least
3-4 cycles in a row. At the same time, an increase in basal temperature, though
is a sign of ovulation, though not an indicator of readiness for women
conception. In fact, besides the presence of ovulation, ensure cross-
Fallopian tubes.
One of the most accurate and effective way to determine the day of ovulation -
ultrasound monitoring of follicles growth - follikulometriya. This
procedure allows to confirm the usefulness or defective
menstrual cycle. It is carried out several times during the cycle,
certain diagnostician.
Be active
Moderate exercise has a positive effect on the body
both partners: they improve breathing, circulation, saturation of tissues and
of oxygen, increase resistance to stress, regulate
the release of insulin. All this contributes to the improvement of fertility and normalization
Through regular training in men increased testosterone levels,
thus improving the quality of sperm.
Avoid stress
In times of stress decreases and production of luteinizing
follicle stimulating hormone. Their low content affects
maturation of the egg - ovulation may slow or not occur.
Also under stress in the body decreases the amount of estrogen that
It leads to a thinning of the endometrium. The resulting fertilized
egg will be difficult to attach to the uterine wall.
Do not forget about the impact of stress on the male body. For men
These important hormones related to the maintenance of normal levels of testosterone,
which is responsible not only for the potency, but also for spermatogenesis. With
Abuse generation LH and FSH due to stress can occur in men
reduced potency and production of defective sperm abnormalities
development as well as deterioration of other characteristics of the seminal fluid.
Naturally, this is not conducive to successful conception.
What to eat to get pregnant?
Proper nutrition - it is, above all, moderation. When planning a baby, do not
not sit on a rigid diet. Lose weight, you'll then after
bear and give birth. And before conception is impossible to greatly restrict their diet.
Otherwise, you run the risk of provoking toxicosis, developmental delay
fetus, premature birth and other complications.
On the other hand, too, should not overeat. Do not eat for two before conception
and during pregnancy. A large amount of adipose tissue in the mother and baby
- One of the reasons for the complex delivery and birth trauma.
Preparing to conceive means smaller meals 6-8 times a day
in small portions. Required component menu expectant mother - it
animal protein (at least 100 g per day). The protein diet is better to take out
meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit), eggs and dairy products. In addition
animal, vegetable protein should be consumed, the amount should be
40% of the proportion of total daily protein.
The list of what to eat to get pregnant also includes fish and
seafood. In addition to the protein they contain phosphorus and calcium - irreplaceable
substances for the formation of tissues and muscles of the unborn child.
Mandatory element of the menu - salads, vegetables and fruits. They contain no
Only vitamins and fiber needed for normal operation
Instead of mayonnaise salad dressing with olive oil and natural yogurt.
It is desirable every day to eat dairy products. But from
spicy, sweet and smoked is better to abstain.
Expectant mothers should drink 1, 5 liters of fluid daily. In addition
yogurt, juice and tea drink, and be plain water.
Get rid of bad habits
2-3 months before the alleged conception to forget about smoking and
drinking. Alcohol abuse is penalized
the menstrual cycle, reduces immunity, provoking infertility and miscarriages.
If you smoke, give up this habit is better than when you
You learned she was pregnant, and for 2-3 months before conception. Nicotine affects the exchange
substances, therefore, quit smoking, go on for a while sparing
vegetable-protein diet.
Stock up on vitamins
Another rule that should be followed strictly, - reception
vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency can interfere with fertility, reduce
the immune system and cause a number of complications in the development of the fetus, and thus - to substitute
pass your health and your child's life.
Most important for the health of mother and child is folic acid.
Her lack of increases the risk of malformations and provokes premature
delivery. Folic acid is responsible for the growth and division of new cells, as well as
formation of the nervous system in a child. Its reception is to begin, however,
than 3 months before the planned conception.
Folic acid is found in legumes and green vegetables (lettuce, spinach,
green peas, cabbage, green onions). There it is in carrots and tomatoes in
bread from wheat flour, oatmeal and buckwheat in. You can also top up
reserves of folic acid from the liver, kidney, eggs, egg yolks, cheese,
cottage cheese.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in the formation and
the development of the placenta, and therefore it is necessary at an early stage
pregnancy (when a woman may not even know about it). It should be
recognize that many negatively combined oral contraceptives
influence the exchange riboflavin B2 therefore reception will be useful at the stage
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for the synthesis processes
amino acids that form proteins - the basic "building blocks"
for the cell of a new organism. Lack of vitamin B6 can lead to
disorders of the brain and nervous system of the child. Also this vitamin
It prevents early toxicosis, reduces irritability and aggressiveness, and
normalizes the excretion of excess fluid, eliminating the pregnant woman on a
problems like swelling.
Another important component for a normal pregnancy - is vitamin E. It
promotes tissue oxygen saturation, is necessary for the metabolism of proteins,
fats and carbohydrates. Also, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting
cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. With a lack of
vitamin E woman feels muscle weakness, pain, high risk
spontaneous abortion.
Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, which is a major
the connecting element and vessel walls bone. Also, vitamin C
strengthens capillaries, is involved in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism,
processing cholesterol and other important biochemical reactions in the body.
Lack of vitamin C in the mother can lead to premature
rupture of membranes.
Do not forget about magnesium. At the planning stage of pregnancy a woman
must obtain 400 mg of the substance daily. Apples, citrus fruits, vegetables
and nuts - an excellent source of magnesium for expectant mothers.
Selenium is a part of a large number of enzymes, including those
which increase fertility. Selenium deficiency can lead to
hormonal disruptions. With the lack of trace elements in the mother's body
connect underweight at birth.
Zinc is necessary for the genetic apparatus, for education and
Development of the cell nucleus, as well as for growth and cell division. Admission zinc
It helps prevent birth defects of the baby, obstructed labor,
premature detachment of the placenta and other problems.
Iodine is a part of the hormone thyroxine, which is actively cooperating with
sex hormones and the pituitary gland. Deficiency of this trace element in the body
women can lead to lethargy and emotional reduction
fertility, and iodine deficiency during pregnancy causes
the development of congenital malformations of the fetus.
The amino acid arginine helps to improve blood circulation and saturation
tissue oxygenation, and supports libido and fertility increases.
Vitex extract stimulates the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone
and at the same time reduces the production of the hormone prolactin. The combination of increased
prolactin and progesterone deficiency hinders implantation
a fertilized egg, and quite often the cause
non-occurrence of pregnancy. Acceptance of Vitex helps with this
problem and contributes to the normalization of hormonal balance.
All these vitamins and minerals are part of the complex Pregnoton specifically designed for women who are preparing to become
moms. Pregnoton helps compensate for a deficiency of vitamins and minerals,
needed for conception and a healthy pregnancy, improves
the state of the female reproductive system, normalizes cycle. Receiving
Pregnotona should begin 3 months before the alleged conception.
Together with a woman to conceive should be prepared and the future father.
He also
should say goodbye to bad habits, to reconsider your diet
power, abandoning fatty, fried, smoked and sweet, in favor of
natural products, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, taking
special vitamins.
For men who are going to become fathers, we developed a set of Speroton (Spematon). Admission Sperotona (Spematona) contributes to improving the quality of
sperm and increase male fertility.
The structure Sperotona (Spematona) include folic acid, vitamin E, zinc,
selenium and the amino acid L-carnitine.
Folic acid helps to reduce the number of abnormal forms
sperm contributes to qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of the ejaculate.
Vitamin E improves the mobility increases, the concentration and viability
Zinc is essential for synthesis of testosterone and FSH
(FSH), which are responsible for the processes of spermatogenesis.
Selenium is an antioxidant activity, it increases libido enhances
sperm motility and promotes the growth of their number.
L-carnitine activates hormonal activity increases
testosterone, stimulates sperm maturation, increase their
the quantity and mobility, improves the structure of gametes.
Admission Sperotona (Spematona) should also begin 3 months before
prospective conception, since sperm maturation lasts 72 days.
Of course, in preparation for pregnancy both expectant parents
You have to change your lifestyle and diet, giving up harmful
Some habits and eating habits.
But all your efforts
help to avoid many problems. Do not forget that in your hands is not only
your own health but the health of your child.