What a special gift to teach and how to decorate a birthday greeting for his girlfriend.
Ideas for gifts and greetings.
Named the gift that always especially enjoyable birthday and will be estimated at its true worth because they feel the advance preparation for the holiday, and an individual approach.
For this you'll need a sheet of surprise colorful letters, which you can buy in a store office supplies and 700-1500 rubles for ordering nominal stamp (print) in a specialized firm. Now more.
Gifts for a friend's birthday
Leaf certificates must be clean, without a signature of the title "The Charter", which was conceived as the best suitable word "decree" that you and topped the list.
Rather than purchase certificates, you can use your own you, if possible, or find on the Internet or order from designers.
I advise you to make the letter in ancient style as a convolution in golden tones, with state symbols, as a document worthy of kings.
Then in the decree is written (printed) noble font similar to the following text.
"From April 10, 2011 (date of birth) is proclaimed Queen of Peace Anna Ivanova (name of the birthday girl)!
Anna now and forever shall have to fulfill his dreams and good wishes, heal themselves and radiate joy!
In the Kingdom of Anna all residents are happy, healthy, good-natured and rich!
Anna - the most elegant woman of his kingdom, loved and loving, rich and generous, funny and interesting, persistent and reliable, passionate and romantic!
World of Her Highness is full of flowers, sun, birds singing, delicious wines, a light mood, the spirit of adventure, a pleasant adventure, warm seas, rainbow fountain, new exciting books of all-time travel and the aroma of apple, lime blossom, ozone after the rain, of space, freedom and boundless happiness!
Everything that surrounds lucky Anna worthy of its beauty, grace and majesty! Her inner strength, nobility and harmony makes the world beautiful!
And ahead - an endless life, eternal unknowingly! "
And below is stamped, which ordered the firm (law firms are engaged in some printing). It can be performed, for example, in the following embodiment.
Round stamp on the perimeter of which there is written large "community of wizards with unlimited possibilities," the top in bold and larger stuffed name and initials of the triumph of the hero, but in the center of the largest in the three lines of "So be it! ".
Gift girlfriend birthday
To present souvenirs (and decree that you can complete a solid frame, and the very stamp that you get from the manufacturers in a box) with a speech about the fact that now the birthday boy can perform any of their dreams and desires, if it is to capture them on paper and put under them This stamp, with helpful and pleasant even to say aloud royally cherished mantra "So be it! ".
The main thing - to believe! As the saying goes, afraid of their desires, they come true! Good luck!