Defining the health of the skin

 Defining the health of the skin

ABOUT many diseases in the body tells us the skin.

It is known that the skin reflects many diseases.

For example,

If the skin has acquired a yellowish tint - an urgent need to examine the liver and gall bladder (stagnation of bile and inflammatory processes).

Dairy pallor can speak about two problems - anemia associated with iron deficiency, as well as a violation of breath - illnesses of the lungs and bronchi.

Total combined with pale bluish shade - especially nasolabial triangle and nails - a clear signal of heart problems.

"Marble" skin suggests fragility of blood vessels and the formation of subcutaneous hematoma.

Languid, loose skin - The outward manifestation of chronic debilitating systemic diseases.

Shiny skin - A sign of neurotic disorders.

Reddish spots on the face - most often a manifestation of allergies, food or drug.

The blood rushes to her cheeks and neck - a signal of propensity to hypertension, t. N. "Apoplectic type."

Dry skin with a waxy sheen - A sign of chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Lots of dry skin on elbows - a sign of a general decrease in immunity, and vitamin deficiency, especially lack of vitamin B.

The pale, flabby, slightly swollen skin, especially on the face and calves - a signal of kidney diseases and other problems with the excretory system.

Bumpy skin with uneven color - Reaction to the oversupply in the body of toxins.

How to decipher SOS signals your body


Few of us is subjected to regular medical examinations. But the warning signals of the body beginning failures, we can consider ourselves in open areas of your own body.

Chapped Lips

If along with the cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth feel muscle weakness, problems with concentration and strengthening hair fall out - this is a serious signal about the lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Imbalance quickly restore dairy products, eggs, peanuts, peaches, soybeans, pears, tomatoes, and cauliflower.

White patches on the tongue

This satellite is those long hungry or cold. But if wraparound white background raid clearly manifested redness edges language, it is very likely gastritis.

Pale gray fur

Disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. At simultaneous swelling of the lips and dry skin body is not likely to have enough iron. Urgent countermeasures: less black coffee and tea (they block the absorption of valuable element) more parsley, liver, fish and white mushrooms, and much more apples and citrus.

Dry mouth

The normal reaction to stress and anxiety. If the dryness last long, and it is accompanied by irritability, then you do not have enough vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). A lot of this vitamin in poultry meat, nuts, beef, germinated wheat germ. Dryness of the mouth, and sometimes results in inflammation of the salivary glands, as well as the initial manifestation of diabetes.


If it is not related to yesterday's stormy feast or unpeeled teeth, you should check your blood sugar (diabetes), "enlighten" the liver, kidneys (smell of ammonia), to cure chronic bronchitis (putrid odor).

Scaly skin

Often the scales - a signal of lack of vitamins A and B2. Good nutrition will quickly lead the skin to normal. If desquamation is accompanied by severe itching, without thinking it necessary to consult a doctor - a serious risk of fungal diseases. Bluish spots, when they occur, even from a weak pressing on the skin, means that there is a problem with blood clotting or the work of the liver. Clarity can make only laboratory tests.

Swelling of the eyelids

Often, the body signals the kidney problems, especially in the sense of general weakness, cold and pale skin.

Painful eye sensitivity to bright light

Payment for alcohol and tobacco. It's time to stop! Sometimes it is a symptom of "hay fever" (hay fever - an allergy on flowering plants), more often - a sign of a lack of vitamin A, and then you have to eat more cheese, carrots and tomatoes.


In the body are inflammatory process, from the common cold to more serious medical intervention when necessary.

Dark urine

Most likely, you just nedopivaete fluid to the desired number. But if dark urine output is accompanied by a high fever and weakness, it is probably more dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system, to understand which can only urologist.

Frequent nosebleeds

It's time to measure your blood pressure regularly. If it increased - and the reason is found necessary to treat hypertension. If pressure is normal, it means you do not have enough vitamin C. Have podnalech cabbage, spinach and nettle soup.

Increased sweating

Examine the thyroid gland. If you sweat profusely at night - it's a sign of nervous exhaustion.

Slow wound healing

You have a zinc deficiency, which is filled seafood and legumes.

Transverse grooves on the nails (one)

It was damaged area of ​​nail growth. Multiple grooves arise due to vitamin deficiency or severe chronic stress.

Longitudinal grooves on the fingernail

Almost always a sign of poor digestion. If the grooves are stored for a long time, be sure to inspect the pancreas.

Author: Andrei Belyakov

How not to get sick, "engaging in health"?


- Health can not be bought?

"Well ... I surveyed ... Yesterday was still healthy, but today ... It is called" attention to their health, "checked up" just in case. " Nightmare! Money taken Nemerow, found some

Chlamydomonas, but not one, but in tandem with someone else. Treatment painted for 3 months, figured - over 1000 bucks come! That's not counting analysis, consultation and ultrasound. But nothing hurts! "

Common situation? Unfortunately, in recent times a very ...

How to choose a medical center, how to understand what you "unwind dibs on" how to maintain health after a doctor's prescription?

That's what I want to talk. I must say: a person far from medicine, it is very difficult to recognize such a "divorce". But a few recommendations still ladies.

Do not go to the medical center:

1. Who gives too much hype. Remember that a good center needs no advertising.

2. Where the medical consultation is 1000 rubles. The average cost of receiving a physician 500-700 rub. (prices in Moscow)

3. Where consultation takes less than 30 minutes. Unable to collect qualitative history (history of the disease), to explore, to make recommendations in less time. If the center of the appointment of a patient have 15 minutes, in such an institution does not see the patient, and his wallet.

4. Where to turn in the corridors are comparable to the district hospital: it means that there is poorly organized work. Times have been queuing, and for your money you are entitled to demand better conditions of service.

5. If the medical center on the site that there is a price list.

It is best to follow the recommendation of friends and it is desirable for a particular doctor.

Before you go to the medical center, collect at least a little information about your illness or symptoms to have an idea of ​​what the survey may be needed and that nothing extra you have not appointed. Where to collect? Well, if you have friends, doctors, and search the Internet.

It is worth considering:

1. If the proposed surrender mass analysis. Known centers, where the figure is 15-18!

2. If you are sending the offices of other doctors ... just in case ... check ... and then to eliminate it ...

3. If the doctor insists on carrying out a survey in our own laboratory center. And to your question: "Can I pass in another place? "Answers" No, I trust only my lab! "

4. If the doctor says that all prescription drugs can be bought at the medical center, as well as designated injection is better to do them.

5. If the offers to buy him a miracle drug that will solve your problems at once.

6. If you send in a specific pharmacy for such a miracle drug (it is nothing more than a part-time doctor's prescription)

For information:

Appointments recorded doctor's hand on some piece of paper without printing the names of the patient, have no legal force.

The head physician of many centers require doctors to each patient is assigned a specific list of tests and examinations, even if they are not needed.

And finally:

If you have written a long list of drugs, do not rush to the pharmacy, not drag the wallet: Consult with friends medics.

Many pharmacies are now working doctors, counselors, they will advise you for free.

Often it happens that is assigned to a powerful treatment, which in itself does not add health, even quite the contrary, and ... heal something, in fact, completely and do not ...

There are numerous sites where you can get online in consultation with a doctor (but keep in mind, no competent doctor does not diagnose or prescribe treatment without seeing the patient! Only advice!)

Cheers and remember that your health is in your hands!

