Holidays in February 2014, the calendar of holidays and holiday dates

 Holidays in February


Calendar holidays, professional, international, Orthodox Church and Catholic holidays in February 2014 in Russia the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia and other countries

1st of February

Day of the enthronement of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill

Day of St. Sava Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod

February 2

Day of military glory of Russia - Day of Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943, the Day of Soviet troops defeat of Nazi troops

Presentation of the Lord in the western Christians, a Catholic holiday

Gromnitsa holiday Slavs in Belarus

World Wetlands Day

Day of Youth in Azerbaijan

Day of the Tartu treaty in Estonia

February 3

Foundation Day of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Day of St. Maximus the Greek

February 4

World Day to Combat Cancer

Day of the Constitution of Mexico 2014

February 6

Feast of St. Amanda - the patron saint of winemakers and brewers (Day of the bartender)

February 7th

Day of the Mother of God, called "Soothe My Sorrows" Vardanank (St. Vardanants) in 2014 in Armenia

February 8th

Day of Russian Science

Day military topographer in Russia

February 9

Civil Aviation Day in Russia, Aeroflot Day

International Day of the dentist

Feast of St. Maroun in Lebanon

February 10

Diplomatic Worker's Day

Memorial Day Pushkin

Velesichi (Kudesy) - Day brownie Slavs

11 February

World Day of the Sick, an international festival

Veles day Slavs

Day of Tax Service of Azerbaijan

National Youth Day in Cameroon

National Foundation Day in Japan

Birthday cakes in Iceland 2014

12th of February

International Day of the marriage agencies professional holiday

Ukraine Day of the body on drug control in Kyrgyzstan

Birthday of Abraham Lincoln in the US

Mardi Gras - "Fat Tuesday" in 2014, an international festival

February 13

World Radio Day Trndez in Armenia

Ash Wednesday 2014 Catholic holiday

The 14th of February

Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), an international festival

Day programmer

Trifon Zarezan - holiday wine-growers in Bulgaria

February, 15

Presentation of the Lord in the eastern Christian Slavic Orthodox holiday

Day of Remembrance of soldiers-internationalists National Flag of Canada Day

Serbian Statehood Day (Day of the First Serbian Uprising)

February 16

Day archive of the Ministry of Energy of Russia Fixes holidays Slavs

Day of Restoration of the Lithuanian State

February 17

Day of spontaneous acts of kindness in the US

Day of the Russian Armed Forces Fuel Service Women's Day in Iceland in 2014

February 18

Day of Russian transport police

Troyan Winter holiday Slavs

US Presidents' Day 2014

Heritage Day in Canada 2014

February 19

World Day of marine mammals (whales Day)

Day book donation in Armenia

Day of the Financial Police of Kyrgyzstan

State Flag Day of Turkmenistan

February 20th

World Day of Social Justice, the UN's holidays

February 21

World Day to guide the international professional holiday

International Mother Language Day in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, the United Nations

Day of the land surveying and cartography and geodetic service of Belarus

February 22

International Day in Support of Victims of Crime

Day of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography of Kyrgyzstan

Birthday of George Washington in the United States

February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan

24 February

Maslenitsa (Shrovetide beginning) Estonian Independence Day

Apokries - carnival in Greece in 2014

Flag Day in Mexico

Yuansyao Lantern Festival in China 2014

Purim is a Jewish holiday in 2014

25 February

National Day of Kuwait

February 26

Liberation Day of Kuwait

28th of February

Day Air navigation service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine professional holiday

Holidays in March 2014 calendar of holidays and holiday dates

 Holidays in March


Calendar of global and international holidays, professional, the Orthodox Church and Catholic holidays in March 2014 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Holidays in France, the United States and many other countries.

March 1

Day forensic Russian Interior Ministry

World Civil Defence Day

Day hosting provider

Birthday cats in Russia

Feast of the Trans-Baikal Territory

First day of spring

Day Marena

Independence Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Day of the independence movement of Korea

National Day of women of color in the United States

2nd of March

Forgiveness Sunday 2014

International Day of children's television and radio broadcasting, 2014

National Day of grandmothers in France 2014

Day of Victory in the Battle of Adowa in Ethiopia

Nineteen Day Feast months Ala

March, 3rd

World Day of the writer

International Day of the health of the ear and hearing

Beginning of Lent 2014

Day theater cashier 2014

Holiday mother in Georgia

National Flag Day in Kyrgyzstan

Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke

Hina Matsuri - girls holiday in Japan

Carnival in Denmark, Norway, 2014

Birthday cakes in Iceland 2014

March 4

Militia Day in Belarus

Mardi Gras - "Fat Tuesday" in 2014

5th of March

Day of physical culture and sports in Azerbaijan

Ash Wednesday 2014

Feast of the judiciary in Kyrgyzstan

Holiday Spenta Armaiti

March, 6

International Day of the dentist

National day frozen food in America

March 7

Opening of the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi 2014

Holiday teacher in Albania

March 8

International Women's Day

Day surveyor Ukraine 2014

9th of March

Day of Geodesy and Cartography in Russia in 2014

Holiday World Day DJ

Magpies, Larks

Teacher's Day in Lebanon

10th of March

Day archives in Russia

Commonwealth Day 2014

11th of March

Day of Russian drug control authorities

Day of employees of private security agencies

Feast of national heroism on the formation of the Urals Volunteer Tank Corps in the Great Patriotic War

Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania

March 12

Day of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

Holiday tree planting in China

Amalaki Ekadasi 2014

March 13

National Thai Elephant Day

March 14

World Sleep Day 2014

International Day of the rivers

International Day of "Pi"

Feast of the native language in Estonia

Ovsenev small

March 15th

World Consumer Rights Day

Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

Holiday International Day of pups

Day of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848

March 16

Day of workers of public services and housing and communal services in 2014

Day of the departments of economic security in the Russian Interior Ministry

Feast of workers of housing and communal services and consumer services Ukraine 2014

International Day of planetariums 2014

Day of the creation of the Republican Guard of Kazakhstan Purim 2014

March 17

Gerasimos Day-rookery

St. Patrick's Day Holi - festival of spring and bright colors in 2014

Celebration of the national boxing Muay Thai

March 18

Day of internal troops of Belarus

Day of the Paris Commune

March 19

Day Submariner

International Day of the customer

Holiday equality in Finland (Minna Day Kant)

Feast of St. Joseph the Betrothed of the Virgin Mary

20th of March

International Day of Happiness

Earth Day

International Day of the forest 2014

Spring Equinox 2014

Vernal Equinox Day in Japan

International Astrology Day 2014

International day without meat

Holiday French (International Day of La Francophonie)

Independence Day Tunisia

21 March

World Poetry Day

International Day of Puppeteer

International Day of Nowruz

World Down Syndrome Day

Mothers Day

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Youth Festival in Tunisia

Day tree in Italy

22 March

World Water Day

Baltic Sea Day

International Day of taxi driver

23 March

World Meteorological Day

Feast of workers of public services and housing and communal services in Belarus in 2014

March 24

World TB Day

Komoeditsy - Mardi Gras

Holiday navigation service Russian Air Force

International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and the Dignity of Victims

March 25

Day of Culture of Russia

Day of Security Service of Ukraine

International Day of Solidarity with the staff, detainees and missing persons

Catholic Annunciation of the Virgin Mary


Opening Svarga - Sainkho Namtchylak Spring

Independence Day in Greece

International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

26 March

Purple Day (Day of epileptics)

Day of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine

March 27

World Theatre Day

Feast of the Russian Interior Troops

Papamochani Ekadasi 2014

March 28

Day of employees of National Security of Azerbaijan

  Holiday Ragnar Lodbrok

March 29

Earth Hour 2014

  Holiday specialist legal service in the Russian Armed Forces

  Memorial Day heroes in Madagascar

30th of March


Feast of the mother in the UK in 2014

  National Day of the doctor in the United States

Feast of Fire Warriors

31st March

International Day for the backup (backup day)

Vasanta Navaratri - the nine nights of spring Goddess Mother in 2014

  Holiday Caesar Chavez
