In appearance nail can determine overall health. Formation of the nail due to the endocrine system, and therefore, the nails can indicate any disease, even if it is still in the bud, and the man did not suspect about it.
Physicians can determine the overall health appearance of nails.
Dark yellow and brownish stains on the nails indicate dermatosis. This may be a sign of a fungal disease or long unsystematic reception of antibiotics.
After the flu and other infectious diseases may appear furrow. As the recovery they usually go away.
A lot of white spots on the nails indicates poor circulation.
Layer nails trying to convey information about disorders of the thyroid gland.
The bluish tint of the nail may report congenital heart disease.
Thick convex nail requires to pay attention to the lungs.
The blackening is due to subungual hematoma.
The fragility of the nail indicates a lack of vitamins in the diet daily meals.
It must be remembered that the nails need vitamins, minerals, proteins.
Like the rest of our body, nails do not like semi-finished products, sweets, pechёnosti. But thank you beautiful appearance, if you often indulge their natural dairy products, unrefined vegetable oil, fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread.
From our sweet love marigold bee honey. One tablespoon of honey at night with a glass of milk can be a fantastic way to improve your appearance. Nogotochki also become like a young cat.
Weak nails may be strengthened compress the following composition: 20 g of glycerol, 5 g of alum and a glass of water. Compress it has done every night for two weeks. Two weeks break.
The contact with washing powders and detergents dry out as the skin, and nail plate, making them brittle. So, try to wear rubber gloves. Only in the beginning it seems that work in them uncomfortable, but you quickly get used, and thereby save his hands and nails in pristine beauty.
Cure ingrown nail can be, if every evening to put on him all night fingertip filled to half or a third of the butter. Top should wear mittens. The treatment lasts 2-3 weeks. Then you need to gently lift the edge of the nail and put a sterile gauze.
Well, now we tell fortunes.
Shape the nails can tell a lot about the character of their owner.
Owners round nails - dreamers and melancholic. They constantly bemoan the imperfect sublunary world. In all the failures they blame themselves. They think that they are not done much for their friends and loved ones.
Oval nails - a privilege artistically gifted natures. They hover in the high places. They are of little interest, what is there under your feet ... And that all was going next. From time to time, they, however, come down from the heavens, and may elect to bestow a sense of gentle and caring. But more often they are exposed to gusts.
If your fan has promised to throw the world at your feet, it is likely he is the owner of oval nails. Quickly Pick up everything he sketched there, for a minute or two he can blow up on the wings of inspiration.
With trapezoidal nails
women and men are very impressionable. They are not without power, easy on the rise. But having too high self-esteem, they rest assured that others appreciate them enough dignity and merit.
Spatulate nails have a vigorous personality, having at the same time a realistic view of the world. They always look forward with confidence and do not regret the past.
People with
square nails - innate optimist. They are happy to take up new things. Holders of such nails are excellent performers.
Quadrangular nails say about excellent self-control and restraint of man, his love of order and strict discipline. Such a person will find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. He is independent in life, but gentle and caring with people close to him.
Nail care
Most well-groomed hands will look well-groomed, if you do not take care of the nails. Nail Care must, above all, to be a regular. If at least some time to give due attention to nails, nail cuticle razrastёtsya on it may appear minor abrasions and blisters. If they are already there, treat them zelyonkoj to prevent the occurrence of purulent infection.
Nail plate is composed of keratin and is like a lifeless. If you want it to be hard as porcelain, often eat food jelly fish jelly and fruit-based gelatin.
The nail bed is protected by cuticle - skin roller, which is useful to lubricate nourishing cream, and during each wash hands carefully move towards finger.
The most important part of the nail - the matrix. White hole at the base and have a matrix. Here are the living cells of the nail, dying, they form the nail plate.
Ideally, nails do not have to constantly be under a layer of lacquer. At night it is recommended to remove. Or give your nails some time to relax.
You should not use cheap paint, he soon inflict harm to your body and steal from the nail beauty.
If the nail has turned yellow, wipe it with a slice of lemon. Citrus healer not only brighten, but also to receive medical treatment for your nails. And that is not yellowing nails in the future, under the nail, apply a base coat polish.
Every 7-10 days the nails should be attached to the form, but to use for this purpose it is advisable not scissors, and nail file special, or nail clippers. Nail clipping, care must be taken so that it matches the shape of the tip of your finger. After the haircut you need to carefully clean the skin under the free edge of the nail.
In the past, the nails polished velvet cloth. Why do not we do it sitting in the evening in front of TV? You can apply and polisher for nails.
Do not forget from time to time to pamper your nails trays of pre-warmed olive oil or sunflower oil. When the night grease the hand cream, rub it in the base of the nail.