No significant omen on Maundy Thursday is considered the Thursday salt.
Chetvergova salt preparation and application
Prepare it from a simple salt or sanctifying the church, or a bed for the night near the image of Jesus Christ and the burning lamps.
After the salt do not eat as usual, and pour in a bag and stored for critical cases. Also, it is used as a talisman. For this salt is poured into a small bag and worn around the neck. Salt also has the property to retain information. Most often it is used to restore damage, to induce various quarrels.
Chetvergova salt makes only good. If the house is planned scandal, it is possible (just a pinch) to throw into the water, and this water wash floors. Very good salt of Easter eggs with salt, especially one that is eaten after the first post.
It is believed that if a person is lucky all year round, in any case of major trouble with it just does not happen.
Chetvergova salt can be (just a little) to pour under the threshold of his house. It is believed that it can protect against the penetration into the house of negative energy.
The Thursday candle for good luck
Another very important sign is the Thursday candle. It brings the burning of the church, it is ignited by a lamp or another candle. Once brought to bypass the whole house, from the back room, reach the threshold and stew.
Who lives in a private house, and who have pets, it is desirable to bypass this candle and facilities for cattle.
The calcine candles do not emit, but keep all year. Use it only if someone is sick or happen some misfortune. Just like setting fire to it, if the house can not be turned off the light.
The Thursday candle and healing water
It is believed that if a candle to put on some time in the water, the water will also be a healing. Such water is allowed to drink sick, she washed the girl's face to become particularly attractive and quickly found the groom.
This water can help when the family was going cooling feeling. If a husband and wife drank a little water, between them flashed again love.
Only the evil with the help of this water can not be done, for example, bewitch someone else's husband. This action will be perceived as a sacrilege to the memory of Christ.
This will take no mystery. Fire has always had a cleaning power. A wax and water - these materials are very well record and transmit information. Not for nothing, and the water and the wax used magicians and exorcists.
Brought from the church candle bears the information good that Jesus did for all of us and his boundless love for us.
The ritual for good luck and happiness
This ritual can be done on different days, but it has a special effect on Maundy Thursday, followed by Friday and Saturday. For his conduct is necessary so that no one interfered. It is usually performed in the evening, when all the daily chores have been completed.
It is necessary to put on the table the Thursday candle to light for some time looking at the flames, thinking about himself, about his actions lately. This is difficult to think about myself honestly can put next to an image (icon) of Christ. Then it turns out better.
This action is much more than a confession, because mental conversation involving only two - you and God. No one can not hear you, and therefore makes no sense to prevaricate.
Then you need to take a blank sheet of paper and absolutely honestly write that yourself, what your actions prevent you to be happy, hinder your success, and so on. It is necessary to write about your flaws and mistakes, not that someone you did not notice, or underestimates. Write suggestions and requests on this sheet can not.
When you write all that bad a recall burn this sheet on the Thursday candle flame, thinking that all that is written must get away from you. Where do you throw the ashes, there is no difference, as long as the mud is left.
This ritual is very effective, it helps greatly in many respects, and improve family relationships, and achieve success at work. Its main condition - not play the hypocrite and do not forget to whom you confess.