The benefits of exercise for pregnant women

 Healthy pregnancy

It is no secret that pregnancy for young women, is the most important moment in life. In fact, 9 months of pregnancy - a complex, time-consuming and painstaking process. During this period, the female body undergoes changes related to its adaptation to the new conditions of existence and development of the fetus (unborn baby).

Healthy mother - healthy child

Many expectant mothers are asking, "Is it worth it during pregnancy exercise and do gymnastics? After all, the organs begin to work, and so with the extra load? This question can be answered easily and confidently - yes!

Exercise and gymnastics were never going to harm a person. The main thing is to perform them correctly and with the head. Of course, if the pregnancy is with some complications, it is best on the issues related to exercise, to turn to the leading pregnancy doctor.

The benefits of exercise for pregnant women

Exercise and gymnastics preserve and strengthen the health of the pregnant beautiful woman. A girl or woman engaged properly during pregnancy gymnastics, has a higher chance that the birth she will proceed quickly and easily. In addition, the post-partum period will not be subject to any complications however.

It is impossible not to note the fact that exercise a positive effect on the nervous, respiratory and cardiac system. In addition, exercises develop and strengthen the abdominal muscles, is very necessary for every pregnant woman. Today there are a huge number of exercises for pregnant kinds of load.

Physical exercise

Among the most popular and useful physical activities for pregnant women, for example, can be identified:

Walking. As much as it may sound corny, but that it enables a pregnant to stay in great shape.

Classes walking can occur anywhere and at all stages of pregnancy. For it does not require special tools and equipment. The main thing is to choose the right pair of comfortable shoes.

Stretching. It gives the body a pregnant flexibility and relaxation, and also prevents muscle tension.

Swimming. Pregnant women need to understand, there is no purpose to establish high-speed Olympic records. In this case, the objective is different swimming.

Low-level aerobics. Classes are in a special group contribute to the unification of expectant mothers, as well as give confidence in the safety of movement.

Yoga. Classes pursue her muscle tone, maintain flexibility.

In fact, exercise for pregnant women a little than differ from the exercise for ordinary people. They only pursue a slightly different purpose. Perform exercises expectant mother should be every day for 3-4 times for 15-25 minutes. We can not forget about the muscle warming up before the training, as well as the restoration of breath at the end of exercise.

It should once again be emphasized that the expectant mother should not be afraid to consult about loads with a leading pregnancy physician. He always tells you what you should pay attention to and how it should be done properly. After all, a healthy mother - a guarantee of a healthy baby, good and happy baby.

How will your past life on during pregnancy?

 Pregnant women

Every pregnant woman is given a lot of questions. Very often she is interested, as a former lifestyle can affect the child's condition today. This article will answer some of these questions

I have in the past had two abortions. How this will affect the course of the current pregnancy?

If abortion were made to 12 weeks (first trimester), then you have nothing to worry about, because they probably will not affect the current pregnancy. But if the timing of abortions occur in the second and third trimesters, it could increase the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth.

Be sure to tell the doctor about watching you its gynecological past, so that he could pick up the necessary tactics of pregnancy.

I celebrated the New Year with friends before she learned she was pregnant. Now I am afraid that drunk alcohol can harm my child.

Very often, women find that pregnant 4-5 weeks after conception. And while frantically begin to remember what kind of negative impact felt their bodies until the "enlightenment." Calm down. On the impact of negative factors on the fetus can reveal a pattern: if not killed immediately, then it will have no effect.

Nature is wise, and if your alcoholic libations damaged the fetus and made it viable, nature just to get rid of him. If it does not, and the child is developing normally, therefore, nothing wrong from 2-3 glasses of wine for him did not. Cease to reproach himself in misconduct in the past and try to keep this from happening in the present.

In the last pregnancy I was tormented by a terrible morning sickness. I could not eat anything, I was turned inside out! Really, everything will be repeated again?

Every pregnancy is unique just like every child. Even the same parents at the confluence of sets of chromosomes are formed completely different genotypes children. This explains the fact that no two people (except identical twins).

Therefore, if the last time any protein in a newly built child's body caused your body's rejection, it is unlikely that the same protein is formed again. Therefore, do not expect all the "horrors" of last pregnancy. It is likely that they may not be.

My first child was born by Caesarean section. Can I count on the fact that the second will be able to give birth to itself?

Russia has gradually introduced a practice that is used in the West for a long time: a woman giving birth after cesarean second children themselves, naturally. The most important thing in this case - the state of stitches left after the previous birth.

If you see your doctor again, and that he will do a cesarean section last time, he may try to take your birth naturally because He remembers how he stitches and how they heal. But if you change your doctor, be prepared for the fact that, most likely, you will be offered a caesarean again. No doctor can tell you for sure, will disperse you have seams on the womb or not, if he did not do.

This is only a very small part of the questions that every day asking pregnant women gynecologists worldwide. And doctors are trying to reassure his patients about the following words: "The most important thing about what you should be thinking right now - it is your own state of health and the baby."

Lovely woman, listen to the words of the experts! After all, they know that a positive attitude and faith in a favorable outcome are probably the determining factors for a successful pregnancy.

Author Elena Komarova
