Staining and strengthen hair with henna, as doing things right


Henna is one of the best natural products for body care and in particular the hair. Since ancient times, many women of the East, and later from other regions, used it for strengthening and hair coloring. What is this henna, how it should be used if you can dye your hair after henna? Answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Henna - a biological natural powder made from the leaves of a bush Dacron, dried naturally. It has long been used to help the residents of the East in the healing of wounds and as an antiseptic preparation, but more often henna powder used for various beauty treatments.

Since Henna - natural powder, then it is almost a safe product. And certainly one of the most important benefits of henna is that it can help to get a very juicy natural shades of hair that just can not be distinguished from the natural.

Strengthen hair with henna

Lover henna tightly guard the healthy and natural beauty, often contemptuous of chemistry in any of its manifestations. That's right, the truth is on their side. After all the hair with regular use of masks henna transformed before our eyes into a gorgeous mane.

Each hair is fully consolidated over the entire length, it becomes elastic and more resistant to damage. Henna does not penetrate deep into the hair, the other unnatural artificial colors, and cover it, smoothing and creating a sort of protective plenochku.

Hair after henna noticeably shiny and easy to comb. Tannins contained in henna, also have a therapeutic effect on the scalp, normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands.

Henna Hair Coloring

It is also an excellent natural henna hair dye. Her secret - the gradual saturation of the colors. With each new application to the hair increases the brightness and depth of color on the hair.

A mixture of henna dye is made depending on personal preferences. In the simplest recipe henna mixed thoroughly with warm water to the state of slurry. If you add a spoon burdock oil, the hair will be shinier and softer.

There are also many recipes you can use to give your hair a variety of colors palette. For example, if mixed with henna gruel of coffee or cinnamon, the color of the hair will be more brown, add chamomile or turmeric give golden honey hue and Hibiscus or cocoa - red.

Staining for blond hair takes half an hour, giving shade and dark hair on an hour or more - more time to keep, the stronger and brighter hue. Gruel for coloring is applied to the washed, slightly damp hair, and the top is twisted towel. After dyeing is washed off with warm water. That color was fixed, you can not use a shampoo during the next couple of days.

Can I color my hair after the henna

However, remember that henna - it is very persistent biological dye. It is almost impossible to wash off the hair after a single use times.

Therefore, if you do not want to go with an unusual greenish white hair on the head, then in a few weeks after dyeing with henna, do not use chemical paint or hydrogen peroxide to lighten.

Proper care of dry hair at different times of the year

 Care for dry hair

Owners of dry hair knows that care for them - a laborious process. But the constant use of the same funds not produce the desired results. And so widespread notion of "addiction" has absolutely nothing to do with. Blame the sharp reaction of hair on the slightest changes in the environment. Proper care of dry hair in summer and winter, spring and autumn at home.

For a healthy shine and natural strength dry hair needs a special shampoo and soft water. When you select should give preference to comb one that is made from natural materials.

Comb plastic enhances the action of static electricity, and in contact with the dried hair damage it. Metal combs are too rough, and if the hair is weakened, causing its loss. These are general rules, but for dry hair requires more seasonal approach.

Proper care of dry hair in winter

In winter, the hair is exposed to strong temperature fluctuations. It's cold and damp, the room is hot and dry. The result is the loss of hair color, it becomes dull and yellow. Prolonged exposure of dried air leads to a loss of flexibility of hair, they become thin and brittle.

To return the brilliance necessary vitamins. Well, if they are present: winter salads, vegetables or fruit, but if you can not eat right fit and various dietary supplements. For flexibility, the winter dry hair need nourishment. Before washing, you can do massage while applying hair olive or palm oil for 5-10 minutes, massage strengthens the roots, and the oil will restore the hair itself.

One can use different masks based on egg yolk. In winter, need to abandon the use of a hair dryer, because Forced drying causes serious harm to the hair.

To save the hair from dryness and unpleasant static electricity facilities in the winter need to constantly moisturize and ventilate. A simple procedure has a major impact not only on the condition of the hair, but also the beauty of the skin.

Summer Hair Care

In summer, dry hair suffer from frequent washing, which is not very favorable factor. It is recommended that greater use of air conditioners to moisturize hair and more ease. Also, to reduce the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation in the summer, it is desirable to use a scarf or hat.

In spring and autumn

But spring and autumn with their constant dampness and gentle sunshine paradise for dry hair. It is enough to wash them once a week with a shampoo specifically for this type of hair. Mandatory rule: in autumn and spring maintenance required to eliminate all possible masks, conditioners and preferably balms.

The disadvantage of this time of year is wearing headgear. Following the fashion, preference is given to a tight cap that holds down several power roots and causes severe hair loss. You can change the headdress on a free, and can be taken as a rule daily massage of the head.

What to do if hair fall out, the reasons

 Causes of hair loss

Luxury healthy hair - dream and the natural decoration of any girl. Therefore, no females can not stand seeing how her hair begins to thin. Often just a few of hair stuck in the teeth of a comb, to bring their owners into a state of panic. Causes of hair loss and what to do if hair fall out, massages, shampoos and conditioners, folk remedies, tips.

How many drops of hair per day

So first you need to understand when there is a reason to start to sound the alarm. The average person loses every day to one hundred hairs. If your daily "losses" are stacked in this number, then there is no reason to worry.

There is a simple test to determine whether the situation is in the normal range: hold between your fingers and pull her hair. If the left hand is less than three hairs, it's all right. Otherwise, you must take action.

Causes of hair loss

But first you need to understand the reasons for hair fall out, and a lot of them there.

Perhaps the most common is poor diet, including diet. Lack of vitamins B5, B6, C and PP, as well as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium, results in the hair follicle, deprived of nutrients die prematurely.

Negative impact on the volume of hairstyles smoking, alcohol intake and the number of medications (medications on the pressure, arthritis and gout, antidepressants). Often hair loss is caused by hormonal changes that tend to cause abortion, pregnancy, birth control pills, certain diseases of the endocrine system or menopause.

Detrimental to the hair and stress, both physical (eg, anesthesia during surgery), and psychological. Their impact has been somewhat late - after a couple of months.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the hair can fall out of the traumatic brain injury, damage to the hair (coloring, perming, drying) and scalp, fungal infections, and heredity.

What to do if hair fall out

If, having analyzed the reasons set forth above, you have come to the conclusion that the deal with the problem is possible without medical help, use the following guidelines. Otherwise, contact your doctor immediately.

First we need to be critically examined diet. It must be included products containing proteins and iron. Hair useful lean poultry, fish and seafood, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables, lean beef. To enhance the effect, take a multivitamin regularly, while not forgetting that their excess is not less harmful than the lack.

Massage hair roots

Do not neglect such a useful procedure as brushing: it not only allows you to make an attractive hairstyle disheveled hair, but also improves blood circulation by massaging the scalp.

Before saying that he wants to have a lush head of hair you need to spend a hundred times daily comb through each strand. However, to obtain a good result is enough for a couple of minutes, comb your hair in different directions.

Shampoos and conditioners

It is not hard to guess what a great helper in the struggle for a thick braid may be shampoos and conditioners. Marking a "firming" on the bottle indicates that its contents are present in a substance that can reduce or even stop hair loss: pantenon and jojoba oil, extracts of nettle, ginseng, chamomile and menthol. Colored hair will train with horse chestnut extract or protein.

Excellent results are obtained by the use of burdock and castor oil (the latter, incidentally, can be used to lengthen the eyelashes). In difficult period for hair is not recommended styling, even if the label says they are rich in vitamins.

Do not forget about the people's means. The best result gives a mask of burdock root. For its preparation you need to pour boiling water over two teaspoons of root and keep on low heat for half an hour, the resulting broth to cool and rinse their hair washed.

The health of your hair!
