Long and thick hair - it is the rich and expensive jewelry for any girl or woman. Well-groomed hair is the best accentuate the natural beauty and give a special charm to its owner. However, not everyone can afford to boast chic hair.
One of the main reasons that do not allow hair to grow as fast as possible, is the lack of building materials, which the body receives while eating. Not only hair growth, but also the health of the whole body is completely dependent on nutrition and lifestyle.
For a healthy shine and a good hair growth are necessary elements such as iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, manganese and many others.
These substances enter the body through food and the flow of blood spread throughout the body, a small part of them comes up to the hair follicles. This means that you need to eat healthy foods that contain many necessary for your hair vitamins and minerals.
If you desire to grow a long braid does not disappear for a long time, you should make a great effort in order to achieve the desired result. To do this, first of all need to diversify their food those products, the list of which is presented below.
Dairy products will contribute to strengthen the hair, improve its structure due to the large percentage of calcium and vitamins. In therein.
To prevent fading and breaking of hair will help the animal protein found in poultry and cattle. Suitable and egg white, which is best absorbed by the body.
Soya which is contained in a large amount, for example, tofu cheese, is a source of iron. Its use is not only good impact on the entire body, but especially on the hair.
Increased consumption of onions will not only improve the condition of hair, but also strengthen the immune system.
Useful though sometimes eat at least a handful of wheat germ. Its components will increase the growth rate and eliminate hair loss. To wheat was pleasant to the taste for it, you can add a spoonful of honey or any yogurt.
Vegetables and fruits with the characteristic green or yellow color contain enough beta-carotene to allow hair to grow much faster.
Oily fish, which is rich in protein and nicotinic acid, stimulate new hair and improves its structure.
Such a product, like raisins, improves blood circulation. As a result, more blood flow to the hair follicles to the hair comes more nutrients.
Lack of vitamin E and vegetable proteins can lead to the weakening and loss of hair, so you need to eat more beans or peas, as it is in their grains contain vitamin E and proteins.
The nuts contain B vitamins and essential vegetable oils. Therefore a day to eat more walnuts or any other nuts.
Oil amly storehouse of vitamins for hair
Watching Indian films, many of us notice what beautiful hair of Indian beauties. And their presentable did not depend on age. INDIAN argue that such dazzling beauty, they are obliged to Indian gooseberry oil - oil amly. The benefits for hair and various methods of application described in the article.
Benefits from Indian hair oil amly
This oil has a pleasant aroma of spices and perfectly suited for all hair types, but with shades of hair should be divided - owners of dark hair, it is desirable to use oil of the Indian gooseberry dark green, and Blondie is better to use light green.
It is recommended to pay attention to the basic framework. Best of all, if the base is coconut or sesame oil. Other components are not very helpful to your hair.
The systematic use of oil amly saturate the beneficial components of the hair follicles, making them stronger, improve blood circulation. After a few applications of your hair will gain volume and a well-groomed appearance.
Due to the fact that Indian gooseberry oil perfectly nourishes the scalp with moisture, it effectively fights dandruff. Especially useful this oil for colored hair and hair permed.
The oil has antioxidant properties and is very well protects the hair from harmful external factors, making them healthier and gives them wish all a glossy shine.
Different ways to use
Apply oil amly possible in different ways: in the form of oil and powder.
Before use, shake the bottle with oil, apply the necessary amount of palm and rub massaged into the hair roots. If you have are dry and split ends, then distribute the oil over the entire length.
Put the cap on the head cellophane and wrap a towel. Wear a mask for at least 2 hours. After time, rinse shampoo.
Many girls use a mask at night and in the morning wash your hair.
For the preparation of dry masks amly oil must be mixed in a glass container and a powder substance sesame oil or coconut oil, preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees.
Make a mixture of the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder per 100 ml of base oil. Mix oil is a plastic or wooden spoon. Then close and store in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. After infusion of oil filter and can be used.
Such means can be enriched with additional essential oils: bergamot, almond oil or ylang-ylang.
Even in powder amly can add yogurt and you'll get an excellent mask for the face, which is very much the result will please you.
Oil amly storehouse of vitamins for hair
Watching Indian films, many of us notice what beautiful hair of Indian beauties. And their presentable did not depend on age. INDIAN argue that such dazzling beauty, they are obliged to Indian gooseberry oil - oil amly. The benefits for hair and various methods of application described in the article.
Benefits from Indian hair oil amly
This oil has a pleasant aroma of spices and perfectly suited for all hair types, but with shades of hair should be divided - owners of dark hair, it is desirable to use oil of the Indian gooseberry dark green, and Blondie is better to use light green.
It is recommended to pay attention to the basic framework. Best of all, if the base is coconut or sesame oil. Other components are not very helpful to your hair.
The systematic use of oil amly saturate the beneficial components of the hair follicles, making them stronger, improve blood circulation. After a few applications of your hair will gain volume and a well-groomed appearance.
Due to the fact that Indian gooseberry oil perfectly nourishes the scalp with moisture, it effectively fights dandruff. Especially useful this oil for colored hair and hair permed.
The oil has antioxidant properties and is very well protects the hair from harmful external factors, making them healthier and gives them wish all a glossy shine.
Different ways to use
Apply oil amly possible in different ways: in the form of oil and powder.
Before use, shake the bottle with oil, apply the necessary amount of palm and rub massaged into the hair roots. If you have are dry and split ends, then distribute the oil over the entire length.
Put the cap on the head cellophane and wrap a towel. Wear a mask for at least 2 hours. After time, rinse shampoo.
Many girls use a mask at night and in the morning wash your hair.
For the preparation of dry masks amly oil must be mixed in a glass container and a powder substance sesame oil or coconut oil, preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees.
Make a mixture of the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder per 100 ml of base oil. Mix oil is a plastic or wooden spoon. Then close and store in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. After infusion of oil filter and can be used.
Such means can be enriched with additional essential oils: bergamot, almond oil or ylang-ylang.
Even in powder amly can add yogurt and you'll get an excellent mask for the face, which is very much the result will please you.
The secret to beautiful hair proper care
That ended the hot summer, leaving behind wonderful memories, bronze tan and dry ... affected by the sun and the sea, the hair. After all, as if it did not sound sad, if you look in makeup, nearly every woman, there can be found a lot of creams for the face, body, arms and legs. But what about the hair? They also need food, moisture and care.
The first thing to pick up shampoo conditioners do not contain sulfates.
If these are found on the shelf in the bathroom, do not hesitate to submit them in the trash.
Means for hair care must be chosen based on natural ingredients. It is desirable that the composition would have been vegetable oils and extracts. These shampoos are not only well-removed dirt from the hair and scalp, and hair cuticle is saturated with moisture.
The second thing to observe basic rules of hair care:
- Do not comb wet and damp hair;
- Do not wash your hair with hot water. A better therapy for the hair to be a douche, starting with warm water and finally rinse with cool;
- Try to minimize the effects of high temperatures on the hair. Less blow-dry, and if they use it, it is not at high power and average temperature. It is best if the hair will dry out naturally.
If you can not completely eliminate the use of irons, then choose the professional, which regulated the temperature;
- Choose the right hair accessories. Wooden comb to comb better than an iron brush. Pins choose plastic or wood. Gum better wider than the narrow and tight. Curler also should choose a plastic;
- When the sun or cold weather wear a hat. For a hot summer day is ideal for wide-brimmed hat;
- Painted hair require special attention and care. In stores should pay attention to the line of shampoos designed specifically for colored hair;
- Once every 2 months to trim the tips of the hair, it accelerates growth and makes them less confusing;
- Perm "deadly" dangerous just colored hair, so between perm and coloring hair must be at least 3 weeks;
- Try less nervous and eat healthy food;
- At least once a week to pamper your hair nourishing mask.
About masks should talk a little bit more. Masks can be independently prepared at home from natural products, and buy ready-made. Buy a mask stands in specialized stores, it is certainly more expensive than the market and the common household shops, but also the quality is completely different.
Masks, home-cooked, require more time, but you can be assured of their quality.
In recent years, a host of tools for rapid hair. This indelible sprays, which are applied in the morning and protect hair from the harmful effects during the day.
I love your hair, and they will thank you healthy, beautiful sheen.