The causes of hemorrhoids in women

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Hemorrhoids - a disease that has no gender. It is equally characteristic of women and men, as seen in the photo here, it is almost identical clinical picture, it is treated the same drugs. Nevertheless, different risk factors that lead to hemorrhoids in women and men.

What factors can cause the development of hemorrhoids in women?

It is known that one of the causes of hemorrhoids is a sedentary and inactive lifestyle. These include a number of occupations that are considered to be women. The risk group includes representatives of the fair sex, working in conditions conducive to the stagnation of venous blood in the vessels of the pelvis. These are the occupations of the seller, hairdresser, secretary, office worker, an accountant, a promoter, and so on.

The psychological factor - the time peculiar to women more than men. Women's psyche is significantly different from men, she is more emotionally unstable, more vulnerable to external factors. The intense rhythm of modern urban life, millions of women face every day with stressful situations that carry them hard enough emotionally. Constant stress significantly increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Driving long ceased to be the prerogative of men. Every year an increasing number of ladies, sitting down behind the wheel. Combined with a sedentary office work is even more increases the risk of morbidity. Driving minimizes healthy locomotor activity, promotes normal blood circulation in the pelvis and lower extremities.

Malnutrition can directly influence the development of hemorrhoids. Modern culture dictates women ideals of appearance. Aspiring to be like them, the ladies of various ages pace yourself slimmer, limit themselves to useful products and disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous diets and hunger destabilize the bowel and cause constipation. Constipation, are known to be the direct cause of stagnation in the vessels of the pelvis. If constipation continues for a long time, the probability of the development of hemorrhoids.

Excessive enthusiasm for physical activity. Unlike healthy exercise, excessive load in the form of weight lifting and strength training at the gym can also contribute to the stagnation of the blood and the development of hemorrhoids inside and outside of the rectum.

Pregnancy and childbirth - a specific risk factor for women. During pregnancy, even a woman, do not suffer from constipation and leading a healthy lifestyle, may face hemorrhoids. Increases in size the uterus exerts a lot of pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvic organs. During delivery the woman makes an effort that also causes enormous strain on the blood vessels. Even if the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy before the birth was not a woman may suddenly appear hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids may occur or worsen during menstruation. This is due to hormonal changes that occur each month in the female body. Blood rushes to the pelvic organs, which creates favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

Often women are afraid to go to the doctor, feeling before him shame and embarrassment, but afraid of the medical examination is not necessary. The sooner you seek treatment, the faster will be able to get rid of the disease without any difficulties.

Source: - the site of the treatment of hemorrhoids and prevention techniques.

Restoration of sight without surgery or the method of William Bates

 Recovery of

William Bates was born in the distant 1860th. Medicine, specifically, issues related to the correction of vision, he has devoted almost his entire life. After receiving a medical degree, he took up the practice of restoration, working in various hospitals in America and England.

Before his eyes have been thousands of patients with a variety of vision problems. Links to these problems and the generally accepted theory, why spoil vision, Bates could not detect. He began to develop his own theory, conducting experiments on the eyes of humans and animals. Achieved remarkable results fully confirmed the correctness of its unique theory, but about its solvency scientific world still argue.

Some doctors and scientists who totally reject the theory of Bates, calling it a fraud. Others on the contrary, are its ardent admirers. In between are those who confirmed some parts of the theory, denying or ridiculing others. What is this theory around which passions are running high? And why are they so violently boil?

The fact that the postulates of the theory Bates fundamentally disagree with anyone known to us since childhood basics regarding our vision. Bates believes that it does not depend on the state of the lens, but only on the neuro-psychological state of the person.

Scientific rightly believed that vision affects blood circulation. What is worse, the more our eyes are affected. And why it is the most dependent on blood flow? From nerves. If a person is calm and at peace with itself and with the outside world, his muscles surrounding the eyeball, not tense, blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and nerve endings are in a normal tone, blood circulation is not broken, so that the eyes see well .

It should test of any stress or emotional upset all equilibrium is disturbed. The vessels tighten, blood begins to flow faster or slower, without having to provide the required amount of oxygen and nutrients to the nerves and the brain, hence our eyes are beginning to see the bad thing is that there may well begin to "see" what is not. There comes a so-called illusion of view.

Many agree with this easy, remembering that with a strong nervous tension could not correctly read the text, did not notice any clearly visible parts or objects, and so on. But to nervnichaniyu it is not only a state of extreme excitement of happiness or unhappiness, and any deviation from the norm, however slight.

We can be annoying noise outside the window or in the next room, not like some kind of smell. We are nervous about the authorities assess our work, worrying about the relatives are upset that the bus is no availability and you have to stand all the way.

Causes of irritability and frustration daily recruited a few dozen. And each of them slowly degrades our vision. If we follow the theory Bates, it is necessary to treat vision loss by restoring normal blood circulation, that is, reduction of the nervous system in a pacified state when the muscles of the eyes are not in tension vessels in normal tonus, blood them correctly delivered to the nerve endings.

To achieve this Bates proposed relaxation. Completely calm their nerves only of the brain (persuasion myself not to be nervous, do not pay attention, and so on) is almost impossible.

It is also necessary to carry out special relaxation exercises, such as:

-rest eye

Just a few minutes a day to sit with his eyes closed, trying to think thus about something pleasant


simply closing the eyes, as a rule, is not enough, because some particles of light through the lashes will still come. To the darkness was absolute, to close your eyes, palms of hands, in any case without making them effortlessly.

reversal of the body

this element of exercises borrowed from ordinary fizzaryadki. Bates believes that the implementation of the body turns to one side or the other to help relieve fatigue and pain in the eyes.

-Nice memories

Remembering something good you need to with your eyes closed. Very good, if you can clearly imagine what you remember. It can be not only an event, but also a beautiful flower or a natural look, anything that causes pleasant associations.

-fiksatsiya look at small objects

Bates believed that reading small fonts very good for vision correction.


scientist was sure that the sun's rays are able to positively influence the vision correction and to all his patients attributed the daily solar eye treatments. Of course, looking at the sun with the naked eye he was not forced. On the contrary, "look" at our star you need your eyes closed. When this procedure will no longer bear the discomfort, eyelid need to use your fingers to open and keep eye open for some time, in no case do not look at the light.

In addition to exercise, Bates brought several rules, and how that affects our vision. They sound a bit unusual, but the scientist was absolutely sure he is right.

These rules are as follows:

-Read the faint light does not degrade, and improves vision, because it is a good exercise to the eye muscles

-Read in a moving vehicle when the line "jump" before the eyes of a positive effect on our vision

-Read the fine print is a good exercise to the eye and improves vision

-ochki (and now contact lenses) does not improve vision, but rather contribute to its deterioration.

Appointing his patients treatments, Bates specifically focus on glasses and forbade them to carry on the entire duration of treatment.

For us, these rules seem unfounded, because at school we are taught the opposite. However, the number of people who could improve by methods Bates your vision is sufficiently large and is growing every year.

As mentioned above, many of today's doctors are taking such treatments hostility. But even they are forced to accept that these methods are fine preventive maintenance of vision in the normal state.
