Holidays in June 2014, the calendar of holidays and holiday dates

 Holidays in June


Correct Calendar of events in June 2014 to help you determine when professional note, world, Orthodox and other holidays in different countries, the date number.

June 1st

International Children's Day, Children's Day

International Day of cleaning water in 2014

Day of the creation of government communications

Day Meliorator 2014

  Day of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy

World Day of the parents

World Milk Day

Feast of workers of the local industry in Ukraine 2014

  Day of Water Resources of Ukraine in 2014

Father's Day in Lithuania 2014

  Holiday seamen in Iceland 2014

June 2

Day of Australia 2014

The day of healthy eating and giving up excesses in food

Republic Day Italy

  June output in Ireland in 2014

  Feast of the Azerbaijani Civil Aviation

June 3

Mabo Day in Australia

Holiday declaration of independence of Montenegro

June 4

International Day of Innocent Children - Victims of Aggression

Bank Employee Day Moldova

Feast of the state symbols of Kazakhstan

National Flag Day in Estonia

Day of the Defence Forces of Finland

Shavuot 2014

June 5

World Environment Day

Constitution Day Denmark

Holiday Meliorator Azerbaijan

  Nineteen Day Feast month Nur Semik (Green Christmastide) 2014

June 6

Russia Pushkin Day Russian Language Day

Day of the journalist in Ukraine

  National Day of Sweden - Swedish Flag Day

June 7

Day of the financial and economic workers in Kyrgyzstan

  Day dissolution of the union with Sweden

Festival of Croatian diplomacy

June 8

World Oceans Day

Day of Light Industry, 2014

Day of the social worker

  Trinity - the Holy Trinity Day, Pentecost 2014

  Feast of the Republic of Karelia

Father's Day in Belgium in 2014

  Trinity Western Christians from 2014

Pentecost in Armenia 2014

  World Day of St. Petersburg Cat

Pentecost in the western Christians, the Day of the Holy Spirit in 2014

  Lutheran Pentecost 2014

June 9

International Day of friends

International Accreditation Day

Queen's Birthday in Australia 2014

  Whit Sunday (early Rusal weeks) 2014

Day of the Holy Spirit in 2014

  Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi 2014

June 10th

Day of border troops in Moldova

Holiday Portugal, Camões Day and Portuguese Communities

June 11

King Kamehameha Day in Hawaii

12 June

Russia Day

Day of the stock market in Ukraine

  World Day Against Child Labour

Day of commencement of placement of international forces in Kosovo and Metohija

June 14

World Blood Donor Day

Day of Migration Service

  International Day for blogger

Day brewer in Russia 2014

Furniture-Day 2014

  Celebration of the American flag

World Day of knitting in public in 2014

Birthday monarch in the UK in 2014

June 15

World Day of the wind

Medical Worker Day 2014

  National Salvation Day of Azerbaijan

Father's Day 2014

State Flag Day of the Republic of Armenia

Day of Fire Service in Kyrgyzstan

  Aviation Day in Armenia in 2014

  Celebration of water sector in Kyrgyzstan in 2014

  Trinity Lutheran 2014

June 16

World Day motorcyclist 2014

  International Day of the African Child, International Day of the African Child

June 17

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Proclamation of the Republic of Iceland

June 18

Day of police inspectors in Ukraine

  Human Rights Day in Azerbaijan

Holiday historian in Moldova

June 19

Emancipation Day, Freedom Day in the United States

Feast of Corpus Christi in 2014

June 20

World Day of elephants in zoos

Day specialist torpedo naval service in Russia

  World Refugee Day

Day of the gas industry of Azerbaijan

  Holiday Flag Argentina

21st of June

Day canine units of the Russian Interior Ministry, Day handler

  International Day of skateboarding

Finnish Flag Day 2014

  Day of Indigenous people in Canada

Midsummer in Finland in 2014

  Celebration of Music in France

Lita - the summer solstice 2014

22nd of June

Memorial day - the day of the Great Patriotic War (1941)

Holiday Skipper Snake (Snake Day)

June 23

International Olympic Day

Balalaika Day - international holiday musicians populists

  International Day of widows

UN Public Service Day

Yogini Ekadasi 2014

  Holiday police in Kazakhstan

  Victory Day in Vynnuskom battle in Estonia


Midsummer day

National holiday in Luxembourg (Birthday of the Grand Duke)

June 24

Day of the Republic of Chuvashia

Feast of St. John the Baptist of the Slavs

Christmas John the Baptist

Independence Day in Scotland

Yaanov day

Nineteen Day Feast - Rahmat

Holiday Indians in Peru

June 25

Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

Day seaman (sailor's Day)

Day of Customs Service of Ukraine

  Statehood Day Slovenia

Holiday statehood Croatia

Day of the Augsburg Confession

June 26

International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

Day prosecutors Belarus

  Armed Forces Day of Azerbaijan

  Independence Day of the Republic of Madagascar

June 27

Russian Youth Day

Youth Day in South Ossetia

World Fisheries Day

  Day of national reconciliation in Tajikistan

Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2014

  Day of the press and media in Uzbekistan

  Celebration of the national anthem of Canada

June 28

Constitution Day of Ukraine

Inventor's Day in 2014

Festival press, television and radio in Kazakhstan

June 29

Youth Day in Ukraine and Belarus in 2014

  Day partisans and underground fighters

Holiday lawyer Kyrgyzstan 2014

30 June

Day economist in Belarus

Holidays in July 2014, the calendar of holidays and holiday dates

 Holidays in July


What holidays will be celebrated in July 2014 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, France and other countries,

date number.

July 1

Day of Architecture in Ukraine

Day of the Prosecutor's Office of Armenia

Day of the tax employee Kyrgyzstan

Festival of Canada

Day of the Communist Party of China

July 2

International Day of the sports journalist

Day of Tax Service of Ukraine

Holiday police officers Azerbaijan

Celebration in honor of Heaven in China in 2014

World UFO Day (Day ufologist)

3 July

Day GAI (traffic police's Day of the Interior Ministry)

Day of the Republic of Altai

Feast of the Republic of Khakassia

Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, Republic Day

4th of July

Day of the court expert Ukraine

US Independence Day

5'th of July

Constitution Day in Armenia

Feast of the International Day of the Dnieper in 2014

Cyril and Methodius Day in the Czech Republic

International Day of Cooperatives

July 6

World Day kiss

Day of sea and river fleet

Statehood Day in Lithuania

Day of capital of Kazakhstan Astana

Day of Medical Worker in Kyrgyzstan 2014

Holiday Birthday President of Kazakhstan

Birthday of the Dalai Lama

July 7

Day of military glory of Russia - Victory Day of the Russian fleet in the Battle of Chesma (1770)

Ivan Kupala

Christmas fair glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John

July 8

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

July 9

Day of employees of the diplomatic service of Azerbaijan

Argentina's Independence Day

Padma (Shayan) Ekadasi 2014

July 10

Day of military glory of Russia - Battle of Poltava (1709)

July 11

World Population Day

World Day of chocolate

Day lighting designer (Day gaffer)

Feast of the Flemish community in Belgium

July, 12

World Day of Civil Aviation Flight Attendant

Holiday vsehvalnyh and glorious Apostles Peter and Paul

St. Veronica's Day - patron saint of photos (Day of the photographer)

Holiday Sheaf Veles

July 13

Day of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan

Fisherman's Day 2014

Statehood Day of Montenegro

Feast Day of action against fishing

Day of Russian Post

Nineteen Day Feast month Kalimat

Day of the tax authorities of Belarus

July 14

Day of Peacekeepers in South Ossetia

Bastille Day

July 15

Day of Ukrainian peacekeepers

Holiday Sabantuy in Azerbaijan

Feast day of St. Swithun in the UK

July 16

Day accountant Ukraine

July 17

Day of Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy

Constitution Day in South Korea

July 18

Day of the creation of the state fire supervision

Nelson Mandela International Day

National holiday hot dog in the United States

July 19

Day of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Day of Women Ministers in Japan

July 20

International Chess Day

Metallurgist Day in 2014

Celebration of the National Guard of Kyrgyzstan

Perunov day

Ilyin-day in Bulgaria

Children's Day in Panama in 2014

21 July

Zazhinki Sea Day in Japan

Day Belgium

July 22

Night of Power and Qadr - Night of Power, 2014

Celebration of the national press of Azerbaijan

July 23

World Day of whales and dolphins

Flag Day Abkhazia

Feast of media workers in South Ossetia

The anniversary of the 1952 Revolution in Egypt

July 24

Day of Simon Bolivar - the Liberator in Ecuador

July 25

Day of Fire Service in Belarus

System Administrator Appreciation Day 2014

Holiday Republic in Tunisia

July 26

Day paratrooper

Feast Day of Esperanto

Day of National Rebellion in Cuba

July 27

Day of trade in Russia in 2014

Day seven youths of Ephesus (Day of Sony)

Day of the Navy Russia

Day of trade in Ukraine in 2014

Day of Trade in Belarus

Holiday Fleet in Ukraine 2014

July 28

Day of the Baptism of Rus Day of the Baptism of Kievan Rus-Ukraine

Holiday Fitr - Eid al Fitr (Eid ul-Fitr, Ramadan Bairam) 2014

World Hepatitis Day

Day of PR-specialist

Independence Day of the Republic of Peru

July 29

International Day of the Tiger

Holiday glorification of St. Olaf, King of Norway

July 30

International Day of Friendship

July 31

Holiday Hawaiian flag
