Spring Festival May 1 Spring and Labor Day, May Day poems, celebration, congratulations, games, entertainment and competitions in the scenario of the holiday on May 1
Spring Mayday
Let every home will soon enter.
The cold wind of runs
Heat and bring joy.
Today we smile
And have fun from the heart.
We offer a good laugh
Our guests are good !!!
Contests in the scenario of the holiday on May 1
With the onset of spring becomes not only a beautiful nature but also our dear women. But whether men know how difficult it is for women to look good, to be irresistible and charming. Let's check?
1. The contest "Beauty requires sacrifice"
Involved two men. Lead gives each rubber gloves, a scarf and a large nylon stockings. Men need to tie scarves in a skirt, wear gloves and not taking them as soon as possible to try to pull the tights. Those who manage the first and will not tear tights - win.
Everything you loved as a child to let boats for Brooks. Let us remember this wonderful and bright future.
2. The contest "Ships"
Two participants received a piece of paper. They should as quickly as possible to make a boat, put it in front of him on the floor and blow so that he flew as far as possible. The winner is the fastest.
In the spring of men seek to conquer as many women's hearts. They look after the ladies and tell them compliments. But whether women could be as gallant and whether they can say nice words of men? Now we will check it.
3. Competition "Compliments"
To participate in the competition are invited to two pairs, consisting of men and women. Women in turn have to pay compliments to their men. Who says more good things, and make it original - wins.
Our women are beautiful
And kind, slender, sweet.
We wish them, men,
At the heart of the joy of spring.
Our ladies have said so many compliments our men. Now it is their turn to answer the same.
4. The contest "Who these women"
Leading invites at least five men. Each of them in turn should continue the phrase "woman - a ...". It is impossible to repeat and think more than 5 seconds. If a man does not know what to say or think for a long time, it is eliminated. The one who was the last.
Today, on the feast of all women are very prepared, tried to look particularly beautiful and they are all, of course, used in cosmetics.
5. Competition "Beautician"
Participants include two women. On the floor leading scatters different cosmetics and other items that are not intended for self-care. Women need to collect all the necessary cosmetic in as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who quickly gather as much makeup.
Today, a great holiday - the Day of Spring and Labor. So let's not be lazy and a little work ... shredder.
6. Competition "Paper Shredder"
Participants everyone. Each is given a sheet of paper. It is necessary as soon as possible to break it into small pieces, but it can be done only by using a right hand, the other holding his back. The winner is the one who will tear the paper smaller than others.
In the spring holiday of May Day
I want to wish all of you
Health, vitality, without edge,
Well you live happily ever after!
So be happy forever,
Let there be joy and success,
All perfectly possible to
And let the sounds laughter!
Author Olga Melnikova