To determine the state of health, disease, language

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To determine the state of health, disease, language
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Frequent burns mucosa language when we hastily threw in too hot food. Or fill a surrogate of unknown origin, causing chemical burns.

Change in taste or loss may occur as a result of lesions pathways taste analyzer: for example, loss of taste on the front two-thirds of one half of the tongue is associated with damage to the lingual or facial nerve in the posterior third of the tongue - in case of damage of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

That's why doctors disapprove of the child's early acquaintance with overly peppered or spicy foods, the abuse of which may occur perversion of taste sensations.

In some cases, taste perversion caused by internal diseases or metabolic disorders: feeling of bitterness celebrated in the gall bladder, the feeling of acid - in diseases of the stomach, a feeling of sweet in the mouth - when expressed forms of diabetes.

Treatment taste

This is not a joke. As already mentioned, the taste buds are different taste: bitter, sour, sweet, salty. And, it turns out, are healing properly! After all, language - is the "entrance gate" of the body. It is saturated reflexogenic zones that are associated not only with the digestive tract, but with all the authorities.

Therefore, the impact can be very wide, and depends on the type of food. For example, if you hold on a little tongue honey with butter, you can relieve cough. Sweet foods tame cardiovascular disease, because the sweet taste promote vasodilatation.

Naturally, such a treatment is used as an adjuvant, and cured only with the help of these diseases can not. But it's worth listening.

If you suddenly increased blood pressure, put into the language of something sweet: candies, honey, any candy, raspberry jam. And after 5-7 minutes you will feel great relief.

Under reduced pressure, experts recommend to hold the mouth diluted lemon juice with water.

Bitter foods have anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the functioning of kidneys, cleanse the body of salts and toxins. Small amounts of bitterness sharpens mental faculties. However, the abuse is not bitter foods: In large quantities, they cause depression, and depression.

Astringent taste stops diarrhea, improves blood clotting and is therefore used in the bleeding wounds. Interestingly, astringents, depending on their constituent minerals can warm or cool the body.

Acute helps digestion, cleanses blood, kills germs and warms the body from the inside.

Salty taste is thirst and hunger, water retention in the body and has a laxative effect in constipation.

Doctors say that the language is a great variety of receptors, acting on that can treat various diseases. For example, with heart disease need to massage the tip of the tongue, respiratory diseases - the side surfaces.

Massage the middle part of the language used in diseases of the pancreas, and the root of the tongue - kidney diseases. During the activity of the stomach meets the middle part of the tongue (near the front), and for urinary bodies - the rear section.

Shoe language

If you look the truth, you have to admit that our language is similar to a thick plush carpet crawling with bacteria on it. There are accumulated food debris and tiny particles of dead epithelium.

In the process of decomposition, they produce toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause bad breath. It is for this reason, he needs daily cleaning. Moreover, the language should be cleaned in the direction from the root to the tip.

To do this, fit an ordinary spoon, not stiff toothbrush or a special plastic scraper resembling microscopic mop. The procedure takes just a minute 30 seconds in the morning and the same evening.

You just need to make it a habit. To clear language suggested to use a rinse infusions of raspberry, plantain, nettle, dandelion.

Finally. Be aware that the language can be considered clean if it pink, white coating means that it is still home to millions of bacteria.

Author: Jason

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?
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Persisting in some favorite bay, such as the darkness, heights or of AIDS, it is not difficult to bring yourself to a panic attack, reminiscent of a heart attack or brain stroke. But the same suggestion can cure ulcers, asthma and migraine, get rid of bad thoughts that support their existence.

Try it - you certainly will! After all, the story of his illness in the long run creates the man himself.

British scientists describe a unique case, when the fat woman who could not manage to lose weight, once asleep, vividly imagined runs in an endless road, dropping excess weight, and in the morning woke up the whole "in the soap," with frequently beating heart - and five kilograms is gone!

RATING psychosomatic disorders:

1st place - digestive disorders - gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia

2nd place - skin diseases

3rd place - tics

4th place - endocrine problems, excess weight and diabetes to menstrual irregularities and infertility

5th place - migraine and other pain syndromes

Personal risk factors

You are nervous and irritable person, you can easily deduce from itself? Issue a strong reaction on any occasion? Stuck in negative emotions always find something to complain about? Experience difficulties when you have to get used to new people, places and circumstances?

You closed, restrained in expression of feelings, distrustful, anxious, sensitive, you do not believe in yourself? Do you stress? Caught in stressful situations at home or at work?

MORE affirmative answer, the higher the risk of psychosomatic disorders.

WHAT WILL get sick?

To answer this question, we need not go to a fortune teller, or be a medical horoscope - enough to talk to a psychologist. And you can try on the psychological portraits of various diseases, to understand which of them threaten you.

However, even the common cold clings to us, when we lose heart, and it can even happen due to frequent quarrels in the family - because pessimism undermine immunity.

The assertion that cute curse - just amuse, not true. It is home, and not a cause of conflict at the most devastating blow to the immune system.

Your portrait?

Danish Professor Jörn Beckmann watched state 374 men and women. Those who are not tormented by gloomy thoughts and the guilt complex, different kind sweet temper, optimism, love of neighbor, they almost never have influenza and did not suffer from chronic diseases.

But stubbornness, self-flagellation, a negative attitude toward themselves and others, disappointment and jealousy, vindictiveness and aggressiveness, vulnerability and resentment, the constant concern and lack of confidence, excessive excitability and nervousness, as it turned out, on the contrary, shook the immune system, twice lowering the body's resistance any infections.

It turns out that the surge of negative energy suppresses the function of many organs that support the body's natural defenses. American doctors from the University Hospital of Ohio conducted another study.

They tested 50 couples who have lived a long time in the marriage. The immunological blood test, conducted repeatedly showed that the couple, who several times a week, find out the relationship, reduced body resistance.

This increases the risk of catching an infection, cancer and reduces the fate allotted days. Particularly affected by family squabbles women: their immune system was more vulnerable than that of boys.

Your actions

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?
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• Think about the family with love and affection do not skimp on! They cause increased secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which brings a sense of happiness and enhancing the overall resistance of the organism. Scientific studies have confirmed that tenderness - the only drug which is not overdose!

• Cry when you hurt! English scientist William Frey, who studied the chemical composition of tears, convinced that they help to burn. But only bring relief to the emotional tears, removing toxic substances from the body and support the body's defenses and crying reflex caused by slicing an onion or horseradish go in vain.

Unshed tears seemed to congregate in, oppressing immunity. It is no coincidence iron ladies and knights without fear and reproach, whose eyes are always dry, and live shorter lives and suffer more often.

• Do not dismiss trouble. Many people try not to think about them, turning a blind eye to problems. It triggered a psychological defense, which experts call displacement. The brain is trying to erase the memory disturbing information you need, driving it to the conscious level to the flesh.

It seems everyone has forgotten, but driven into the subcortex unpleasant memories debilitating. That is why it is so important to every evening "debriefing", noting the words and actions, have caused even a fleeting psychological discomfort. Try to consciously rid of negative emotions - then they become a source of disease.

Helmets neurotics

It is not true that the most radical remedy for a headache - the guillotine: just learn to think positively! From bad thoughts skull begins to crack: it is the tension headache, gives the greatest amount of trouble to modern people. Granted it "headdress" - the so-called helmet neurotic - 90% of the victims are in pain.

The image corresponds to reality: the head, neck and shoulders are compressed in a powerful vice painfully compacted muscles located in the stress to which the nervous system does not relax: a classic example of a psychosomatic disorder!

Prone to tension headaches ladies are easily recognizable by constrained movements, poor posture, anxious, anxious expression on his face, his lips pursed, frowning forehead, narrowed eyes and premature wrinkles.

No gold threads, grinding, lift and other cosmetic tweaks not smooth out the skin if you do not learn to relax - emotionally and physically.

Otherwise you and will walk in a vicious circle of pain, in which stress causes muscle tension, muscle clamped drawn on his face a mask of grief and sorrowful mimicry enhances internal alarm.

Your actions

• A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey to calm nerves and provide the body with calcium, which strengthens the lack of muscle spasm and excitability of brain cells. Drink milk-honey cocktail at night and go to bed, putting under his head and knees folded blanket roll: auto-training session on stage!

• Exactly, and breathe deeply through your nose, close your eyes, relax your muscles first face (lower jaw droop slightly), and then one by one - the muscles of the neck, shoulders, chest, back, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, legs and feet. Stay at rest for 2-3 minutes. Then take cover with a blanket and think about pleasant.

• Relieve headaches and muscles relax anti-stress tea. Lightly fry dandelion root, mix with equal parts lemon balm and nettle deaf, grind in a coffee grinder, pour a teaspoon mixture cup boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours in a thermos. Drink tea for 3-4 weeks, and if necessary, longer, in the following amounts: in the morning and in the afternoon - a glass in the evening - two.

• Prepare a fragrant bath clamped muscle. Put in a linen bag teaspoon juniper berries, 2 tablespoons mint, oregano and lavender and dip in hot water. Wait when it becomes warm (40 °), and lie in it for 15-20 minutes.

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