Cool comic horoscope Libra 2014

 Cool comic horoscope


Those scales, exactly who stars

Holy faith without words

Can relax immediately -

Horoscope ready for them!

In January, Libra, as before

Will creativity shine ...

You will have to style of dress

It is urgent to change ...

In February, will be in vain

Even the most glorious work ...

You will forget luck

And do not give salary ...

In March, exactly enhance,

And on the personal front - drop! ..

There is a strong excitement

It will be no time to sleep ...

All have a friend in April

By the help!

And then save the girlfriend -

In the market to sell ...

In May, the family will come to you

To stay for a couple of days ...

Beat out all the windows and doors

To make it more fun ...

All stocks will eat at home,

They will sink clog ...

And then jerked to a friend

To continue gostevat!

In June - the repair of apartments

After such guests here

You will have the power to make a ...

Wait for more news ...

All will be held in July in care -

You will be presented with three cats.

Promotion at work

Waits responsible Libra ...

August happy trip -

To the Sea invites you to a friend ...

But coming from a brother in-law

And suddenly disappoint ...

In September, the end of the repair,

Time to buy furniture ...

And again on the personal front

You will have to fight ...

In October, everything will be smoothly.

Only there is one caveat -

As if it was not a shame,

Comp will break you ...

Throughout November you will need

To earn loot ...

You friends will help together

(You are lucky with your friends).

In December, will offer exactly

Abroad contract ...

You refuse absentia

After all, cats - that's a fact

Abroad you will not be allowed,

A leave of three cats

Conscience is not exactly allow ...

That's what is waiting for the whole year of Libra!

Happy new Libra horoscope 2014 in poetry


Year of the Horse was a horoscope:

Here is a list of simple and modest rules.

That life was not a disaster weights

You have to follow the horoscopes!

In winter, the weights have to work hard.

So that in the choice again, not to be mistaken,

You all have fun with friends in January

Working in February, do not rush!

Winter will bring new experiences,

And the most beautiful displays of feelings ...

Here are just beware of promises,

And some sincere desire ...

Spring will come again to Libra unexpectedly!

You will be presented with a welcome gift -

Will present in a box turtle

And with the word frivolous spoon with a cup!

In April, you quarrel with your friends

Blows to live for two weeks to my mother ...

But in May, everything will work out a hundredfold

And you come back home ...

In the summer you are planning a meeting,

Visits every day in the heat to the river ...

Dating, alcohol and discos ...

Take a bank loan, a mortgage ...

Love will find its certainly ...

All summer is just awesome!

But the turtle you have to sell,

You uncomfortable with it because life is!

In the autumn of moving to an apartment exactly

You have to. And as if on purpose

The neighbors behind the wall such people,

What do you peace of mind because they will not!

You will increase a little at work

And in his personal life will run concern ...

With friends, you make peace, of course!

And fall in love so sincere and gentle!

When the year comes to its climax,

It will be like in the good old fairy tale:

The legacy you will receive a large sum

Where to spend? It is necessary to come up with!

Funny Scorpio horoscope for the new 2014 verses

 Scorpio Horoscope

Cheerful horoscope Scorpio Year of the Horse


Year of the Horse in the right takes

Still eager to read horoscopes,

To understand what to expect in life:

All good or solid opa!

Scorpions tried to Star

Create horoscope is now skillfully ...

And that without the case is no longer dangling

Read horoscope truthful safely!

In winter, the holiday will be in Scorpio:

You will win a new car ...

The fate of you, of course, do not forget

And you will send to car tires.

And in February, destroyed dreams

After all, you are waiting for X 5th BMVhu,

But they have failed dreams and expectations -

LADA to you, as the car has arrived!

On this occasion you spring

You begin to suffer, be very ashamed ...

On a month to be booze!

(For you to tune would be very disappointing) ...

But by May, you get used very

To that LADA free then your ...

Sign up for a course without any problem,

To drive your car more beautiful ...

A summer cheerfully sit behind the wheel,

To get to the market for products to go ...

And so it happens suddenly, your Lada

Will somehow ass vtaranit behu ...

Until the autumn you will be pressed

And with the money you require for repairs ...

Not worth it, probably on the gas ...

But now there is talk of Ponta ...

You by December, giving all debts,

In the garage the car for the winter will return ...

And once again counting losses

Once again, leave the booze!

That did not happen, so let's fewer

You participate in promotions, guys!

To justify all the dreams, hopes,

Most need to get paid!

Funny financial horoscope Scorpio


Stars now supportive For Scorpios ...

And no wonder - According to the cosmic laws

Scorpions - as the dawn! And so all the stars,

What we are seeing in the microscope,

Composed Scorpios

The best horoscope!

In January, scorpions

There is a lot of martial affairs:

Earn Millions

It will be their main destiny.

In February, the problem with her mother,

The house - peace and comfort!

You letters and telegrams

From America send!

In March, the Dow Jones index

You will enjoy a well ...

Just right from under the nose

Obscured contract outside!

All the April interest rates again

Will drop you in your pocket!

Just be precedents

And it falls through an important plan!

In May, the partner will come to you

From Norway to the tea ...

Thereafter neighbors

Door tan "accidentally" ...

Throughout June you dedicate

Sea, sun, islands ...

And you want to, do not want,

But my mother will come to you!

You make it up in July

With her sure to be ...

Your neighbor, angry as before

And threatened to burn down the whole house!

August pleases success -

Prices collapsed oil!

But now my father has arrived

So plans - over death!

In September, a successful business

It will continue to flourish ...

But that's an insidious crisis

It will tickle your nerves ...

In October, everything will be exactly -

Exchange rates and your income ...

And, of course, of course,

It will be a million is about ...

But in November spoil everything -

Your company will burn through!

From distant America

To your partner arrive ...

In December, a total sum

And here is the result:

Million did not earn

Scorpio this year!
