Every woman wants to feel the joy of motherhood, to give birth to the baby. But it so happens, the desire to eat, but to get pregnant, can not do it. The woman then begins to ask the question, how to get pregnant if you can not? In some days you can get pregnant, tracking ovulation, folk ways and psychological infertility.
If pregnancy does not occur more than one year, it is recommended to be tested. First, a man must pass semen analysis, if all goes well, then start checking the woman. It will have to hand over a blood on hormones, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, undergo a pelvic ultrasound, to check the patency of pipes, according to the research, the doctor decides on further treatment.
But, as if from the beginning of planning than a year, or all test results are good, and pregnancy does not occur, then you can use some tips on how to get pregnant.
In some days you can get pregnant, tracking ovulation
Very often, pregnancy does not occur, since the sexual act does not fall during the days of possible conception. To track ovulation tests used and the schedule of basal temperature. Apply ovulation test is very simple, the main guided instruction to them. Do they need to be for 5 days prior to ovulation.
The schedule should start with the first day of menstruation until the day before it. To measure the temperature rectally, the thermometer should be every morning, do not get up from the bed. Each time you need to write down the temperature. In the first phase it is, basically, below 37 degrees, the second - above, but there are exceptions.
On that day, when the temperature started to rise and there is a day of ovulation. After it the temperature should stay above 37. In any case, what would have been the rectal temperature, the difference between the phases must be more than 0, 4. Trying to get pregnant, it is desirable to begin three days before ovulation and a few days afterwards, then a better chance of successful conception .
The most reliable method in determining ovulation is the ultrasound monitor. Through this method can accurately determine ovulation, the doctor will tell you about after some time, it happens to start planning.
Traditional methods to get pregnant
Traditional methods have helped many women get pregnant, so if it is impossible to conceive a baby, you can try to use them. First, you need to pay attention to plants that contain large amounts of vitamin E, which stimulates the female reproductive system (not for nothing that the doctors prescribed it).
These plants include: pumpkin, sea buckthorn, flowers rozy.K ancient times for conception used herbs such as: upland uterus, chamomile, sage, calendula, red brush, wintergreen, knotweed. These plants are used in the form inside decoctions, tinctures, syringes. However, with herbs need to be careful to observe precisely the dosage. Select them in accordance with the diagnosis.
Many women helped conceive soda. Two days before the proposed ovulation to start douching soda before intercourse. A solution is prepared from teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water.
Psychological Infertility
Psychological infertility is very common. The couple could not be any physiological barriers to conception and pregnancy does not occur. In this case, there may well be psychological problems. A woman can block conception in his subconscious, for example, inwardly afraid of motherhood, or to be unprepared for it.
Also, excessive looping effect on the ability to conceive. Therefore, it is recommended to let go of his desire to be distracted. But if you yourself do not, then you can seek help from a psychologist.
How to get pregnant if not, folk ways
Every woman wants to feel the joy of motherhood, to give birth to the baby. But it so happens, the desire to eat, but to get pregnant, can not do it. The woman then begins to ask the question, how to get pregnant if you can not? In some days you can get pregnant, tracking ovulation, folk ways and psychological infertility.
If pregnancy does not occur more than one year, it is recommended to be tested. First, a man must pass semen analysis, if all goes well, then start checking the woman. It will have to hand over a blood on hormones, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, undergo a pelvic ultrasound, to check the patency of pipes, according to the research, the doctor decides on further treatment.
But, as if from the beginning of planning than a year, or all test results are good, and pregnancy does not occur, then you can use some tips on how to get pregnant.
In some days you can get pregnant, tracking ovulation
Very often, pregnancy does not occur, since the sexual act does not fall during the days of possible conception. To track ovulation tests used and the schedule of basal temperature. Apply ovulation test is very simple, the main guided instruction to them. Do they need to be for 5 days prior to ovulation.
The schedule should start with the first day of menstruation until the day before it. To measure the temperature rectally, the thermometer should be every morning, do not get up from the bed. Each time you need to write down the temperature. In the first phase it is, basically, below 37 degrees, the second - above, but there are exceptions.
On that day, when the temperature started to rise and there is a day of ovulation. After it the temperature should stay above 37. In any case, what would have been the rectal temperature, the difference between the phases must be more than 0, 4. Trying to get pregnant, it is desirable to begin three days before ovulation and a few days afterwards, then a better chance of successful conception .
The most reliable method in determining ovulation is the ultrasound monitor. Through this method can accurately determine ovulation, the doctor will tell you about after some time, it happens to start planning.
Traditional methods to get pregnant
Traditional methods have helped many women get pregnant, so if it is impossible to conceive a baby, you can try to use them. First, you need to pay attention to plants that contain large amounts of vitamin E, which stimulates the female reproductive system (not for nothing that the doctors prescribed it).
These plants include: pumpkin, sea buckthorn, flowers rozy.K ancient times for conception used herbs such as: upland uterus, chamomile, sage, calendula, red brush, wintergreen, knotweed. These plants are used in the form inside decoctions, tinctures, syringes. However, with herbs need to be careful to observe precisely the dosage. Select them in accordance with the diagnosis.
Many women helped conceive soda. Two days before the proposed ovulation to start douching soda before intercourse. A solution is prepared from teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water.
Psychological Infertility
Psychological infertility is very common. The couple could not be any physiological barriers to conception and pregnancy does not occur. In this case, there may well be psychological problems. A woman can block conception in his subconscious, for example, inwardly afraid of motherhood, or to be unprepared for it.
Also, excessive looping effect on the ability to conceive. Therefore, it is recommended to let go of his desire to be distracted. But if you yourself do not, then you can seek help from a psychologist.
How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy
Leather is one of the major organs of the body. The article tells in detail effective ways to help avoid these ugly stretch marks during pregnancy.
The value of the skin especially increases during pregnancy. Because in this period significantly speeds up metabolism, and thus increases the amount of absorbed oxygen and excreting toxins. Skin involved in these processes, helping the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract cope with stress. So, the skin at this time should be treated with special care.
So how can you prevent stretch marks
A good option would be receiving a warm shower followed by rubbing moisturizer. Proper and balanced diet during pregnancy also has a beneficial effect on health.
Do not forget about the liquid, it should drink at least 2 liters a day. Particularly useful are fruit juices. Sport activities and long walks in the fresh air will help to improve blood circulation which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the appearance.
Constantly growing tummy is not the best way affects the skin and muscles. And if the process let things slide, after childbirth can be found flabby skin with stretch marks. Similar troubles during pregnancy can help prevent not challenging exercises and some procedures.
Stretch marks occur at irregular tension of the different parts of the skin. When the weight is increasing dramatically. To avoid this should increase skin elasticity. It will be useful essential oils and special massage.
To fight stretch marks, you can buy a special cream that contains vitamin E, horse chestnut extract and more.
in principle, possible to prepare the preventive part of yourself.
You will need:
• Jojoba oil, which is effective for the prevention of stretch marks is used before and during pregnancy, as well as the sudden weight gain and weight loss.
• oil of rosewood. Promotes the resorption of small scars.
• Almond oil is useful for areas where reduced skin elasticity.
• grape seed oil has a high generating property.
• peach oil, has a rejuvenating effect on the flabby skin.
You can apply a mixture of any oils, reading with the instructions for use. First time using the oil, check yourself for allergies. Do not use oil during the day, and see the reaction of the organism.
Good prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy
In order to do massage with oil add the liquid capsule of vitamin E. Then apply a circular motion, then start to roll folds of skin from the bottom up.
And in the end make a light tingling, until the skin is not red. This will be a sign of a sufficient saturation of the blood vessels. Massage is best done after a shower.
You can do massage and during the shower.
Carefully direct the jet on the problem areas, and for 5 minutes do slow circular motion.
Make an elastic tummy and help exercise. Especially well suited stretching exercises. If done correctly, exercise during pregnancy, perhaps to get rid of back pain, relieve physical and emotional stress.