Homemade masks for hair growth and shine, pros and cons
In the last couple of years it has become increasingly popular natural homemade hair masks. The most popular, of course, are masks of mustard powder, a mask of an alcohol tincture of hot peppers for hair growth and gelatine mask luster, which promises the girls a strong, beautiful, thick and shiny hair.
To understand what their pros and cons and whether they were simply closer look at the ingredients.
Homemade masks for hair growth
And so. First place in popularity is the home mask for hair growth of mustard powder. It consists of vegetable oil, preferably - burdock, egg yolk, sugar and mustard powder.
This mask should accelerate the growth of hair, stop hair loss and to awaken dormant hair follicles, which means that the field out replacement players - the hair will become thicker because there will be more.
The same purpose is pursued by another mask from our list - the mask of hot pepper tincture.
Prepared it even easier - the tincture is diluted in various proportions with water (in some recipes added oil, pepper but the burning, the more water and oil dulls its ability to "warm").
These masks are applied similarly - on his head on the parting, avoiding contact with the miracle means for hair.
They act as a locally irritating agents that increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which means - the influx of nutrients to them.
Many girls these homemade masks really help to achieve the result of hair growth, but they have serious contraindications.
In no case can not use them to dry hair - masks strongly desiccate hair.
It is also strictly prohibited to use them in case of skin disorders, dandruff, or the slightest of wounds on the skin. Otherwise, you risk serious burns or complications. In addition, this kind of mask dried scalp and besides gorgeous head of hair you are risking to get dandruff or seborrhea.
In addition, these homemade mask can give the opposite result. In addition to dried hair and burns on the scalp, you can get burned deeper, who exhausted and it touches the hair follicles and the hair will fall further and faster.
Also, the mask can transform your normal hair greasy - to overcome the external factor that drains and dries the skin, sebaceous glands begin to operate in forced mode, which means that you have to wash my head more and poagressivnee means.
Gelatine mask for hair shine
Here variations in the sea. Some women diluted gelatin in water, some are added in the mask yolks, essential oil or oils to the hair.
This mask is to give the effect of lamination hair.
Hair most girls after the first application becomes more smooth and shiny. In addition, creating a film on the surface of the hair, gelatin to some degree protects the hair from exposure to ambient and high temperatures.
Here, it would seem, some pluses, but again, it's not as easy as it seems at first glance.
Gelatin not only protects the hair from external negative factors, but also completely envelops the hair, giving him "breathe."
After prolonged use of the mask, even with a positive effect, there comes a time when the hair is depleted - a healthy glow that gives the mask - it is actually more than the external effect. Hair gradually depleted and become dry and brittle.
Therefore, regarding this mask, it can be said that what treats hair outside kills them within.
Moreover, such a mask is much heavier hair, and hair loss and weakened its use is not recommended so as not to aggravate the situation.
About how will affect this or that home is a mask on your hair, you do not know until you experience it for yourself, but better to think first, and whether such an experiment of your time.
The secret to beautiful hair proper care
That ended the hot summer, leaving behind wonderful memories, bronze tan and dry ... affected by the sun and the sea, the hair. After all, as if it did not sound sad, if you look in makeup, nearly every woman, there can be found a lot of creams for the face, body, arms and legs. But what about the hair? They also need food, moisture and care.
The first thing to pick up shampoo conditioners do not contain sulfates.
If these are found on the shelf in the bathroom, do not hesitate to submit them in the trash.
Means for hair care must be chosen based on natural ingredients. It is desirable that the composition would have been vegetable oils and extracts. These shampoos are not only well-removed dirt from the hair and scalp, and hair cuticle is saturated with moisture.
The second thing to observe basic rules of hair care:
- Do not comb wet and damp hair;
- Do not wash your hair with hot water. A better therapy for the hair to be a douche, starting with warm water and finally rinse with cool;
- Try to minimize the effects of high temperatures on the hair. Less blow-dry, and if they use it, it is not at high power and average temperature. It is best if the hair will dry out naturally.
If you can not completely eliminate the use of irons, then choose the professional, which regulated the temperature;
- Choose the right hair accessories. Wooden comb to comb better than an iron brush. Pins choose plastic or wood. Gum better wider than the narrow and tight. Curler also should choose a plastic;
- When the sun or cold weather wear a hat. For a hot summer day is ideal for wide-brimmed hat;
- Painted hair require special attention and care. In stores should pay attention to the line of shampoos designed specifically for colored hair;
- Once every 2 months to trim the tips of the hair, it accelerates growth and makes them less confusing;
- Perm "deadly" dangerous just colored hair, so between perm and coloring hair must be at least 3 weeks;
- Try less nervous and eat healthy food;
- At least once a week to pamper your hair nourishing mask.
About masks should talk a little bit more. Masks can be independently prepared at home from natural products, and buy ready-made. Buy a mask stands in specialized stores, it is certainly more expensive than the market and the common household shops, but also the quality is completely different.
Masks, home-cooked, require more time, but you can be assured of their quality.
In recent years, a host of tools for rapid hair. This indelible sprays, which are applied in the morning and protect hair from the harmful effects during the day.
I love your hair, and they will thank you healthy, beautiful sheen.
Homemade masks for hair growth and shine, pros and cons
In the last couple of years it has become increasingly popular natural homemade hair masks. The most popular, of course, are masks of mustard powder, a mask of an alcohol tincture of hot peppers for hair growth and gelatine mask luster, which promises the girls a strong, beautiful, thick and shiny hair.
To understand what their pros and cons and whether they were simply closer look at the ingredients.
Homemade masks for hair growth
And so. First place in popularity is the home mask for hair growth of mustard powder. It consists of vegetable oil, preferably - burdock, egg yolk, sugar and mustard powder.
This mask should accelerate the growth of hair, stop hair loss and to awaken dormant hair follicles, which means that the field out replacement players - the hair will become thicker because there will be more.
The same purpose is pursued by another mask from our list - the mask of hot pepper tincture.
Prepared it even easier - the tincture is diluted in various proportions with water (in some recipes added oil, pepper but the burning, the more water and oil dulls its ability to "warm").
These masks are applied similarly - on his head on the parting, avoiding contact with the miracle means for hair.
They act as a locally irritating agents that increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which means - the influx of nutrients to them.
Many girls these homemade masks really help to achieve the result of hair growth, but they have serious contraindications.
In no case can not use them to dry hair - masks strongly desiccate hair.
It is also strictly prohibited to use them in case of skin disorders, dandruff, or the slightest of wounds on the skin. Otherwise, you risk serious burns or complications. In addition, this kind of mask dried scalp and besides gorgeous head of hair you are risking to get dandruff or seborrhea.
In addition, these homemade mask can give the opposite result. In addition to dried hair and burns on the scalp, you can get burned deeper, who exhausted and it touches the hair follicles and the hair will fall further and faster.
Also, the mask can transform your normal hair greasy - to overcome the external factor that drains and dries the skin, sebaceous glands begin to operate in forced mode, which means that you have to wash my head more and poagressivnee means.
Gelatine mask for hair shine
Here variations in the sea. Some women diluted gelatin in water, some are added in the mask yolks, essential oil or oils to the hair.
This mask is to give the effect of lamination hair.
Hair most girls after the first application becomes more smooth and shiny. In addition, creating a film on the surface of the hair, gelatin to some degree protects the hair from exposure to ambient and high temperatures.
Here, it would seem, some pluses, but again, it's not as easy as it seems at first glance.
Gelatin not only protects the hair from external negative factors, but also completely envelops the hair, giving him "breathe."
After prolonged use of the mask, even with a positive effect, there comes a time when the hair is depleted - a healthy glow that gives the mask - it is actually more than the external effect. Hair gradually depleted and become dry and brittle.
Therefore, regarding this mask, it can be said that what treats hair outside kills them within.
Moreover, such a mask is much heavier hair, and hair loss and weakened its use is not recommended so as not to aggravate the situation.
About how will affect this or that home is a mask on your hair, you do not know until you experience it for yourself, but better to think first, and whether such an experiment of your time.