We know that our feet are situated biologically active zones serving a projection of various internal organs.
According to Oriental medicine appearance of corns and calluses keratinized in the same field may be zooming about the problems with these or other authorities.
1. corn strips on the outer edge of the foot indicate a possible disease of the spine.
2. Breastfeeding around the heels - a sign of the beginning of adverse changes in the joints.
3. Corns on a cushion under the fingers - a signal of problems with the intestines.
4. The roughness of the skin under the little finger of his right foot - there is a risk of liver problems.
5. Under the little finger of his left foot - to change the heart.
6. Dry, irritated skin with severe foot corns under the thumb - a signal of lack of vitamins A and B, nervous strain and a common energy exhaustion.
7. Hardened skin on the outer edges of the upper phalanx of the big toe points to the failure of the thyroid gland.
8. Smooth skin roughness entire foot - a signal of metabolic disorders, possibly caused by dysbiosis and chronic endocrine diseases.
Dissolve or burn on the vine?
Surface blisters appear, is to wear tight shoes or long like walking in the heat. Fortunately, a cure corn is not working: I bought at the pharmacy bactericidal plaster wrapped and wait for recovery.
The main rule - do not pierce the blisters, not to carry infection. The real problems are just "favorite" calluses on his knuckles and legs in the area of the heel bone. Over time, they become hardened red bumps. And no patch will not help here.
These are the root of corn. The therapeutic agent of the patch can "dissolve" the only upper horny layers of the skin. The root of the left, and after a while corn will grow again.
Remove the root is possible only with the help of laser therapy or cryoablation (cauterization by liquid nitrogen). After cauterization of the wound is to be sick for two weeks. But it is better to suffer once than to go over the years, both in shackles.
Where are the cones on the fingers
Cones on the fingers - a sign of running cross flatfoot. Women often suffer from them because of too narrow shoes: the leg is compressed and the outside of the thumb is on the additional load. From this, he sprains, cartilage grows, becomes painful, inflamed.
Orthopedic surgeon Sergei Hot:
- Fully leave with cones on his feet only by surgery. But operations at a very painful disease, healing is slow. If the case is not running, more efficient and safer to be conservative measures:
wearing special orthopedic Foam pads between your fingers to the thumb back into the correct position. Take gymnastics - walk 15 minutes a day on tiptoes, pawed the ground small objects on the floor.
To skin the feet become smooth and silky
To your feet always been nice to see, buy creams containing collagen, elastane and vitamin A - These substances stimulate and tighten skin. Apply them every day - better in the evening after a shower - in the skin of the feet wet.
And getting special creams for feet, pay attention to what plant extracts are included in.
It is best to nourish, relieve fatigue and tone those that contain tea tree, chamomile, nettle, horse chestnut.
Help foot baths with infusion of chamomile, peppermint, sage, yarrow. Arrange the legs douches.
Eat peas, beans, lentils, green onions, beef liver, egg yolks. All of these products - sources of vitamin E, which gives the skin elasticity and veins.
To note, the first to grow old legs!
Dermatocosmetologist Hope Czerwinski advises not only to women but to all men after 30 approximately every two months to do a pedicure:
- It is not so much a cosmetic measure as hygienic and healthy. The aging of the body begins with the feet, namely skin of the feet. And on the soles of the feet are concentrated a large number of energy points that are projections of the internal organs.
And these biotochek stimulation during the procedure improves blood circulation, which affects positively on the general state of health.
What happens pedicures
Classic. Legs in the steamed bath, dry calluses and corns are cut using a blade. The skin is polished and feet smeared with cream.
Hardware. Feet are not steamed in the bath, and treated with a special drug acting on the dead horny cells. It allows you to soften even the rough skin on the feet and remove its special, rapidly rotating nozzles of different diameters.
SPA-pedicure. It includes steaming foot, the removal of corns and foot massage water jets, fitoprotsedury.