On the state of health can be identified by wrinkles


Which diseases say wrinkles

It turns out the hidden diseases of internal organs can tell us more wrinkles. Says Doctor of Pharmacy Naila Nasybullina:

- Face wrinkles are not necessarily indicative of the hard life.

Some wrinkles passed us by inheritance. For example, if the father had a large nose - get with the age of his wrinkles and double chin. There are wrinkles associated only with the features of our character.

Maybe ordeal at a fraction of man has not dropped, and health is all right, and he reacts violently to all the household stuff and minor problems that his face is literally strewn with small wrinkles.

But there are quite different folds, warning that the person observed or another health problem.


Wrinkles and skin on the face

1. Weak and saggy skin on the cheeks indicate a problem with the bladder.

2. Slightly swollen chin - means the kidneys are working for wear.

3. Multiple wrinkles on the cheeks indicate reduced function of the stomach and pancreas.

4. Cross-wrinkle on the chin can be a sign of stagnation at the level of the liver or pelvis.

5. If the skin on the cheeks reminiscent of a transparent film, it is necessary to check the condition of the liver.

6. If you are often numb chin worth a visit a cardiologist and make an electrocardiogram as possible heart problems.

Nasolabial folds

1. Swelling and nose reshaping, and the appearance of purple hue suggests disease of the lungs and colon.

2. Deep wrinkles are symmetrical on both sides of the nose indicate dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. If the nasolabial fold extends to the chin, this means problems with digestion - gastritis with high acidity, beginning with gastric or duodenal ulcers, colitis.

4. Vertical shallow wrinkles above the upper lip indicate gynecological diseases.

5. Vertical wrinkles on the corners of the mouth down warn of a possible gastritis with a reduced secretory function and predisposition to diseases of the pancreas.

6. If covered with grooves around the mouth and the mouth itself, then there is cramps and in the large intestine.

7. White edging around the mouth draws attention to the problems in the heart.

8. Cracks in the corners of his mouth talking about the violation of water-salt metabolism, and can be, and gidronefrite - violation fluid excretion by the kidneys.

Wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes

1. If over the bridge formed by a plurality of cross-shaped wrinkles, it is possible the disease of the spine. A transverse wrinkle indicates a problem in the nape area - often low back pain.

2. If the horizontal forehead wrinkles cut over the bridge - a common sign of addiction to migraine.

3. A deep vertical furrows between the eyebrows tells its owner, that his body is clearly not enough oxygen and the movement in the fresh air.

4. The vertical crease between the eyebrows on the right shows the damaged liver and gall bladder. If the wrinkle is shifted to the left - this is the first sign of problems with the spleen.

5. Vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead at nose says about the problems of the stomach.

6. wrinkles under the eyes in the form of a crescent - "projection" of possible problems with the bladder.

7. Swelling of the upper eyelids indicates that all is not well with the kidneys.

8. The bags under the eyes indicate a heart disorder.

Of course, to get rid of these defects, we must first treat the disease. But if your wrinkles yet purely cosmetic, you can say goodbye to them with the help of simple exercises facial yoga.

What is missing for the body to maintain health

 health preservation

What's missing from the human body to maintain health.

Symptoms of diseases that can not be missed, and the state of health:

Nervousness, depression.

Urgently needed B vitamins, especially B1, B5, B6, B12 (include cereals, fish, nuts, legumes, liver, eggs, milk).

Irritability, insomnia.

You do not have enough vitamin B3 (eat more cereals, lean meat, liver, yeast).

Bleeding gums.

These are signs of a lack of vitamin C (in large quantities found in citrus fruits, berries, onions, tomatoes).

Cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry lips.

Will vitamin B2 (contain yeast, durum wheat, yogurt, milk, cheese).

Dandruff, dry hair.

Lack of biotin (egg yolk, nuts, offal).

Simple proctology: treatment papillita

 Doctor's advice

The disease belongs to the least painful, dangerous and serious. More specifically, the papillae (also called anal papillae) are available for each person.

They represent small growths (not more than 10 mm in diameter) on the free edge of the semilunar valves, which are arranged around the columns, and crypts in the lower part of the rectum.

In fact, the very fact of these natural formations (most noticeable at an early age and almost tangible in the adult) and called papillita. However, treatment involves removal of the papillae papillita not mandatory: in most cases, people do not feel them and they do not cause discomfort. Therefore, this procedure is only valid in some situations where the papilla hypertrophy (increased) and drops out of the anus.

The cause of hair loss and increase the papillae may be the emergence of other diseases directly or colon, and anus. In particular, chronic anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and other serious violations of the anal region, often lead to swelling and inflammation of the papillae. However, before you start to treat papillae have to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

He engaged in therapeutic treatment programs papillita the same area of ​​medicine that works with hemorrhoidal diseases or disabilities in the rectum and colon - proctology. More precisely, proctology (so-called this department since 1997). Practice papillita treatment is simple and depends on the extent of the papilla increase, the level of discomfort that it brings, and his injury.

It is worth noting that anal papillae can not try to treat yourself. First, to determine an effective treatment program you first need to make the correct diagnosis. What sometimes it is not as easy as it seems: no full-time inspection and anoscopy (and sometimes sigmoidoscopy) with a high probability it is impossible to ascertain papillomas. It has similarities with internal hemorrhoids (especially when the papillae of regular injuries become dense), and polyps.

Secondly, in some stages of the disease as such treatment is not required: simply remove the swelling and eliminate the cause of inflammation of the papilla. But in other situations requiring major surgery (known as Operation Gabriel).

It is performed by qualified kolopraktologom, on an outpatient basis and involves the complete removal of not only the nipple but also the entire column or crypts, as well as semilunar valve, at the end of which formed papilla problem.

The hair will help to determine the health status


The hair can help determine the health status because any sign of their "illness" directly or indirectly indicates a particular disease in humans.

Nature is very wise. She has created man and endowed him with qualities that are not inherent in longer one being on earth.

Most of us are not even aware of the unique capabilities of his body hidden.

We can not just educate your mind and body, but also with the help of certain clues to define "failure" in the work of an organ.

Not for nothing because of bioenergy and folk healers are increasingly talking about what a great healer man - he himself and his subconscious.

Remember beautician certainly not just focus your attention on the fact that brittle nails - a sign of lack of calcium in the body and dry skin is clearly suffering from a lack of vitamin A. It is the same with hair.

Hair, perhaps - one of the most accurate barometer of our health, for each specific indication of their "illness" directly or indirectly "screaming" about one or another malfunction in the body.


1. The problem of split ends.

I'm sure you smile, after reading this sentence. You're well aware that the split ends - is the abuse of a hairdryer, paint and red-hot pincers. However, all is not so simple. If you follow the simple rules of care - cut the ends every 3-4 weeks and not abusing a hair dryer, and hair still remain similar to haycock - think about your power system.

It is in this case it is important to remember that love and what averse our hair. Make yourself a rough menu, where one column big blue (green) write letters foods that should be consumed in the first place, and in the other - red forbidden list.

Council. Split ends adore castor, almond and olive oil. Oil the head, then wrap it with hot pressed a towel, and an hour thoroughly rinse and apply on hair beaten fresh egg or soured milk. At the end of the procedure, rinse hair brewed tea, infusion of chamomile or lime blossom.

Problem 2. brittle hair

Brittle hair you just cry about the problems in the intestines. In some cases, brittle demonstrates moisture loss hair shaft. Therefore, to begin with, try to strengthen the hair "popular" means. If no improvement - a run to the therapist.

Council. In addition to changing your diet to be sure to fill up dairy products, like mask. Here is one of the most effective: a grinding in a meat grinder aloe leaves, add a tablespoon of honey and castor oil.

The resulting mixture, whisk one egg yolk and a teaspoon of brandy. Be patient, because you need to keep the mask for at least an hour. The course of treatment - six procedures performed once a week.

Problem 3. dull hair.

This suggests a lack of smoothness of each hair individually and burnout pigment (natural or artificial). However, the main cause of tarnish - low hemoglobin. Women are by nature more likely to suffer from iron deficiency anemia, because the monthly and childbirth - the main reason for the loss of iron.

Council. And again - for food, for dull hair is often not enough vitamin H, which improves the condition of the horny layer of hair. Find this vitamin in nature is problematic, so take drugs containing this vitamin two to three times a year. Energize the body tyrosine - Eat almonds, avocados, dairy products, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Do not forget about zinc, thinning hair says about his lack of in the body, and because zinc is needed not only hair! Pamper yourself with oysters, shrimp, crayfish.

Besides seafood, will be useful for meat, poultry, oatmeal, beans, eggs and milk, as well as black bread and sunflower seeds. Check hemoglobin and lean on foods that contain iron - hand grenades, meat and red wine.

Problem 4. electrified hair.

"I have nothing to do with them", - complains a young mother a hairdresser. If it's hot - hair so electrified that collect them together is simply impossible, if the nature of sulking rain - droop icicles. The reason for this "rebelliousness" lies in the increased porosity of the hair rods.

Council. Try at least sometimes rinse hair chilled sparkling mineral water, which is well-tones the scalp and provides a natural micromassage effect, stimulating blood circulation.

5. Dry hair problem.

These unpleasant even to touch, they are extremely difficult to lay, braid, tie bows. Such problematic hair simply "asking" you to consult a nephrologist - dryness of the scalp and hair found in renal disease. And yet - you may have a deficiency of vitamins A, B, C, and protein deficiency.

Council. Pay attention to the means of hair care (shampoos, conditioners, masks), containing extract of bamboo: they strengthen and revitalize thin, dull, dry hair, give them volume and not overloaded.

6. The problem of hair loss.

A catastrophic loss of hair leads you into the horror. Do not panic. Consider a situation in which you were in the past six months. Just gave birth to the little man? Or circumstances forced to terminate a pregnancy?

Then the cause of hair loss in endocrine disruption. Such events entail upsetting the balance of male and female hormones that affect your mind.

Council. Wait. After two or three months the condition should improve. If not, turn blood sugar. This hair loss can be the first signs of diabetes, which interferes with microcirculation in small capillaries that feed the hair follicles.

If specific changes in the body is not observed, then the cause of hair loss in daily stress, chronic constipation or cervical osteochondrosis.

Council. Stress should be removed. Learn how to do it with the help of good music, aromatic oils, or nature sounds. If constipation when the body every day more and more clogged with slags, it is important to proper nutrition.

Make friends with fiber (cabbage, apples, carrots), water and sports. Well, osteochondrosis treat massages. At the same time, and stress will pass.

7. Dandruff problem!

Dandruff can help determine the state of health, with special attention concern the gastrointestinal tract. Fat flakes of the head indicate problems with the large intestine, biliary tract diseases, and slowing metabolism. Also, dandruff can be a consequence of allergy.

Council. Eat right: no sugar, salt, coffee and fizzy drinks. She loves potato chips? Then you have to choose - crisp white snowflakes, or shake to coat.

Healthier hair receiving enzyme preparations: panzinorma, pancreatin mezim forte. They help the liver and pancreas work together seamlessly.

Problem 8. silvered hair - gray hair appeared.

At risk - pancreas and thyroid. In this case it is important to exclude hormonal dysfunction.

Council. Eat less salt and acidic foods, do not overdo it, do not expose yourself to stress.

Problem 9. dark hair.

"I'm just confused, - he wrote one of the visitors of the forum. - My luxuriant golden hair, my pride and main achievement in life, darkened. "

Come to the therapist. Surely, the alarm sounded the liver and gallbladder. Obstructed flow of bile from the liver to the intestine promotes the release into the blood it contains pigments. Blood carries the pigment to the hair follicles, causing the hair starts to get dark.

Council. Protect the gall bladder. Permanently give up fried, "soda" and ... ice cream. At the same time, and the waist will be thinner. Scientists have shown - the most luxuriant hair grows to 30 years. From 30 to 50 years, the amount of hair decreases sharply, and then may remain unchanged.

British stylist Andy Uffelsa, who combed numerous celebrities, made an interesting from a psychological point of view discovery clients whose hair is in excellent condition, is much more successful in work and personal life than the owners of the hair with the seven signs of damage.

Take care of your hair and let you lucky.

