The tradition of celebrating Halloween in Russia there is not a long time, but this "dark" holiday very liked our people. Celebrate it in small young companies at home and on the tremendous partying in nightclubs. We offer an interesting, fun version of the script for Halloween and competitions for adults on average, companies in any area.
Organization of a holiday for adults
Feature Halloween
in his paradox - at the same time we must celebrate it as a fun and scary.
It is very important and lighting conditions of the room where the party will be held. No lamps, chandeliers and lamps - only candles. Very interesting, if the corners of the room hung speakers and a subwoofer is set to the recorder - so real to feel sounds.
You can not just put a gloomy gothic music, but also include some frightening sounds written off from the Internet: sighs, moans, cries, and the monotony of low frequencies, sinister laughter and so on. For visitors, especially audialov, it will be a fascinating situation.
With regard to the table for the celebration of the scenario. An important element of "horror stories" in the design of dishes for Halloween
. For example, the eyes, made of egg whites, cut off the fingers of sausages, filled with ketchup, pictures of spiders, snakes and other vermin. You can, for example, any dry product (such as bread), pour fruit powder "FISI-thumb" that the language will hiss and snap that very surprise guest. And of course, candles on the table.
Inviting all participants to put forward their demand - receiving only in carnival costumes for this special holiday and bring along some little trinket in the form of a phantom.
And here it is - the arrival of the guests, all sorts of witches, zombies, vampires and other ghouls.
At the entrance from above the door can snap toy spider on a thread, so that when you open the door in the face of a spider hung guest. As a guest, you can offer an aperitif drink, and of course it would be "Bloody Mary" with a small toy in a glass showing insect or some creeping creatures.
All guests in the collection and begins the "orgy" Halloween
. And here are some contests that dilute the fun of adults:
Contests for Halloween
Before the arrival of the guests on the shelf to be placed at eye-level guest, the pots are placed on the number of guests. For example, 10 pots -10 invited. At the bottom of each pot any items and products separately: flour, red gouache, ice, gummi worms, thumbtacks, welded thick (sticky) porridge, etc. Koda guest comes and gives his phantom, it should quietly slip into one of the pots - each pot someone forfeit.
And so begins a game of forfeits. The first participant should hand thrust into the pot without looking at him. Make it psychologically difficult - things are not very pleasant to the touch, and very frightening uncertainty - suddenly there live spiders, cockroaches or piranhas. But it is not necessary to torture animals.
User gets a phantom and a host of gadgets declared. He pulls out of hats specially prepared job in the folded sheet and executes it, whether under a table or a crow to scare the neighbor to run around the court. And then he takes another pot forfeit for the next player. And so to the end of the competition, to the participation of all and climbed into the pot. The prize - the one who caused the most laughter.
The script contest Master scene
Select a pair of participants does not matter - opposite-sex or same-sex, and given some small scene or known children's song about something very nice (with the words on a sheet). And let this pair of ominous voices, characteristic of their heroes perform it.
It's funny to look, for example, a short scene from "Romeo and Juliet", when some fiend, a vampire, is recognized in the tender love scary vampire or a zombie. You can improvise. The winner is the most talented couple.
We light together
In the contest for Halloween
involved 2 teams of 4 people. In both teams the match is given to one player, the other boxes, the third candle and quaternary sparkler.
The goal of the teams - the first to light the sparkler. The first participant strike sharply on the match box and light a candle. A candle is lit the fire wand itself.
Here are some of such a scenario on Halloween you can spend a holiday with friends, a party for adults.