You look forward to the appearance of a baby into the world, and at the same time experiencing anxiety before birth. Grieve not itself this state is quite natural for pregnant women firstborn. Configures itself positively from our mental attitude, much depends.
Fear is a pernicious condition that can cause substantial damage not only your mood, but will be transferred to the kid, who's about to be born. Calmness and confidence shall be your most important allies. To rid yourself of some concern, it should as much as possible to get information on childbirth, heed the advice of psychologists, experts from the field of perinatal medicine.
When you have enough information, you will be able to overcome their fears. Also remember that now a number of specialized courses and training sessions for pregnant women. Competent staff can help you in this, read the relevant literature, video tutorials demonstrate. You will be taught proper breathing technique, taught to relax before delivery, to familiarize with painkillers.
Women admit that after the course began to feel much better and the fear disappeared.
Most pregnant women worry that the issue of not being able to independently determine the time of labor. Manifestations of the first fights - a sharp pain in the abdomen, reminiscent monthly. Contractions are speeded up and eventually begins to increase.
Let's look at the stages of labor with you:
1st stage duration from 12 to 14 hours. During this period, the uterus begins to open somewhere in the 10 cm. And the child begins to fall below.
Stage 2 - attempts. Fights start wearing different. They are not painful, hard work the pelvic and abdominal muscles. The main thing correctly makes an effort, and monitor breathing. And after all their efforts, you can take the hand pressed to his chest and defenseless little miracle.
Stage 3 - the shell of the placenta begins to retreat. It lasts about an hour.
In fact, there is nothing terrible.
Remember that you will give birth to not one, but with the help of a midwife. Listen to his advice.
In hospitals midwives experienced, no one will appoint a trainee.
Do not forget about her husband, who is going through no less than you. Share with them your mood, well-being, tell us about your worries - together experienced everything a lot easier. Maybe my husband will want to be present when a baby's born.
Before giving birth, you should determine the choice of hospital. A similar question can be discussed with the gynecologist. If you have to choose between than visit several maternity hospitals, stop on the option that you like best, where you could feel yourself more relaxed and comfortable. This will help you get rid of the fear of the unknown.
And if you have selected the hospital, ask who will take birth, the obstetrician who was appointed in what ward you define.
Think of a child, these thoughts calming effect, think about how you would call it, in that first of all his clothes, to whom he will be like where to walk with him for a walk.
Improve mood and well-being will help pregnant aromatherapy. Get yourself aroma lamp, lavender and sandalwood. These odors well soothe the nervous system and relieve stress.
Make a pleasant state of pregnancy.
Enjoy your life, learn to relax, do not be nervous. You will soon become a mother!
In short, attracts positive thoughts, remember, our emotional state is passed to the baby.