Pregnancy: a positive attitude is everything


The fact that women during pregnancy are contraindicated negative emotions, everyone knows. But not all the expectant mothers get to protect themselves from experiences. The reason for that are both hormonal changes and external factors such as the disorder of life, the uncertainty in the relationship with the father of the child, etc.

How to learn to cope with their worries and in all circumstances remain impassive? We will try to find the answer to this question.

Any woman, having learned of her pregnancy, is experiencing a lot of experiences. They vary from the indescribable feeling of euphoria and happiness anxiety to confusion, even panic. At first, almost always there is fear of the unknown, and it is not surprising, because in life there are cardinal changes and it is always very exciting.

What is it afraid of pregnant women?

Answers to this question a lot. Often it is everyday problems, such as lack of housing, the need to stay with their parents, reluctance to give birth in a rented apartment. Also a lot of fears cause feelings for the baby's health, whether it is developing, whether the threat of miscarriage, etc.

Frequent trips to the hospital, shops and other public places, too often the sources of stress. Expectant mother, she wants it or not, is more sensitive and vulnerable, so it seems that the surrounding people have become more brutal and callous, but in fact it is not.

In general, every woman, preparing to become a mother, there is a reason for stress. It is necessary to try to abstract from it and maintain a positive emotional state. But how to do it, if the mood is spoiled for a few seconds, and all around there is nothing that would help calm down?

Do not take to heart unpleasant situations

In order not to take to heart everything that happened unpleasant situation there is a simple but very effective reception. You must imagine that you are with your baby in a cocoon in which you no one and nothing can hurt.

If rude wicked aunt in the queue, not given way to public transport, the chief at work does not want to understand you, what you want - tell yourself, "we in the cocoon, no one here will not reach and can not harm us." This contributes to the appearance of appeasement and indifference to the incident.

The experiences of the baby's health is quite natural. They may continue throughout the pregnancy. Find a good doctor-gynecologist, take his phone number so that has always been an opportunity to consult on time for your questions. So you will feel much more confident and relaxed.

Be quiet during pregnancy

Talk heart to heart with your closest person - the child's father or mother. Explain that you are concerned, just do not go to higher tones. Often, pregnant women can not explain what they do not like, they just react violently to the situation.

Try to overcome it in himself and calmly explain what you expect from home. You will be surprised, but this simple strategy helps a lot.

Pregnancy: a positive attitude is everything

Of course, there are problems that, however desirable, can not be solved. You can not change the situation - change their attitude to it. Indeed, what is the point to be killed, if it does not exactly help. Try to look at all the positive sides.

You live with your parents? This has at least three positive points: do not need a lot of time on domestic affairs; there is always someone to talk to; It will be someone to keep the child, if need to absent himself from home.

On the contrary, you are bored, because I sit all day at home all alone? But no one goes to your shadow, annoying "useful" tips, you can do anything. Believe me, there are always positive, one has only to look it up.

Try to feel happy

Finally, and most importantly, what to think - it's your child, your treasure, seeing that you just forget all the troubles and problems, they will seem small and insignificant. In the meantime, in anticipation of a meeting with your miracle, you can prepare for it properly.

Reading magazines, online articles with tips for pregnant women, shopping for the purpose of buying things for the newborn, a visit to the hospital and getting to know a doctor who will take your birth, always will benefit and bring confidence, a positive attitude and calm in your life. We must try to feel happy, then be happy and your baby.

Author Victoria Fonareva

Active pregnancy, which is useful for pregnancy tips

 Tips for pregnant women

In society, many perceive the pregnancy in a sense, like a disease. Of course, in this period among women there are limitations: you need to follow a diet, it is impossible to engage in active sports, a lot of work. However, it is not necessarily all 9 months of sitting on the couch and gain extra weight.

Active pregnancy tips

If there are no contraindications, it is possible to lead an active lifestyle, work, play, play sports.

Of course, no one says you have to get up for skiing, skydiving or running a marathon.

Just about such kinds of sports - in somewhat extreme - at a time can be forgotten. Perhaps the most optimal exercises for pregnant women - is swimming, yoga, special exercises, such as Pilates. Not by chance, there are courses in these sports it is for expectant mothers.

Pregnancy Fitness

Benefits of physical exercise are endless. Well, for example, sport makes the body more resilient, stretches the muscles and makes it easier to endure the discomfort that brings pregnancy.

Physical education prepares the body to stress that lie ahead during childbirth, a positive effect on the baby being in the womb (from moms who have been physically active, less complications occur during childbirth, morning sickness rarely happens in a child).

And one of the most important positive aspects of an active lifestyle - it's a good mood. Note, it always rises after sport. This is very important for pregnant women, the mood of which are known, can vary.

Move - useful

The main condition for exercising during pregnancy - doctor's permission. But if contraindications still there - that's no reason to despair. You can not swim and fitness center, but you can just walk! Walking - the same exercise.

Expectant mothers can attend special parks and walk there and can just go out for a couple of stops early and walk home on foot. This will not gain extra kilos (then fold them will be oh so hard!) And improve mood.

Also set up in a positive way shopping. Shopping trips relieve stress and prevent sad. Moreover, for the future of the baby have a lot to buy.

Work and communication in pregnancy

If the pregnancy is normal and the work is not nervous, you do not need to go on maternity leave early, take not was done on holidays or sick. Checked: a week of sitting at home, many expectant mothers are starting to get bored, they have a depression, they begin to eat more ... Communication with the team at work can help distract from the bad thoughts and not allow to be alone with their problems.

After maternity leave, too, not necessarily immediately sent to the sofa. The eighth month of pregnancy - it's time to visit the various courses for pregnant women. Even if all the necessary information related to the delivery, you have found on the Internet, courses will never be superfluous. Well, at least because there go the other future moms. They can communicate, share experiences.

Even the lesson courses can be useful. On some psychologically prepared to leave, others learn to breathe on third tours of the hospital. The main thing - to find something that is interesting and useful for you.

The use of Western techniques in the Russian Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology

 Application of Western methods

When we hear the word "West", especially in combination with the word "technology" in the first place we think about quality. All of that came from there, from the far west - certainly better than what we can offer at home.

Indeed, the European and American standards of prenatal preparation radically different from what the majority of young mothers faced in hospitals. Prenatal western technology requires a qualitatively different approach.

Westerners generally difficult to understand our specificity when pregnant during childbirth is in the hands of any doctor, only some will be free. In Europe, it accepted to be observed at one doctor and (or) the midwives who are pregnant for the individual standards containing diet plan, analysis, physical exercise. These same people then take delivery.

Why so many young women abroad can safely afford to give birth at home. Deliveries will take the doctor overseeing the entire course of pregnancy, with experience in such operations. This practice has not yet taken root in our country, but now opened many centers of obstetrics and gynecology, where some of the western techniques have been embraced. For example, a doctor and a midwife are pregnant after treatment and before delivery.

The equipment that is used in modern obstetrics centers, certified according to international standards, which are more likely to ensure high accuracy in the verification tests. The process of preparing for childbirth, for whatever weeks of pregnancy it is no beginning is crystal clear for the mother - this is one of the mandatory conditions. She herself can - and should - take part in drawing up its program of training, adjusting the schedule and modify it so that it was her in the first place was convenient.

In the center of prenatal preparation required to be performed as a sports training, whose purpose - to support the pregnant body in good shape, and educational lectures. During special sessions, individual or group, at the request of the young mothers learn about when to go to the hospital, how to make less painful contractions, and other useful information.

According to statistics, knowledge of pregnancy is one of the guarantors of its successful outcome.

And the whole course of pregnancy should strive to coming to the world a new life has passed without complications for the baby and for his mother.
