Cool Horoscope for Virgo in verse on the new 2014

 Horoscope virgin

Funny Virgo horoscope for 2014


For Horses of the Year for the Virgin

In the sky the stars drafted by the way ...

And it is interesting to you, perhaps,

In his goroskopchik look!

January will begin, as usual -

First, the holidays ... and then

Praise you have all publicly

And, moreover, will award!

February delight success

Then out of nowhere

For you old friend decides to come

And much poison your life.

He firmly in March you quarrel

With a neighbor, her mother and relatives ...

Wallpaper in the room spoil

Some paint and daubs!

April - depression and tears,

Lack of money, vanity ...

You take the money each will ask

(He did not go anywhere).

You are in March, getting used to each other,

Begin somehow notice

What he botched this,

What we can safely sell!

April will give a chance for a new business -

Your friend drawings sells ...

You suddenly realize that lucky

Now you a chance perepadet.

May you have a great show

Open in his apartment

And for a small payment

Show wallpaper world ...

June - July will be held on the sea

It earned UE

Do you have enough to live without sorrow

On quite a few months.

As of August again a lot of plans:

Sell ​​pictures ... the sea, the beach ...

But life is full of deception -

Home leave each of you ...

September ... depression ... and again

We'll have to sacrifice yourself ...

And you take the word of a friend,

What did he come back to you in the winter!

October - time to change the wallpaper

And it starts repair ...

You freshener new "needles"

Your friend will bring in a gift!

November to spoil the mood,

In other crisis ... Draw

He will not for another week

And again have to starve ...

And in December, along with a friend you

Its open state of emergency

And life begins interesting

And even cash twice!
