Regaining your figure after childbirth


The birth of a child - is the greatest miracle. The greatest happiness in the life of every woman - to take in his arms and pressed to his chest baby. But no matter how big it was happiness and joy a little upsetting event extra weight accumulated during pregnancy.

Hormonal changes, nutrition and lifestyle - all this affects the body. The most pressing issue among the young mothers how to restore the figure after giving birth?

Strong physical activity and diet in which there is almost nothing you can not strictly prohibited, especially nursing mums. Not great exercise and a balanced diet will restore the shape over time.

Do not forget that it is not unimportant role in the process of weight loss plays breastfeeding. During feeding the body loses calories, and in the first weeks by this process reduces the uterus and stomach tightened.

For a young mother is perfect to eat 5-6 times a day is not large portions, including in your diet variety of useful products. It is necessary to ensure that, whatever the intestine emptied once a day, this is a night of drinking yogurt in the morning on an empty stomach water.
It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fat, better salads dressed with olive oil. A fresh and boiled vegetables can be consumed in large quantities.

Since physical activity does not have to be highly intensive, one that is perfect for gymnastics. You can start with 2-3 times a week for half an hour. Start standing with simple exercises and gradually complicating them. Between classes and meals must be a gap of at least 2 hours.

Do not forget to ventilate the room before school and during the warmer months, you can do gymnastics with the window open. Exercising will not only give a figure toned and slender, but also improve blood circulation, breathing becomes more even and the mood will be at the highest level.

Here is a list of some of the rules, which should adhere to regain your figure after giving birth:

- During the meal should not engage in foreign affairs. Turn off the TV, put aside the book and enjoy a tasty, healthy meal. So the food will be better absorbed.

- Buy the scales and weighed at least once a week.

- Tune in to a positive result, and you will surely achieve it.

- More than you walk. Forget what the elevator. Walking in the fresh air are very useful for the organism.

- Keep your posture, walk with a smooth back. Oddly enough, but it also helps get rid of the extra kilos.

- If you love the music - dancing. During the preparation of food, playing with the baby, and just like that, because it is also exercise.

It is important to remember that the watch is not just a figure, but also their appearance. After maternity leave, is not a reason to stay at home and "overgrown with moss." Buy a beautiful, comfortable for walking with the baby things. Make-up and hairstyles, manicures and pedicures.

Seeing the streets were tortured, not made-up, with the regrown hair gathered in a ponytail, mothers, begin to feel pity for them. Young mother should be beautiful, blooming and happy. To please their appearance spouse and others.

Regaining your figure after childbirth


The birth of a child - is the greatest miracle. The greatest happiness in the life of every woman - to take in his arms and pressed to his chest baby. But no matter how big it was happiness and joy a little upsetting event extra weight accumulated during pregnancy.

Hormonal changes, nutrition and lifestyle - all this affects the body. The most pressing issue among the young mothers how to restore the figure after giving birth?

Strong physical activity and diet in which there is almost nothing you can not strictly prohibited, especially nursing mums. Not great exercise and a balanced diet will restore the shape over time.

Do not forget that it is not unimportant role in the process of weight loss plays breastfeeding. During feeding the body loses calories, and in the first weeks by this process reduces the uterus and stomach tightened.

For a young mother is perfect to eat 5-6 times a day is not large portions, including in your diet variety of useful products. It is necessary to ensure that, whatever the intestine emptied once a day, this is a night of drinking yogurt in the morning on an empty stomach water.
It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fat, better salads dressed with olive oil. A fresh and boiled vegetables can be consumed in large quantities.

Since physical activity does not have to be highly intensive, one that is perfect for gymnastics. You can start with 2-3 times a week for half an hour. Start standing with simple exercises and gradually complicating them. Between classes and meals must be a gap of at least 2 hours.

Do not forget to ventilate the room before school and during the warmer months, you can do gymnastics with the window open. Exercising will not only give a figure toned and slender, but also improve blood circulation, breathing becomes more even and the mood will be at the highest level.

Here is a list of some of the rules, which should adhere to regain your figure after giving birth:

- During the meal should not engage in foreign affairs. Turn off the TV, put aside the book and enjoy a tasty, healthy meal. So the food will be better absorbed.

- Buy the scales and weighed at least once a week.

- Tune in to a positive result, and you will surely achieve it.

- More than you walk. Forget what the elevator. Walking in the fresh air are very useful for the organism.

- Keep your posture, walk with a smooth back. Oddly enough, but it also helps get rid of the extra kilos.

- If you love the music - dancing. During the preparation of food, playing with the baby, and just like that, because it is also exercise.

It is important to remember that the watch is not just a figure, but also their appearance. After maternity leave, is not a reason to stay at home and "overgrown with moss." Buy a beautiful, comfortable for walking with the baby things. Make-up and hairstyles, manicures and pedicures.

Seeing the streets were tortured, not made-up, with the regrown hair gathered in a ponytail, mothers, begin to feel pity for them. Young mother should be beautiful, blooming and happy. To please their appearance spouse and others.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy


Leather is one of the major organs of the body. The article tells in detail effective ways to help avoid these ugly stretch marks during pregnancy.

The value of the skin especially increases during pregnancy. Because in this period significantly speeds up metabolism, and thus increases the amount of absorbed oxygen and excreting toxins. Skin involved in these processes, helping the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract cope with stress. So, the skin at this time should be treated with special care.

So how can you prevent stretch marks

A good option would be receiving a warm shower followed by rubbing moisturizer. Proper and balanced diet during pregnancy also has a beneficial effect on health.

Do not forget about the liquid, it should drink at least 2 liters a day. Particularly useful are fruit juices. Sport activities and long walks in the fresh air will help to improve blood circulation which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the appearance.

Constantly growing tummy is not the best way affects the skin and muscles. And if the process let things slide, after childbirth can be found flabby skin with stretch marks. Similar troubles during pregnancy can help prevent not challenging exercises and some procedures.

Stretch marks occur at irregular tension of the different parts of the skin. When the weight is increasing dramatically. To avoid this should increase skin elasticity. It will be useful essential oils and special massage.

To fight stretch marks, you can buy a special cream that contains vitamin E, horse chestnut extract and more. in principle, possible to prepare the preventive part of yourself.

You will need:

• Jojoba oil, which is effective for the prevention of stretch marks is used before and during pregnancy, as well as the sudden weight gain and weight loss.

• oil of rosewood. Promotes the resorption of small scars.

• Almond oil is useful for areas where reduced skin elasticity.

• grape seed oil has a high generating property.

• peach oil, has a rejuvenating effect on the flabby skin.

You can apply a mixture of any oils, reading with the instructions for use. First time using the oil, check yourself for allergies. Do not use oil during the day, and see the reaction of the organism.

Good prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

In order to do massage with oil add the liquid capsule of vitamin E. Then apply a circular motion, then start to roll folds of skin from the bottom up.

And in the end make a light tingling, until the skin is not red. This will be a sign of a sufficient saturation of the blood vessels. Massage is best done after a shower. You can do massage and during the shower.

Carefully direct the jet on the problem areas, and for 5 minutes do slow circular motion. Make an elastic tummy and help exercise. Especially well suited stretching exercises. If done correctly, exercise during pregnancy, perhaps to get rid of back pain, relieve physical and emotional stress.
