Hair care in the summer at home

 Proper hair care

With the onset of summer, our hair is experiencing severe load, so at this time, the hair should be given as much attention. Proper hair care in the summer, to have a beautiful and healthy hair at home.

There are so many nuances that have a negative impact on their health. Let's talk a little bit about it.

The impact of the sun, wind and water on the hair

First of all, it is the sun, because of which the hair was dried and broken. Its rays have a negative impact on substances that are part of the hair. To recover the missing material must be in the summer to do hair masks. These masks will not discolor hair.

You have come to rest on the sea. Hair fall into the sea water, which washes away the keratin proteins and, in connection with which the hair loses its softness and begin to fall when combing. I must say that the chlorinated water in the pool is also detrimental effect on hair.

Hot air can be safely compared with a powerful hairdryer, for which there is dehydrated strands. Hair dried and broken.

Proper hair care in summer

What you need to do to stay in the summer hair healthy and beautiful? The beauty salons are different, effective means for hair care. Their application maintains healthy hair in the summer.

It has become a popular procedure lamination. The strands are treated with special drugs that do not contain ammonia. The most popular variant of this procedure is fitolaminirovanie hair, which is carried out with the use of the drug Lebel Luquias. Hair covered by a very thin breathable film that protects them from negative influences.

Saturate the strands with keratin and protein. Hair begins to shine, their volume increased by 15%. In this procedure, there are no contraindications, it is better to apply to women with dry and colored hair graying.

The other procedure is keratin recovery. Composition is applied to a lock having a high concentration of keratin. The hair becomes wet, around them there is defensive ion sheath. Curls become perfect smoothness and excellent gloss.

I must say that the use of keratin is necessary not only for the recovery of hair. Use it to straighten curls, which, under the scorching sun rays are converted into dry and brittle. Action keratin has a beneficial effect on damaged hair.

Beautiful and healthy hair at home

To permanently hair healthy and beautiful, they need constant care. Ladies with greasy hair in the summer must be sure to wash your hair with lukewarm water using a special degreasing shampoos. These shampoos do not just wash off the dirt, they still have a healing effect. In addition, you need to do as often as possible and massage at least once a week to carry out cleansing of the head by a peeling.

If a woman dry and dyed hair must acquire nutritive shampoos, oils made on natural herbs such as flax, chamomile and so on.

Perfect conditioners and vitamin complexes. About hair dryer best forgotten.

Mustard masks as the best means for hair growth

 Mustard mask for hair

Mustard long it has been used by women for cosmetic purposes. It is so successful because it is able to stimulate growth and strengthen the hair. Through regular use of funds on the basis of this wonderful ingredient, brittle strands quickly come back to life and begin to grow well. Mustard mask for hair growth will give them radiance and an amazing golden hue. Mustard powder is used well against loss.

The main action

The main means of action

Mustard is that it heats the scalp, thereby improving blood flow: the nutrients will come to the hair follicle and feed it, by stimulating growth and providing loss prevention. Besides mustard mask could have a cleansing effect due to its germicidal properties, eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi from the skin surface.

Home Recipes masks based on mustard

Mustard mask with egg yolk

The mask used with mustard against hair loss and for general strengthening. Apply it is recommended to people with oily or normal hair, and prone to allergies or sensitive skin people better to renounce the use of this tool, even if you really want to increase hair growth.

The mask itself will require:

- Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons. spoons

- Hot water - 2 tbsp. spoons

- Egg yolk - 1 piece

- Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

- Sugar - 2 teaspoons

All ingredients were mixed in this sequence and are applied to the scalp, since parting. Contact with the best tips to eliminate or try to avoid to the maximum. For greater efficiency on the head better time to close the towel. Keep the mask for an hour. Mask with an excellent effect against hair loss with mustard. But you can use it more often than usual, this will help increase hair growth.

  • Using it for the first time, the time necessary to sustain at least 15 minutes, during this period it can greatly oven, but bear all the costs.
  • Mustard powder poured boiling water is impossible, as it will start to produce toxic vapor. Use only need warm water, can be a little hot.
  • Use mask must be once a week, if the hair is inclined to the fat, then 2 times.
  • After the mask strands to better apply a nourishing balm in a preheated skin, it is absorbed best.
  • For those who want to speed up hair growth and eliminate the possibility of loss, such a procedure must be regular, but not less than once a month.

Mustard yeast mask

This is a mask for hair growth with mustard helps to quickly cope with the problems or severe disabilities and improve the hair, restoring the structure. Great for all hair types, if there is an allergic reaction to any of the components. You need the following components:

- Yeast (suitable common baker) - 1 tbsp. spoon

- Milk - ¼ cup

- Sugar - 2 teaspoons

- Honey - 1 tsp

These components are mixed and put on half an hour in a warm place, after which they added 1 tablespoon of mustard powder. The resulting homogeneous mixture is applied to locks and held them for 30 minutes, then washed with warm water and shampoo.

* For oily hair better to replace milk yogurt, preferably low-fat.

* Anti-dandruff this mask is very good, too.

* Mustard powder before adding to the bulk better dissolve in a small amount of warm water to form a rather thin the mixture.

* Shampoo can be replaced, or a decoction of herbs balm for shine and silkiness, as well as to increase the prevention of hair loss.

Mustard clay mask

With clay mask it is not as common, but on the basis of mustard it can simply work wonders. Use it suitable for all hair types, it is equally well nourishes the hair dry and clean of excess fat greasy.

This will require a minimum of components:

- Mustard powder (dry) - 2 tsp

- Blue cosmetic clay (preferably the pharmacy) - 2 tsp

These two components are mixed to obtain a sparse mass, more like a cream and applied to the hair roots. Take a little time, it will be enough for 15 minutes, then rinse agent can be a simple warm water.

  • Mask wash off faster and better if you use instead of shampoo balm.
  • Rinse your head better under pressure, in order to more thoroughly rinse the clay against the hair growth by sending a stream of water.
  • Apply the mask once a week is better: thanks to its strengthening effect, curls will grow better and faster, and power loss from such measures as effective.


Hair Care in the home

 Hair care

Beautiful well-groomed hair is often better to make the most expensive stones Woman irresistible, but in today's climate and environmental conditions it is difficult to preserve such natural wealth without careful maintenance.

Hair problems always start at once: suddenly discover that after severe stress hair falls almost in tatters, or after a shampooing dandruff flakes crumbled. All this requires decisive action.

It is not recommended to frequently change shampoos.

  Proper hair care at home

This statement is not an immutable truth, but frequent changes cause dandruff shampoos. On the other hand, without changing the shampoo you are unlikely to be able to pick out the most appropriate means to care, and in fact more than any other shampoo funds affects your hair. The best shampoos contain extracts of burdock and nettle, as these two tools to improve hair growth.

Use balms and air conditioning. It makes your hair more manageable and soft, so you will lose less hair during combing. You can not wash your hair with economic or children's soap. Do not believe people's advice: laundry soap is bad for the overall condition of hair, disgusting washed off and the hair after receiving this comb is simply impossible.

Dub the tips at least once in 2 months: it saves you from split ends. Even overuse sharp change of image, if long hair shaved "at the root", they will never be as strong and rich. Frequent coloring, perms and using lacquer as a negative impact on the natural gift.

Try to dry your hair in a natural way without the use of a hair dryer. Do not rub your hair with a towel.

Care for dry and colored hair

Care for dry hair. This type of hair is contraindicated frequent washing, respectively, remove from the shelves shampoos for daily use.

Helps scalp massage and vitamin A.

Care for oily hair.

And here you need to wash your hair as often as possible, but use a mild shampoo. In addition the head is better to wash with cool water. Care for colored hair. For damaged and colored hair oil should be used, which are applied by scratching, use the respective shampoos and not to neglect the hair mask.

Wary of folk remedies: they are not all suitable for any type of hair. Most blame the problems of stress and lack of vitamins, so if you are too obvious signs of problems with hair consult a doctor. Proper hair care at home will provide you with the beauty and attractiveness and give a good mood.
