To determine the state of health, disease, language

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To determine the state of health, disease, language
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 determine the state of health of the language

In appearance, the language experienced technician can determine the state of health and disease.

But it turns out, the language of the mirror of health and to determine the health of the language, and you can own. And see if you can treat the taste, why and how to clean the tongue.

However, this will require some expertise ...

Lessons diagnostic health Language

As their language You can independently determine the health status and what organs are not in order. It left traces of various diseases. Outwardly, they appear in a language differently: this plaque redness, an increase of various zones, bending and creasing.

Each zone is associated with a particular language authority.

Tuck, for example, says about the health of the spine.

The curvature of the folds at the tip of the tongue indicates a cervical osteochondrosis. This is likely the result of a sedentary lifestyle, long work with the computer or behind a desk.

Bend the folds in the middle of the tongue - lumbar osteochondrosis, they usually suffer from professional drivers and people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel.

Redness of the tip of the tongue - a sign of a weak heart activity beginning of coronary artery disease.

On the diseases of the pulmonary system can be measured by changes at the edges of the tongue closer to the tip.

Heart or lung disease often affects smokers, so these changes in language - a serious reason to quit smoking.

Prints of teeth on the tongue - a sign of dysbiosis, slagging of the body. In this case it is necessary to change the diet, eat less fat and fried. To bring in the order of the body can take different herbal infusions.

Determination of disease Language

Trembling language - a manifestation of neurotic syndrome. Here advice is: try to improve the psychological environment at home, work, lifestyle changes.

Cracks on the tongue - can talk about various blood diseases, endocrine, renal disease. Here we have tested most severely.

Symptom disruptions in the body - reduction of taste sensations.

In the language there are zones that are responsible for response to sweet, sour, salty and bitter. If a person ceases to feel some of these flavors, then we can talk about diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Swollen tongue, which looks more and thicker than usual, it may be referred to as inflammation of the tissues of the tongue, and swelling of the body.

"Grainy" or "prickly", the language is by increasing or thickening papillae. If thickened nipples - "grain" are located at the tip of the tongue, it is necessary to pay attention to the heart and examined by a cardiologist; the edges - worth checking out the liver and gallbladder; in the middle part - suffer from stomach and intestines.

"Mirror" the language of the case, when the surface of the tongue becomes smooth and shiny. This happens in cases of anemia, malnutrition or severe disease of the stomach.

Dry and rough surface of the tongue is often the case with allergies.

Color disease and health

Normal tongue looks soft and gentle, his movements are not constrained, the color pink, and plaque normally thin, white and moderately humid. In certain diseases, it changes the color of the language.

For example, dark red tongue indicates probable pneumonia, severe acute infectious diseases, high temperature caused by infection, ischemia or poisoning.

Raspberry language signals of the same diseases as the red, but taking place in a more severe form.

Purple indicates possible severe infectious disease, disorders of the circulatory system and respiratory system.

Thick white coating indicates a delay of food in the intestine, ie of constipation, which have not yet become chronic.

Yellow plaque indicates serious digestive disorders. The intensity of the color and thickness of plaque, the more serious the disease and probably constant accumulation of food in the stomach and intestines.

Grayish bloom says chronic diseases occurring unnoticed stomach and intestines. It is also possible dehydration and acid-base balance in tissues and organs (increased acidity).

If you like strong tea or a heavy smoker - relax! Thick, gray or yellow coating on the tongue shows, rather, not about illnesses and about bad habits.

Change the color of the language may also be some foods and medicines.

What vkusoterapiya?

Due to the fact that on the surface of the language focused a lot of taste buds, we know that cucumbers are pickled, sugar - sweet lemon - sour and pills - bitter. It turns out that the language of the first produce a critical evaluation of food that must be received in our stomach.

Thus different areas of language have different sensitivities to different flavors. Usually, the tip of the tongue detect sweet and bitter - the area of ​​its root. Sami taste buds are extremely fragile and without the creation of saliva would be long gone from the system.

And saliva dissolves solids falling into the mouth and excites the taste buds. She washes away the tongue taste residues, so we can in a short period of time to test a number of successive mouthfeel.

But the main thing is in the saliva protein has the ability to bind acids, protecting the mucous membrane of the mouth and there are taste buds on their harmful effects. It is regrettable, but not all of us are able to enjoy the taste. And it happens for several reasons.

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?

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A man's character determines the disease: What will hurt?
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Gloomy thoughts and spoil the mood, and health, and health status. We play tricks resentful heart, nerve - the stomach, at the hot-tempered - the liver ...

What to do?

LEARN rejoice!

Woe from Wit

There is a branch of medicine: etiology, the science of the causes of disease. Run flu, for example, she explains diversion from the virus and cancer - the failure of the immune system destroys the cells to mistakenly believe genetic information.

However, even in the midst of the epidemic, many remain healthy, and oncological illnesses, fortunately, not all face. Scientists interested in the question: the disease chooses us or we it?

It turned out, the choice, though unconscious, is still very often remains a man. The philosopher and healer Vitaly Vasilyevich caravan that many people know them by the developed Balsamo believed that egoist much more likely to develop allergies or cancer than the altruist.

If you do not care about others, treat them with hostility, the cells in your body do the same - they begin to develop antibodies against their own kind, or grow at the expense of all others, as it happens in the formation of tumors.

However, the microscopic invaders, you can call to order a mental effort - it confirms the story of 9-year-old American Ben Daskina that plunged into a computer game, to defeat the terrible disease - leukemia.

Virtual treatment

The story for the game developed by special order: a boy destroying drawn web designer cancer cells proliferated in virtual vessels - and thus abnormal white blood cells and disappeared from his own blood!

Scientists liken knowingly biological computer brain, the subconscious mind - the virtual world of electronic games, and herself (provided that the player is fully given to the process) is considered a unique form of mental samokodirovaniya. This method of treatment have already adopted 35 thousand patients with leukemia.


A favorite film-plots: the heroine of the soul is not in place, and it literally turned inside out. Well, if the path to the heart is through his stomach, then the opposite is true - when the heart weight, a good digestion can not be counted. And even nausea, body language expresses the inner protest against the situation.

And what happens throughout the body?


Annoying because troubles can and intestines. He begins to be lazy or work at an accelerated rate, if you think about the bad. Corrosive character - a direct path to a stomach ulcer, gallstones thoughts lead to problems with the liver and gallbladder, and turn green with envy because of failures in the spleen. So consider the time of Hippocrates, and modern doctors do not deny this connection.


Particularly sensitive ladies often react to experience nasal and uterine bleeding. The rate of formation of thrombus, the sealing vessel, depends on psychological state. When you worry, the blood coagulates slowly. It is necessary to calm down - and roll the system back to normal. That is why healers so easy to "start talking" blood - lulling murmur under their heavy thoughts disappear from the head, full of optimism and restores the body functions.


"It hurts from thinking breasts! "- Complained to doctors of the heroine of Chekhov and Dostoevsky. They did not exaggerate - psychological discomfort leads to hormonal failure in the female body, which affects the breast (and not only them). The chest is compressed, it becomes painful - so anguish is transformed into a physical.

Postpartum depression.

Through it are many. It can cause suppression of ovarian function and infertility, if not to drive away bad thoughts and did not inflate the soul spark fading joys of motherhood.

Ancient science

It psihosomatologiya. It studies the effect of the physical state of mind has been almost 200 years. Its founder - German physician Johann Christian Heynrot - the first of doctors seriously talking about psychosomatic disorders - notorious diseases of the nerves, about which so fond of humorists stroll.

"Most of the diseases that we are most afraid of" - so says a Czech humorist Leszek Kumor. If you are afraid to cut yourself every time shinkuete vegetables, or tuck your foot on the icy pavement, that's what happens with you and - contrary to the law of meanness, and, imagine, because of self-programming.

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